
compare searchresults and pageLists

search for all pages named "Test". None found
(:searchresults name=Test count=4:)
Results of search for name=Test count=4 count=1101..1200:

No results found.

0 pages found out of 4 pages searched.
search for all pages named "Test*". None found
(:searchresults name=Test* count=4:)
Results of search for name=Test* count=4 count=1101..1200:

No results found.

Go to page:  1  2 

Only search in group:  Category (12), Christian (1), Cjc (1), EmacsModes (3), Main (2), PLCal (3), PLCalDemo (1), PmWikiFr (1), PmWikiZhCn (1), Profiles (3), Skins (1), Test (16), TestBlog (10), TestDescription (3), TestDescriptionFmt (2), Teste (1), TestGroup1 (3), TestJa (1), TestPageList (1), TestProtected (1), TestSort (1), TestW7 (27), UTF8 (2), ViewModes (1), XESTest (1), Àéè (2)

0 pages found out of 101 pages searched.
(:pagelist name=Test count=4:)
Category /
PmWikiZhCn /
Test /
Test  PmWiki Test cases and examples. A list of all test pages. Test pages are used to examine PmWiki functionality
UTF8 /
(:pagelist name=Test* count=4:)

Go to page:  1  2 

Only search in group:  Category (12), Christian (1), Cjc (1), EmacsModes (3), Main (2), PLCal (3), PLCalDemo (1), PmWikiFr (1), PmWikiZhCn (1), Profiles (3), Skins (1), Test (16), TestBlog (10), TestDescription (3), TestDescriptionFmt (2), Teste (1), TestGroup1 (3), TestJa (1), TestPageList (1), TestProtected (1), TestSort (1), TestW7 (27), UTF8 (2), ViewModes (1), XESTest (1), Àéè (2)

search for all pages in group "Test". None found
(:searchresults group=Test count=4:)
Results of search for group=Test count=4 count=1101..1200:

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

35 pages found out of 1135 pages searched.
search for all pages in group "Test/". None found
(:searchresults group='Test/' count=4:)
Results of search for group='Test/' count=4 count=1101..1200:

No results found.

0 pages found out of 0 pages searched.
search for all pages in group "Test*". None found
(:searchresults group='Test*' count=4:)
Results of search for group='Test*' count=4 count=1101..1200:
Test /
XYTrail  Testing trails with anchors
Ōrongorongo  Page with unicode page name
TestBlog /
AnotherTest   (Public)
HelloWorld   (Public)
Tes34   (Public)
Test42   (Public)
TestBlog  This group is intended for testing the B3 recipe. Feel free to add, edit, delete, & comment pages.
Testing123   (Public)
TestDescription /
TestDescriptionFmt /
Teste /
TestGroup1 /

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 

Only search in group:  Test (1135), TestBlog (40), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (33)

100 pages found out of 1280 pages searched.
(:pagelist group=Test count=4:)
Test /
00962  Test of a local customisation to meet PITS:00962

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

(:pagelist group='Test/' count=4:)

No results found.

(:pagelist group='Test*' count=4:)
Test /
00962  Test of a local customisation to meet PITS:00962

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 

Only search in group:  Test (1135), TestBlog (40), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (33)

search for all pages with "test" in them. Yup
(:searchresults Test count=4:)
Results of search for Test count=4 count=1101..1200:

Page names:  Category.Test, PLCalDemo.TestTest, UTF8.Test, TestBlog.TestTestTest, Test.Test, PmWikiZhCn.Test, Àéè.Test1, Teste.Teste, TestBlog.Test5, Test.Testm, Test.Test2, Test.Ptest, Àéè.Test2, Category.Test1, Category.Test0, Christian.TestP, TestW7.TestW7, TestJa.TestJa, Profiles.Tester, Test.TestLP, Test.TestDe, Test.Test34, TestBlog.Test42, Test.MyTest, Test.Reqtest, Profiles.Tester1, PmWikiFr.TestTom, PmWikiFr.MtlTest, TestBlog.AB3Test, Category.Testing, Test.TestToC, XESTest.XESTest, Test.XMLTest, TestW7.Test118, TestW7.Test1746, TestW7.Test2238, TestW7.Test1659, TestW7.Test1312, TestW7.Test2351, Test.LinkTest, TestW7.Test1257, TestW7.Test2648, TestBlog.TestBlog, TestW7.Test1112, Category.TestLink, TestW7.Test1035, TestSort.TestSort, Category.TestCat2, TestW7.Test3004, Test.TestData, Test.Testicus, Test.Wikitest, Test.XMLTest2, TestW7.Test2820, TestW7.Test1704, TestW7.Test3904, TestW7.Test5211, Category.TestPage, Skins.SkinTest, TestW7.Test9984, TestW7.Test9983, SkinTest.SkinTest, TestW7.Test9022, TestW7.Test5610, TestW7.Test5340, Profiles.TestUser, Main.TestLink, Main.TestPage, XESTest.TestPage, TestW7.Test5009, Test.CodeTest, TestW7.Test4032, TestW7.Test5065, TestW7.Test4820, Test.TestGroup, Test.TitleTest, Test.TableTest, PLCal.TestEvent, Test.TestCache, ViewModes.TestPage1, TestBlog.Test00007, TestBlog.TestPname, Test.TestFtime, Cjc.TestEvent, Test.ImageTest, Test.Printtest, Skins.SkinTests, TestGroup1.TestGroup1, PITS.00461-Test, Test.LatestNews, Test.MaxPTVTest, Test.IfAuthTest, Test.NoNestTest, Test.TestStyles, Test.Testjoe123, PLCal.TestEvent2, Category.TestGroupK, Test.TestÄöü, TestBlog.Testing123, TestGroup1.TestLinkM1, EmacsModes.TestColors, Test.FormPTVTest, EmacsModes.TestEditing, Test.IncludeTest, Test.AccueilTest, TestBlog.AnotherTest, Test.OutlineTest, PLCal.TestMeeting, TestW7.TestInclude, TestGroup1.TestFAQData, TestW7.TestIncluded, TestBlog.SomeTestPost, Category.Testcategory, TestPageList.TestPageList, Category.TestCategory, Test.SkinTestMenu, Test.IncludeTest1, Test.IncludeTest2, Test.PageListTest, Test.SkinTestText, Test.ArrayFormTest, Test.ConditionTest, TestProtected.TestProtected, Test.SkinTestForms, TestBlog.SomeMoreTests, Test.SkinTestLists, PLCalDemo.20140206-Test, Profiles.DoyceTesterman, Test.IncludeVarTest, Test.ImageFrameTest, Test.SkinTestImages, Test.SkinTestTables, Test.SkinTestLongPre, Test.ImageMarginTest, Test.CreateLinkTests, GoogleMapAPI.EastLansingTest, Test.SkinTestCompact, TestDescription.TestDescription, Test.BlockIncludeTest, GoogleMapAPI.SharedSpiritTest, Test.SkinTestHeadings, Test.IncludeLinksTest, SkinTest.SkinTest-Compact, Skins.SkinTest-Compact, Test.Latestnews-Draft, Test.TextareaFontTest, TestDescription.TestDescription1, EmacsModes.TestEditConflict, UTF8.JapaneseSortTest, UTF8.TestRomanianChars, Test.BlockIncludeTest2, Test.IncludeWithPVTest, Test.IncludeLinksTest2, TestDescriptionFmt.TestDescriptionFmt, PLCal.RecurringTestEvent, Test.SkinTestSelectSkin, Category.Test-CategoryTitle, Test.IncludeVarTestBase, Skins.TestPageDirectives, TestDescription.TestDescriptionFmt, Test.SkinTestAssortment, TestDescriptionFmt.TestDescriptionFmt1, PLCalDemo.20140222-MyTestPage, Test.TestDirectiveMarkup, Category.TestIncludeCategory, Test.20070809-AnotherTest, Test.SkinTestCompact-2007, Test.SkinTestBlockMarkups, TestBlog.TestTheSubheaderLine, TestBlog.TestChineseCharacters, TestBlog.TestingModeratedComments, EmacsModes.ReleaseTesting2007-03-24, Test.CategoryTestPageWithoutLink, PLCalDemo.20140222-YetAnotherTestPage, Test.MediaViewerTestWithPageTextVarsTest, Test.MediaViewerTestWithPageTextVars

News /
PmWeeklyJune102017  This post outlines the activity around PmWiki between June 1, and June 10, 2017, with changes to the Core, 3 new Cookbook recipes, updates to other recipes and discussions.
PmWeeklyMay2017  Activity around PmWiki in May 2017, notably the new mobile-friendly core skin as discussed in April, discussions on the mailing list, discussions about and changes to Cookbook recipes.
Nyår /
00007  WikiWord counts available yet (v2) (Closed, fixed for 2.0.beta6)
00013  partial pagenames don't work in urls (Closed - fixed)
00023  Image styles break image alignment (Closed)
00028  Turn PmWiki into a full-fledged blogging tool (In Progress)
00035  Internationalized page names work even worse (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta8)
00040   !table caption! not implemented in PmWiki 2 (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel6)
00053  Support for URL-encoding of spaces and non-ASCII characters in file links (Closed - fixed in 1.0.12)
00054  Bizarre handling of [=...=] (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel9)
00066  $SearchExcludePatterns no longer works (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel14)
00077  Allow renaming SideBar page (Closed)
00080  [:nofooter:] don't work (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel12)
00082  Implement [:noleft:] and [:noright:] directives (Closed - added to cookbook)
00085  WikiTrails Fails w/ alternate text (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel12)
00096  Dirty diff result using phpdiff.php of PmWiki-1.0.11 (Closed - changed for 2.0.devel15 and 1.0.12)
00097  InstallTest? Error (Closed - not a bug)
00099  EnableIMSCaching? trouble updates (Closed)
00100  german "umlaute" processed wrong in page-url's (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel14)
00101  nested lists are formed inside of arbitrary blocks (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel15)
00107  (nearly) empty link-tags resulting in php-error (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel16)
00110  create a new page in your browser's URL field (Closed - fixed)
00134  Buggy implementation of the page PageNotFound (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta11)
00137  Add syntax for generating a 'graphviz' graph (Closed)
00139  Move the skin code (Closed - added to 2.0.beta22)
00148  compat1x.php false rendering of links with anchors (Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel25)
00161  Windows/IIS installation fails (Closed)
00163  Function ReplaceOnSave? (Closed - already exists)
00168  utf-8 encoding doesn't work for links? (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta14)
00186  Tables w/ cellspacing - propagation (Closed - documentation bug fixed for 2.0.beta3)
00196  \\ does not get converted to linebreaks (Closed - not a bug)
00205  only 8 (:include:)-directives are interpreted by PmWiki (Closed - not a bug)
00208  Safari table problem (Closed - likely not a bug)
00210  Displaying Romanian Characters during editing (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta8)
00211  own print.tmpl does not work (Closed)
00224  selective utf-8 characters damaged (Closed - fixed in 2.0.6)
00230  slide show presentation (Closed - SlideShow works)
00239  RSS/RDF feeds aren't valid (Closed - not a bug)
00248  fix authorization semantics (Closed - fixed in 2.0.beta50)
00253  Search engine doesn't work with Brazilian portuguese localization (Closed - fixed)
00258  %center% doesn't work for images (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta15)
00259  Most-Recent N Modified Pages (Closed - added to Cookbook)
00266  Last title encountered wins, it should be first title markup (Closed - added $EnablePageTitlePriority for 2.2.9)
00267  upload.php should check status of file_upload and report if disabled (Suspended)
00286  compressed flat file database (Closed - added to Cookbook)
00290  Add quick-save button to edit form (Closed - added in 2.0.beta44)
00305  typo in pgcust.php (default page never loaded?) (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta21)
00309  Using %block <style>% <some text> kills URL and other formatting and makes paragraphs become on long line that goes off screen (Closed)
00317  using utf-8 causes "Fatal Error" (Suspended)
00325  uploaded attachments get corrupted (Closed - not a bug)
00327  disabled WikiWord still gets spaced out (Closed - not a bug, but fixed)
00329  Lost edit page content when set both "read" and "edit" password using sessionauth.php (Closed - not a bug)
00338  Creating wiki.d folder and chmod not working (Closed - Resolved)
00341  Missing file on latest build (Closed)
00353  Migration 1 to 2: HTML output differs (Closed)
00355  (:markup:)[=...=] fails if first line of page (Closed - fixed)
00357  Formating of [-...-] doesn't work if locales are set to "de_DE" via i18n (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta29)
00358  Track pages of interest (Suspended - awaiting discussion)
00361  many anchors in one page lead to problems with (:include:) (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta54)
00386  Upload Versioning (Closed - 2.0b55)
00388  Sortable columns in simple tables (Suspended)
00405  Image Proxying (Closed)
00407  wikitrails fails cross-group (Closed (Fixed for 2.2.1))
00418  flock open failure by IIS (Windows-NT) (Closed - not a bug)
00421  WYSIWYG editor (like FCKEditor?) integration (closed)
00429  Pagelist exclusion bug, and its fix (Closed - fixed in 2.0.beta36)
00431  Search gives array_merge error in pagelist.php (Closed - fixed)
00433  new scripts/pagelist.php breaks SearchExtensions? (Closed - added in 2.0.beta37)
00437  Percent symbol adds extra cells to tables (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta39)
00438  problem with Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03 (Closed - not a bug)
00447  Distinguish !Page and Category.Page in backlinks (Closed: added for 2.3.0)
00461  Multiple Tables not displayed under IE (Closed - not a bug)
00462  (:searchbox:) has now predefined width (Closed - not a bug)
00463  i18n issue due to Site.EditXxx? (Closed - fixed in 2.0.5)
00465  session_start (was Issue with Session and session_id ) (Closed - cannot duplicate)
00468  Posting to PmWIki? Using Email (Open)
00472  Attaching files belonging to other groups (Closed)
00474  unaccepted password character(s) (Closed)
00476  Redundant RecentChanges (Closed)
00485  Include NewPageBox in a release (Closed -- added to cookbook)
00488  percents in WikiStyles don't work (closed - workaround in 2.1.0)
00500  RecentChanges not behaving as desired (user error involved) (Closed - upgrade problem)
00502  Incorrectly nested wiki-markup breaks XHTML compatibility (Closed - design decision)
00503  Searching for utf-8 characters doesn't work (Closed : fixed in PmWiki 2.2.x beta versions)
00511  session_start() as an optional possibility (Closed - already exists)
00515  GUI buttons shouldn't insert closing wiki tags after trailing spaces of selected text (Closed - fixed for 2.0.6)
00517  Quotes appear with a backslash in lists (Closed - not a bug)
00526  Use relative urls by default (Closed - exists)
00530  Link to profile is interpreted false (Closed - fixed in 2.1.9)
00535  Table directives have no equiv of < TH > tag (Closed - added for 2.2.11)
00536  MailPosts? Cookbok Page - noob (closed - added for 2.1.7)
00541  problem with permissions at installations (Closed - replied)
00542  add (pagelist fmt=authtable) markup in Core Distribution (Closed - added in 2.2.0-beta52)
00544  Limit the number of displayed diffs at once (was: Caching for history) (Closed - cookbook recipe)
00545  Encrypted page store. (feedback/discussion)
00549  Add (:linebreaks:) and (:nolinebreaks:) to the core (Closed - added to 2.0.11)
00551  Can't login after one incorrect login (Closed - fixed for 2.1.beta4)
00555  Changing page attributes wipes out page history (Closed - fixed in 2.0.11)

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36 

Only search in group:  Backup (1), BlogIt (2), Category (13), Christian (20), Cjc (140), Cookbook (853), CookbookFr (2), DaveG (1), EmacsModes (17), FoxDocumentation (2), GoogleMapAPI (5), Holidays (23), LinuxTex (1), Localization (2), Magazine (3), Main (3), News (14), Nyår (1), PITS (372), PLCal (6), PLCalDemo (17), PmCal (243), PmForm (4), PmWiki (102), PmWikiCa (5), PmWikiCs (2), PmWikiDa (1), PmWikiDe (51), PmWikiEo (2), PmWikiEs (1), PmWikiFa (1), PmWikiFr (21), PmWikiIt (31), PmWikiJa (9), PmWikiNl (4), PmWikiPl (1), PmWikiPt (1), PmWikiPtBr (8), PmWikiRu (7), PmWikiSk (3), PmWikiSv (5), PmWikiVi (1), PmWikiZhCn (8), PmWikiZhTw (7), Profiles (64), Quiz (1), Site (7), SiteAdmin (3), Sites (1), Skins (91), SkinTest (5), SkinTutorials (1), StefCTDemo (2), Test (1135), TestBlog (40), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (33), UserAuth2 (4), UTF8 (18), ViewModes (4), WikiSh (8), WTF (4), XESTest (4), Àéè (3)

100 pages found out of 10339 pages searched.
search for all pages in group PmWiki" with "test" in them. Yup
(:searchresults group=PmWiki Test count=4:)
Results of search for group=PmWiki Test count=4 count=1101..1200:

No results found.

Go to page:  1  2 

0 pages found out of 314 pages searched.
search for all pages in group PmWiki" with "test" in them. Yup
(:pagelist group=PmWiki Test count=4:)
PmWiki /
AQ  Repository for questions about PmWiki that have been answered, see also FAQ
AuthUser  Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
AuthUser-Talk  Discussion of AuthUser
AvailableActions  All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters

Go to page:  1  2 

It seems that the parameters are not so similar

Why don't wild cards work?
(:searchresults Knowledge* count=4:)
Results of search for Knowledge* count=4 count=1101..1200:

No results found.

0 pages found out of 10339 pages searched.
(:pagelist knowledge* count=4:)
Test /
SearchResults  compare searchresults and pageLists
  0: 00.00 00.00 config start
  1: 00.02 00.02 config end
  2: 00.24 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin
  3: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin
  4: 00.24 00.23 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
  5: 00.24 00.23 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
  6: 00.24 00.23 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
  7: 00.24 00.23 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
  8: 00.24 00.23 MakePageList pre
  9: 00.24 00.23 PageListSources begin
 10: 00.24 00.23 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
 11: 00.25 00.24 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
 12: 00.26 00.24 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
 13: 00.26 00.24 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 14: 00.26 00.24 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 15: 00.26 00.24 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 16: 00.26 00.24 PageListSources end count=4
 17: 00.26 00.24 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
 18: 00.26 00.24 MakePageList items count=4, filters=
 19: 00.26 00.24 MakePageList post count=4, readc=0
 20: 00.26 00.24 PageListSort begin
 21: 00.26 00.24 PageListSort sort
 22: 00.26 00.24 PageListSort end
 23: 00.26 00.24 MakePageList end
 24: 00.26 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
 25: 00.26 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
 26: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
 27: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
 28: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
 29: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
 30: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
 31: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
 32: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: Chain end
 33: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
 34: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
 35: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 36: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 37: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
 38: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
 39: 00.26 00.25 MakePageList pre
 40: 00.26 00.25 PageListSources begin
 41: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
 42: 00.27 00.25 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
 43: 00.27 00.25 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
 44: 00.27 00.25 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 45: 00.27 00.25 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 46: 00.27 00.25 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 47: 00.27 00.25 PageListSources end count=101
 48: 00.27 00.25 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
 49: 00.27 00.25 MakePageList items count=101, filters=
 50: 00.27 00.25 MakePageList post count=101, readc=0
 51: 00.27 00.25 PageListSort begin
 52: 00.27 00.25 PageListSort sort
 53: 00.28 00.25 PageListSort end
 54: 00.28 00.25 MakePageList end
 55: 00.28 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
 56: 00.28 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
 57: 00.28 00.26 MarkupToHTML end
 58: 00.28 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
 59: 00.28 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
 60: 00.28 00.26 MarkupToHTML begin
 61: 00.29 00.26 MarkupToHTML end
 62: 00.29 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
 63: 00.29 00.26 FPLTemplate: Chain end
 64: 00.29 00.27 MarkupToHTML end
 65: 00.29 00.27 MarkupToHTML begin
 66: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 67: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 68: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
 69: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
 70: 00.29 00.27 MakePageList pre
 71: 00.29 00.27 PageListSources begin
 72: 00.29 00.27 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
 73: 00.30 00.27 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
 74: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
 75: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 76: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 77: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 78: 00.30 00.28 PageListSources end count=4
 79: 00.30 00.28 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
 80: 00.30 00.28 MakePageList items count=4, filters=
 81: 00.30 00.28 MakePageList post count=4, readc=0
 82: 00.30 00.28 PageListSort begin
 83: 00.30 00.28 PageListSort sort
 84: 00.30 00.28 PageListSort end
 85: 00.30 00.28 MakePageList end
 86: 00.30 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
 87: 00.30 00.28 MarkupToHTML begin
 88: 00.30 00.28 MarkupToHTML end
 89: 00.30 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
 90: 00.30 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
 91: 00.30 00.28 MarkupToHTML begin
 92: 00.31 00.28 MarkupToHTML end
 93: 00.31 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
 94: 00.31 00.28 FPLTemplate: Chain end
 95: 00.31 00.29 MarkupToHTML end
 96: 00.31 00.29 MarkupToHTML begin
 97: 00.31 00.29 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 98: 00.31 00.29 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 99: 00.31 00.29 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
100: 00.31 00.29 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
101: 00.31 00.29 MakePageList pre
102: 00.31 00.29 PageListSources begin
103: 00.31 00.29 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
104: 00.32 00.29 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
105: 00.32 00.29 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
106: 00.32 00.29 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
107: 00.32 00.29 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
108: 00.32 00.29 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
109: 00.32 00.29 PageListSources end count=101
110: 00.32 00.29 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
111: 00.32 00.29 MakePageList items count=101, filters=
112: 00.32 00.29 MakePageList post count=101, readc=0
113: 00.32 00.29 PageListSort begin
114: 00.32 00.29 PageListSort sort
115: 00.32 00.30 PageListSort end
116: 00.32 00.30 MakePageList end
117: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
118: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML begin
119: 00.33 00.30 MarkupToHTML end
120: 00.33 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
121: 00.33 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
122: 00.33 00.30 MarkupToHTML begin
123: 00.33 00.31 MarkupToHTML end
124: 00.33 00.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
125: 00.33 00.31 FPLTemplate: Chain end
126: 00.33 00.31 MarkupToHTML end
127: 00.34 00.31 MarkupToHTML begin
128: 00.34 00.31 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
129: 00.34 00.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
130: 00.34 00.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
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152: 00.37 00.34 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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154: 00.41 00.38 MarkupToHTML end
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222: 00.62 00.58 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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284: 00.67 00.63 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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315: 00.72 00.67 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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346: 02.19 02.00 MarkupToHTML end
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352: 02.19 02.00 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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416: 02.44 02.24 MarkupToHTML end
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419: 02.45 02.24 MarkupToHTML end
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422: 02.45 02.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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436: 02.52 02.30 PageIndexGrep end
437: 02.52 02.30 PageListTermsTargets end count=121
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454: 02.69 02.46 MarkupToHTML end
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457: 02.69 02.46 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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482: 02.90 02.66 MarkupToHTML end
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484: 02.90 02.66 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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486: 02.90 02.66 MarkupToHTML end
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495: 02.94 02.69 MarkupToHTML begin
496: 02.94 02.70 MarkupToHTML end
497: 02.94 02.70 now
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