PmWeekly, May 2017

June 10, 2017, at 03:00 PM by Petko in PmWiki core changes, PmWiki Cookbook changes (0 comments)

Activity around PmWiki in May 2017, notably the new mobile-friendly core skin as discussed in April, discussions on the mailing list, discussions about and changes to Cookbook recipes.

Version 2.2.98 (2017-05-31) released: new responsive core skin

This version adds a new skin that is better adaptable to both large and small screens, desktop and mobile devices (touchscreens). The new skin "pmwiki-responsive" is not enabled by default but available as an option, and as a base for customized copies. It requires a relatively modern browser (post-2009). The old skin is still available and enabled by default.

The Vardoc links now use MakeLink() to allow a custom LinkPage function. The function ReplaceOnSave() was refactored to allow easier calling from recipes. Markup processing functions now can access besides $pagename, a $markupid variable that contains the "name" of the processed markup rule, allowing a single function to process multiple markup rules. The "*.mkv" video extension was added to the list of allowed uploads.

A bug was fixed with the (:markup:) output where a leading space was lost. Note that the "markup" frame is now wrapped in a <pre> block with a "pre-wrap" style instead of <code>.

A number of other (minor) bugs were fixed: see ChangeLog, and the documentation was updated.

Discussions about the PmWiki core

This thread started as a question about how to process two markup rules with the same text, but evolved into a discussion about the need to find a way to rewrite the markup engine for PHP 7.2.

This thread was about the new mobile-friendly skin, and the Mini gallery slideshows on mobile phones. Another thread about the new skin.

This thread is about the difficulty to apply a WikiStyle to a <video> tag.

This reply explains how to fix some warnings for the page Site.AuthUser in older versions of PmWiki.

This thread discusses automatic redirection of a wiki from the HTTP to the secure HTTPS protocol. Reply from Pm.

Cookbook (addons, modules, skins)

New recipes added:

  • VideoAttach (Handles Attach: videos, provides a video directive and optional support for popular Video Upload sites.) by ccox : Beta. Announcement.

Recipes updated:

  • Fox (Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup) by HansB : Major code update, which enables it to process multiple actions (like adding or replacing text, or updating PTVs), aimed at a single target page, in one go, loading and saving each page file just once, which will improve speed for multi-action and multi-page processing. Announcement.

  • FoxContacts (Create personal or business Contacts pages and lists with Fox) by HansB : Updated NewContacts form and ContactTemplates to work with latest fox.php (version 2017-05-20 or younger). Removed (:title ... :) from being added to new contact page, and allow updating the name fields.

  • Do the Right Thing (Link shortcuts to custom searches for your browser) by Petko : Update installation instructions for Chrome

  • Ape: Automagical PmWiki Embed (Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages) by Petko : Add providers Google Docs and Google Forms to embed various office documents and survey forms.


  • Mini (Simple, lightweight, un-bloated gallery with thumbnail generator) by Petko : Discussion about picture size on mobile browsers. The discussion about Mini went offlist, but the conclusion was that "large" images appear small only when the skin is not mobile-friendly. See difference: friendly unfriendly (click on a thumbnail to view the full picture).

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