
compare searchresults and pageLists

search for all pages named "Test". None found
(:searchresults name=Test count=4:)
Results of search for name=Test count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

0 pages found out of 4 pages searched.
search for all pages named "Test*". None found
(:searchresults name=Test* count=4:)
Results of search for name=Test* count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

Go to page:  1  2 

Only search in group:  Category (12), Christian (1), Cjc (1), EmacsModes (3), Main (2), PLCal (3), PLCalDemo (1), PmWikiFr (1), PmWikiZhCn (1), Profiles (3), Skins (1), Test (16), TestBlog (10), TestDescription (3), TestDescriptionFmt (2), Teste (1), TestGroup1 (3), TestJa (1), TestPageList (1), TestProtected (1), TestSort (1), TestW7 (27), UTF8 (2), ViewModes (1), XESTest (1), Àéè (2)

0 pages found out of 101 pages searched.
(:pagelist name=Test count=4:)
Category /
PmWikiZhCn /
Test /
Test  PmWiki Test cases and examples. A list of all test pages. Test pages are used to examine PmWiki functionality
UTF8 /
(:pagelist name=Test* count=4:)

Go to page:  1  2 

Only search in group:  Category (12), Christian (1), Cjc (1), EmacsModes (3), Main (2), PLCal (3), PLCalDemo (1), PmWikiFr (1), PmWikiZhCn (1), Profiles (3), Skins (1), Test (16), TestBlog (10), TestDescription (3), TestDescriptionFmt (2), Teste (1), TestGroup1 (3), TestJa (1), TestPageList (1), TestProtected (1), TestSort (1), TestW7 (27), UTF8 (2), ViewModes (1), XESTest (1), Àéè (2)

search for all pages in group "Test". None found
(:searchresults group=Test count=4:)
Results of search for group=Test count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

0 pages found out of 1134 pages searched.
search for all pages in group "Test/". None found
(:searchresults group='Test/' count=4:)
Results of search for group='Test/' count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

0 pages found out of 0 pages searched.
search for all pages in group "Test*". None found
(:searchresults group='Test*' count=4:)
Results of search for group='Test*' count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 

Only search in group:  Test (1134), TestBlog (39), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (33)

0 pages found out of 1278 pages searched.
(:pagelist group=Test count=4:)
Test /
00962  Test of a local customisation to meet PITS:00962

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

(:pagelist group='Test/' count=4:)

No results found.

(:pagelist group='Test*' count=4:)
Test /
00962  Test of a local customisation to meet PITS:00962

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 

Only search in group:  Test (1134), TestBlog (39), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (33)

search for all pages with "test" in them. Yup
(:searchresults Test count=4:)
Results of search for Test count=4 count=1401..1500:

Page names:  Category.Test, PLCalDemo.TestTest, UTF8.Test, TestBlog.TestTestTest, Test.Test, PmWikiZhCn.Test, Àéè.Test1, Teste.Teste, TestBlog.Test5, Test.Testm, Test.Test2, Test.Ptest, Àéè.Test2, Category.Test1, Category.Test0, Christian.TestP, TestW7.TestW7, TestJa.TestJa, Profiles.Tester, Test.TestLP, Test.TestDe, Test.Test34, TestBlog.Test42, Test.MyTest, Test.Reqtest, Profiles.Tester1, PmWikiFr.TestTom, PmWikiFr.MtlTest, TestBlog.AB3Test, Category.Testing, Test.TestToC, XESTest.XESTest, Test.XMLTest, TestW7.Test118, TestW7.Test1746, TestW7.Test2238, TestW7.Test1659, TestW7.Test1312, TestW7.Test2351, Test.LinkTest, TestW7.Test1257, TestW7.Test2648, TestBlog.TestBlog, TestW7.Test1112, Category.TestLink, TestW7.Test1035, TestSort.TestSort, Category.TestCat2, TestW7.Test3004, Test.TestData, Test.Testicus, Test.Wikitest, Test.XMLTest2, TestW7.Test2820, TestW7.Test1704, TestW7.Test3904, TestW7.Test5211, Category.TestPage, Skins.SkinTest, TestW7.Test9984, TestW7.Test9983, SkinTest.SkinTest, TestW7.Test9022, TestW7.Test5610, TestW7.Test5340, Profiles.TestUser, Main.TestLink, Main.TestPage, XESTest.TestPage, TestW7.Test5009, Test.CodeTest, TestW7.Test4032, TestW7.Test5065, TestW7.Test4820, Test.TestGroup, Test.TitleTest, Test.TableTest, PLCal.TestEvent, Test.TestCache, ViewModes.TestPage1, TestBlog.Test00007, TestBlog.TestPname, Test.TestFtime, Cjc.TestEvent, Test.ImageTest, Test.Printtest, Skins.SkinTests, TestGroup1.TestGroup1, PITS.00461-Test, Test.LatestNews, Test.MaxPTVTest, Test.IfAuthTest, Test.NoNestTest, Test.TestStyles, Test.Testjoe123, PLCal.TestEvent2, Category.TestGroupK, Test.TestÄöü, TestBlog.Testing123, TestGroup1.TestLinkM1, EmacsModes.TestColors, Test.FormPTVTest, EmacsModes.TestEditing, Test.IncludeTest, Test.AccueilTest, TestBlog.AnotherTest, Test.OutlineTest, PLCal.TestMeeting, TestW7.TestInclude, TestGroup1.TestFAQData, TestW7.TestIncluded, TestBlog.SomeTestPost, Category.TestCategory, TestPageList.TestPageList, Category.Testcategory, Test.SkinTestMenu, Test.IncludeTest1, Test.IncludeTest2, Test.PageListTest, Test.SkinTestText, Test.ArrayFormTest, Test.ConditionTest, TestProtected.TestProtected, Test.SkinTestForms, TestBlog.SomeMoreTests, Test.SkinTestLists, PLCalDemo.20140206-Test, Profiles.DoyceTesterman, Test.IncludeVarTest, Test.ImageFrameTest, Test.SkinTestImages, Test.SkinTestTables, Test.SkinTestLongPre, Test.ImageMarginTest, Test.CreateLinkTests, GoogleMapAPI.EastLansingTest, Test.SkinTestCompact, TestDescription.TestDescription, Test.BlockIncludeTest, GoogleMapAPI.SharedSpiritTest, Test.SkinTestHeadings, Test.IncludeLinksTest, SkinTest.SkinTest-Compact, Skins.SkinTest-Compact, Test.Latestnews-Draft, Test.TextareaFontTest, TestDescription.TestDescription1, EmacsModes.TestEditConflict, UTF8.JapaneseSortTest, UTF8.TestRomanianChars, Test.BlockIncludeTest2, Test.IncludeWithPVTest, Test.IncludeLinksTest2, TestDescriptionFmt.TestDescriptionFmt, PLCal.RecurringTestEvent, Test.SkinTestSelectSkin, Category.Test-CategoryTitle, Test.IncludeVarTestBase, Skins.TestPageDirectives, TestDescription.TestDescriptionFmt, Test.SkinTestAssortment, TestDescriptionFmt.TestDescriptionFmt1, PLCalDemo.20140222-MyTestPage, Test.TestDirectiveMarkup, Category.TestIncludeCategory, Test.20070809-AnotherTest, Test.SkinTestCompact-2007, Test.SkinTestBlockMarkups, TestBlog.TestTheSubheaderLine, TestBlog.TestChineseCharacters, TestBlog.TestingModeratedComments, EmacsModes.ReleaseTesting2007-03-24, Test.CategoryTestPageWithoutLink, PLCalDemo.20140222-YetAnotherTestPage, Test.MediaViewerTestWithPageTextVarsTest, Test.MediaViewerTestWithPageTextVars

01303  Parsing JSON request failed in BlogIt (Open)
01304  Notice: Error messages (Closed - fixed for 2.2.45)
01307  Uploads from Opera Mobile fail (Closed, appears to work with recent Opera versions)
01308  Bulleted content disappeared (Closed, fixed for 2.2.48.)
01315  Complex page text variables in pagelist sort (Open)
01316  I am attempting to run PMWiki offline to do some tests. (Open)
01318  "post has been blocked by administrator' when inserting curly bracket {} (Closed, fixed in 2.2.51)
01319  preg_replace with /e modifier deprecated (InProgress?)
01321  pagelist with order=name does not sort by pagename correctly in some circumstances (Open)
01323  "Path :" intermap within a link goes to default page on some sites (Open)
01324  PITS puts the wrong Author name in the From field when the Author name changes (Closed, solution provided)
01327  utf8 issue, " lambda " (Closed, recipe updated)
01329  Add 'clear' as a CSS style attribute recognised by Wiki Styles (Closed, added for 2.2.68)
01337  PmForm parses page text variables differently from PmWiki (Closed, fixed in 2014)
01342  heartbleed bug (Closed, not a bug)
01344  Add pagelist iterator (Open)
01353  Add parameter to (:include :) to allow an inline include (Open)
01354  ftime broken on PmWiki (Closed)
01355  pmwiki skin line height (Open)
01356  time signature (Open)
01360  code box for pmwiki help pages (like HTML tag <code>) (Closed, fixed for 2.2.71)
01363  Localization of string "OK" (Closed, fixed for 2.2.74.)
01365  ftime markup expression not working properly in conditional markup when referencing PTV (Open)
01366  Anonymous numerical reference link not orthogonal (Open)
01369  Make PmWiki's default skin pass Google's mobile-friendly test (Closed, added to core and to site)
01372  erasure_of or access_revoked of all sub-links upon name revision (Open)
01375  support simultaneous edits/merging in windows (Closed, fixed in 2016)
01378  URL in UPGRADE.txt is no longer valid (Closed, fixed)
01379  Problems with rtl class (Discussion)
01383  Galleria : Init failed: Galleria could not find (Open)
01387  Wikistyles are not working with lists anymore (Closed)
01390  Make images at line starts HTML5? friendly (Closed, added for 2.2.90)
01394  UTF-8 breaks DIV markup processing (Closed - not a bug)
01399  Standalone Installation Error (Open)
01400  Markup doesn't work as expected (Closed, added for 2.2.98)
01401  PageExists cache $PageExistsCache becomes stale after new page created (Closed, added for 2.2.94)
01404  "pct" dropped from CSS classnames (Closed, fixed for 2.2.98)
01405  Garbage files in (Closed, fixed)
01406  Core responsive skin discussion (Closed - added to core as Skins:PmWiki-responsive)
01408  ROSPatterns? not applied to Preview (Open)
01409  Losing page content on save after edit (Closed - replied)
01412 integrated developer platform (Discussion)
01413  Custom PageStore? receives requests for file system paths (Closed, works good enough for now.)
01414  Saving blocked because of "invalid edit summary" (Closed, PmWiki search now explains the error message.)
01417  Debate security warning in ConditionalMarkup? (Closed - documentation updated)
01420  pmwiki-2.2.98 to pmwiki-2.2.99 upgarade "Cannot acquire lockfile" (Open)
01422  WikiTrails Path trail syntax broken on 2.2.103 (Closed, fixed for 2.2.104)
01425  Improve the OOTB security of PmWiki (Open)
01428  Errors after April 2018 server migration (InProgress?)
01438  interlaced styles (bigger text, color) get confused regarding the span of each (Closed - replied)
01441  FormsPlus? not honoring step attribute for numbers (Closed, resolved for recent versions)
01443  Various Wikitags not working on PHP 7.3 (Closed)
01444  TrueLatex? Cookbook (Closed - fixed)
01445  Issue with "includes" (Open)
01448  $ScriptUrl and $PubDirUrl note in sample-config.php (Closed, added for 2.2.123)
01453  Deprecated create_function() in Monobook skin (Closed - fix provided in Skins:Monobook)
01456  Skin bug - monobook (Closed - fix provided)
01458  A captcha is getting necessary to prevent page sandboxing (Closed)
01461  PHP 8 (InProgress?)
01462  printable view changes links with actions (Closed, documented)
01473  Login problem with 2.2.144 (Closed - not a bug, resolved)
01481  comment with anchor crashes include processing (Closed - not a bug, replied)
01483  XSS / CWE-79 in body search form (Closed, fixed for 2.3.13)
01485  Divs and WikiStyles - Strange spaces in html (div and span) class (Closed - fixed for 2.3.17)
01486  $EnableGUIButtons = 1; causes Internal server error (Closed - replied & fixed for 2.3.18)
01487  Custom GUI edit buttons duplicating (Closed, replied)
01490  Save/Cancel after page edit causes "internal server error" depending on page content (Closed - workaround)
01491  enable diacritics in the names of Page Text Variables? (Open)
01496  My dream: compare two pages by highlighting (Open)
01497  Dark color theme (In Progress)
01498  Quiet redirects fail intermittently (Closed, fixed for 2.3.31)
01504  PHP requirements (Discussion)
01512  Editing tables more easily: SectionEdit? (Open)
NewIssue  a form to create new issues in the PmWiki Issue Tracking System
PLCal /
PLCalDemo /
20140102  This is a test.
20140206-Test  Another post.
20140222-MyTestPage  Another test page.
20140222-YetAnotherTestPage  Yet another test page.
20160114  This is a test.
PmCal /

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36 

Only search in group:  Backup (1), BlogIt (2), Category (13), Christian (20), Cjc (140), Cookbook (854), CookbookFr (2), DaveG (1), EmacsModes (17), FoxDocumentation (2), GoogleMapAPI (5), Holidays (23), LinuxTex (1), Localization (2), Magazine (3), Main (3), News (14), Nyår (1), PITS (371), PLCal (6), PLCalDemo (17), PmCal (243), PmForm (4), PmWiki (101), PmWikiCa (5), PmWikiCs (2), PmWikiDa (1), PmWikiDe (51), PmWikiEo (2), PmWikiEs (1), PmWikiFa (1), PmWikiFr (21), PmWikiIt (31), PmWikiJa (9), PmWikiNl (4), PmWikiPl (1), PmWikiPt (1), PmWikiPtBr (8), PmWikiRu (7), PmWikiSk (3), PmWikiSv (5), PmWikiVi (1), PmWikiZhCn (8), PmWikiZhTw (7), Profiles (64), Quiz (1), Site (7), SiteAdmin (3), Sites (1), Skins (91), SkinTest (5), SkinTutorials (1), StefCTDemo (2), Test (1134), TestBlog (39), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (33), UserAuth2 (4), UTF8 (18), ViewModes (4), WikiSh (8), WTF (4), XESTest (4), Àéè (3)

100 pages found out of 10337 pages searched.
search for all pages in group PmWiki" with "test" in them. Yup
(:searchresults group=PmWiki Test count=4:)
Results of search for group=PmWiki Test count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

Go to page:  1  2 

0 pages found out of 314 pages searched.
search for all pages in group PmWiki" with "test" in them. Yup
(:pagelist group=PmWiki Test count=4:)
PmWiki /
AQ  Repository for questions about PmWiki that have been answered, see also FAQ
AuthUser  Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
AuthUser-Talk  Discussion of AuthUser
AvailableActions  All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters

Go to page:  1  2 

It seems that the parameters are not so similar

Why don't wild cards work?
(:searchresults Knowledge* count=4:)
Results of search for Knowledge* count=4 count=1401..1500:

No results found.

0 pages found out of 10337 pages searched.
(:pagelist knowledge* count=4:)
Test /
SearchResults  compare searchresults and pageLists
  0: 00.00 00.00 config start
  1: 00.01 00.01 config end
  2: 00.21 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin
  3: 00.21 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin
  4: 00.22 00.21 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
  5: 00.22 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
  6: 00.22 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
  7: 00.22 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
  8: 00.22 00.21 MakePageList pre
  9: 00.22 00.21 PageListSources begin
 10: 00.22 00.21 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
 11: 00.22 00.21 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
 12: 00.23 00.21 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
 13: 00.23 00.21 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 14: 00.23 00.21 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 15: 00.23 00.21 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 16: 00.23 00.21 PageListSources end count=4
 17: 00.23 00.21 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
 18: 00.23 00.21 MakePageList items count=4, filters=
 19: 00.23 00.21 MakePageList post count=4, readc=0
 20: 00.23 00.21 PageListSort begin
 21: 00.23 00.21 PageListSort sort
 22: 00.23 00.21 PageListSort end
 23: 00.23 00.21 MakePageList end
 24: 00.23 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
 25: 00.23 00.21 MarkupToHTML begin
 26: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end
 27: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
 28: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
 29: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin
 30: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end
 31: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
 32: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: Chain end
 33: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML end
 34: 00.23 00.22 MarkupToHTML begin
 35: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 36: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 37: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
 38: 00.23 00.22 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
 39: 00.23 00.22 MakePageList pre
 40: 00.23 00.22 PageListSources begin
 41: 00.23 00.22 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
 42: 00.24 00.23 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
 43: 00.24 00.23 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
 44: 00.24 00.23 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 45: 00.24 00.23 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 46: 00.24 00.23 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 47: 00.24 00.23 PageListSources end count=101
 48: 00.24 00.23 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
 49: 00.24 00.23 MakePageList items count=101, filters=
 50: 00.24 00.23 MakePageList post count=101, readc=0
 51: 00.24 00.23 PageListSort begin
 52: 00.24 00.23 PageListSort sort
 53: 00.24 00.23 PageListSort end
 54: 00.24 00.23 MakePageList end
 55: 00.24 00.23 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
 56: 00.24 00.23 MarkupToHTML begin
 57: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
 58: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
 59: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
 60: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
 61: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
 62: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
 63: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: Chain end
 64: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML end
 65: 00.25 00.24 MarkupToHTML begin
 66: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 67: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 68: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
 69: 00.25 00.24 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
 70: 00.25 00.24 MakePageList pre
 71: 00.25 00.24 PageListSources begin
 72: 00.25 00.24 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
 73: 00.26 00.24 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
 74: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
 75: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 76: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 77: 00.26 00.25 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
 78: 00.26 00.25 PageListSources end count=4
 79: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
 80: 00.26 00.25 MakePageList items count=4, filters=
 81: 00.26 00.25 MakePageList post count=4, readc=0
 82: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort begin
 83: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort sort
 84: 00.26 00.25 PageListSort end
 85: 00.26 00.25 MakePageList end
 86: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
 87: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
 88: 00.26 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
 89: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
 90: 00.26 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
 91: 00.27 00.25 MarkupToHTML begin
 92: 00.27 00.25 MarkupToHTML end
 93: 00.27 00.25 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
 94: 00.27 00.25 FPLTemplate: Chain end
 95: 00.27 00.26 MarkupToHTML end
 96: 00.27 00.26 MarkupToHTML begin
 97: 00.27 00.26 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 98: 00.27 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 99: 00.27 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
100: 00.27 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
101: 00.27 00.26 MakePageList pre
102: 00.27 00.26 PageListSources begin
103: 00.27 00.26 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
104: 00.28 00.26 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
105: 00.28 00.26 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
106: 00.28 00.26 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
107: 00.28 00.26 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
108: 00.28 00.26 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
109: 00.28 00.26 PageListSources end count=101
110: 00.28 00.26 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
111: 00.28 00.26 MakePageList items count=101, filters=
112: 00.28 00.26 MakePageList post count=101, readc=0
113: 00.28 00.26 PageListSort begin
114: 00.28 00.26 PageListSort sort
115: 00.28 00.26 PageListSort end
116: 00.28 00.26 MakePageList end
117: 00.28 00.26 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
118: 00.28 00.26 MarkupToHTML begin
119: 00.29 00.27 MarkupToHTML end
120: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
121: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
122: 00.29 00.27 MarkupToHTML begin
123: 00.29 00.27 MarkupToHTML end
124: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
125: 00.29 00.27 FPLTemplate: Chain end
126: 00.29 00.28 MarkupToHTML end
127: 00.29 00.28 MarkupToHTML begin
128: 00.29 00.28 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
129: 00.29 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
130: 00.30 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
131: 00.30 00.28 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
132: 00.30 00.28 MakePageList pre
133: 00.30 00.28 PageListSources begin
134: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
135: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
136: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
137: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
138: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
139: 00.30 00.28 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
140: 00.31 00.28 PageListSources end count=1134
141: 00.31 00.28 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
142: 00.31 00.28 MakePageList items count=1134, filters=
143: 00.31 00.29 MakePageList post count=1134, readc=0
144: 00.31 00.29 PageListSort begin
145: 00.31 00.29 PageListSort sort
146: 00.32 00.30 PageListSort end
147: 00.32 00.30 MakePageList end
148: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
149: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML begin
150: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML end
151: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
152: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
153: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML begin
154: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML end
155: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
156: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: Chain end
157: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML end
158: 00.32 00.30 MarkupToHTML begin
159: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
160: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
161: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
162: 00.32 00.30 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
163: 00.32 00.30 MakePageList pre
164: 00.32 00.30 PageListSources begin
165: 00.32 00.30 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
166: 00.33 00.31 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
167: 00.33 00.31 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
168: 00.33 00.31 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
169: 00.33 00.31 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
170: 00.33 00.31 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
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172: 00.33 00.31 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
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183: 00.33 00.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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185: 00.33 00.31 MarkupToHTML end
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214: 00.37 00.34 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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216: 00.37 00.34 MarkupToHTML end
217: 00.37 00.34 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
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222: 00.37 00.34 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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253: 00.40 00.38 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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284: 00.41 00.39 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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315: 00.45 00.42 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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336: 01.48 01.33 PageListSort end
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342: 01.53 01.39 MarkupToHTML end
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354: 01.95 01.79 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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374: 02.05 01.88 PageListSort sort
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378: 02.05 01.88 MarkupToHTML begin
379: 02.05 01.88 MarkupToHTML end
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381: 02.05 01.88 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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383: 02.05 01.88 MarkupToHTML end
384: 02.05 01.88 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
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386: 02.05 01.88 MarkupToHTML end
387: 02.05 01.88 MarkupToHTML begin
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389: 02.05 01.88 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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403: 02.09 01.91 PageIndexGrep end
404: 02.09 01.91 PageListTermsTargets end count=101
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407: 02.14 01.97 MakePageList post count=101, readc=101
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409: 02.14 01.97 PageListSort sort
410: 02.14 01.97 PageListSort end
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412: 02.14 01.97 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
413: 02.14 01.97 MarkupToHTML begin
414: 02.15 01.97 MarkupToHTML end
415: 02.15 01.97 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
416: 02.15 01.97 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
417: 02.15 01.97 MarkupToHTML begin
418: 02.16 01.98 MarkupToHTML end
419: 02.16 01.98 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
420: 02.16 01.98 FPLTemplate: Chain end
421: 02.16 01.98 MarkupToHTML end
422: 02.16 01.98 MarkupToHTML begin
423: 02.16 01.98 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
424: 02.16 01.98 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
425: 02.16 01.98 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
426: 02.16 01.98 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
427: 02.16 01.98 MakePageList pre
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431: 02.17 01.98 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
432: 02.17 01.99 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
433: 02.17 01.99 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
434: 02.17 01.99 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
435: 02.18 02.00 PageListSources end count=10337
436: 02.18 02.00 PageListTermsTargets begin count=10337
437: 02.18 02.00 PageIndexGrep begin
438: 02.20 02.02 PageIndexGrep end
439: 02.20 02.02 PageListTermsTargets end count=121
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442: 02.33 02.14 MakePageList post count=1, readc=121
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447: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
448: 02.33 02.14 MarkupToHTML begin
449: 02.33 02.14 MarkupToHTML end
450: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
451: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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453: 02.33 02.14 MarkupToHTML end
454: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
455: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: Chain end
456: 02.33 02.14 MarkupToHTML end
457: 02.33 02.14 MarkupToHTML begin
458: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
459: 02.33 02.14 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
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466: 02.34 02.15 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
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477: 02.51 02.31 MakePageList post count=1, readc=121
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482: 02.51 02.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
483: 02.51 02.31 MarkupToHTML begin
484: 02.51 02.31 MarkupToHTML end
485: 02.51 02.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
486: 02.51 02.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
487: 02.51 02.31 MarkupToHTML begin
488: 02.51 02.31 MarkupToHTML end
489: 02.51 02.31 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
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491: 02.52 02.31 MarkupToHTML end
492: 02.52 02.32 MarkupToHTML end
493: 02.53 02.32 MarkupToHTML begin
494: 02.54 02.33 MarkupToHTML end
495: 02.54 02.33 MarkupToHTML begin
496: 02.54 02.34 MarkupToHTML end
497: 02.55 02.34 now
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