01469: Extend [[PmWiki/ConditionalMarkup]] with "less" and "greater" operators
Summary: Extend ConditionalMarkup with "less" and "greater" operators
Created: 2021-09-08 02:36
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: simon
Priority: 4
Version: current
OS: all
Description: ConditionalMarkup provides an "equal" operator.
This is a feature request to add a "greater" and a "less" operator to the core (or ">" and "<"). Like "equal" these would work on numbers and strings.
For completeness "equalgreater" and "eqaulless" could also be added (or ">=" and "<=").
While recipes do provide so DIY options these seem like basic functionality and would provide consistent markup common to all PmWikis in the core.
See also
- ConditionalExtensions A Conditional Markup extension for PmWiki 2.x
- ConditionalMarkupSamples List of default and custom conditional markup definitions
- 01209 Add more markup expressions to the core
simon September 08, 2021, at 02:39 AM