
Pagelist of pages containing "pagelist"

How can I limit this list to pages whose source actually uses the pagelist markup, as opposed to pages whose text output contains the word pagelist?

Group names:  TestPageList/

Page names:  Category.PageList, Cookbook.PageList, PmWikiSq.PageList, Test.Pagelist, Category.Pagelist, Cookbook.Pagelist, PmWikiCa.PageLists, PmWikiDe.PageLists, PmWikiFr.PageLists, PmWikiRu.PageLists, Test.PageList2, Test.PageListA, Test.PageListB, PmWiki.PageLists, Category.PageLists, Test.PageListIf, Test.PageListFmt, Test.PageListIf2, Test.PagelistOfPagelists, Cookbook.PageListPlus, Test.PagelistIfMx, Test.PageListLink, Test.PagelistLink, Test.PageListSelf, Test.PageListTest, Test.PageListTime, Test.PagelistBug1, TestPageList.TestPageList, Test.PageListCount, Test.PageListTrail, Cookbook.PagelistCount, Cookbook.BreakPageList, Test.PageListCache, Test.PageListCalls, Test.PagelistCount, Test.PTVinPagelist, Cookbook.PagelistNotes, Test.PagelistIfMx1, Test.PagelistIfMx2, Test.PagelistIfMx3, Test.PageListLinks, Test.PageListRecent, Test.RandomPageList, Test.InlinePageList, Test.PageListTitles, PmWiki.PageLists-Talk, Test.ColumnPageList, Test.PageListTrail2, Test.PageListTrail3, Cookbook.CompactPageList, Test.PTVWithPageList, Test.PageListOptions, Test.PagelistExample, Cookbook.PagelistSiteMap, Test.PageListSortPTV, Test.OneLinePagelist, Test.FtimeInPagelist, Test.DeletedPageList, Test.PageListAnchors, Test.PageListFmtGroup, Cookbook.BlogWithPageList, Cookbook.IndentedPageList, Test.PageListJoinLine, Cookbook.PagelistCalendar, Cookbook.CookbookPageList, Test.PageListGrouping, Test.PageListTemplate, Test.PageListTrailNot, Test.PagelistDefaults, Test.PagelistSortName, Test.WikiTrailPagelist, TestPageList.PageListTemplates, Test.PagelistDateError, PmWikiDe.PagelistVariables, Test.PageListWithPgVar, PmWiki.PagelistVariables, Test.SearchBoxPageList, PmWiki.PageListTemplates, Test.PagelistIfOntrail, Magazine.PageListTemplates, PmWikiDe.PageListTemplates, Cookbook.PageListWikiTrail, PmWikiFr.PagelistVariables, Nyår.PageListTemplates, Test.TrailFromPagelist, Test.PageListTemplates, Test.MalformedPagelist, Site.PageListTemplates, Cookbook.PageListTemplates, Cookbook.BreakPageList-Talk, StefCTDemo.PageListCalculator, Cookbook.PagelistNotes-Talk, Cookbook.PageListPlus-Users, Test.PageListWithPgVar2, Test.PagelistByCategory, Cookbook.PageListExtensions, PmWikiFr.PagelistsExplained, Test.PageListWithPgVar1, Cookbook.PagelistByCategory, Test.PageListTItleSpaced, Cookbook.PagelistRandomImage, Test.PagelistServerError, Test.PageListVariableNone, Test.PageListLinkWithPtv3, Test.PageListLinkWithPtv5, Test.PagelistSortVariable, Test.PageListLinkWithPtv4, Test.PagelistAcrossGroups, Test.PageListLinkWithPtv2, Test.PageListLinkWithPtv1, Cookbook.PagelistSiteMap-Talk, Cookbook.PageListMultiTargets, Test.PagewithOnlyPagelist, Cookbook.CompactPageList-Talk, Test.PageListLastModified, Cookbook.BlogWithPageList-Talk, Test.RelativeLinksPagelist, Cookbook.PagelistSiteMap-Users, Cookbook.PagelistCalendar-Talk, Cookbook.PagelistRecentChanges, Cookbook.PagelistAuthListShort, Test.PagelistByCategory-cg, Test.PageListRecursionLink, Test.PagelistRecentChanges, PmWiki.PagelistVariables-Talk, Test.PageListRecursionTrail, Test.PageVariableInPageList, PmWiki.PageListTemplates-Talk, Cookbook.PagelistTemplateSamples, PmWiki.CustomPagelistSortOrder, Test.PagelistTemplateRequest, Cookbook.PageListExtensions-Talk, Test.PagelistTemplateSamples, PmWikiDe.CustomPagelistSortOrder, Cookbook.PagelistByCategory-Talk, Test.SimpleTablesAndPagelists, PmWikiDe.PageListDefaultTemplates, Cookbook.PagelistByCategory-Users, Cookbook.PagelistRandomImage-Talk, Cookbook.PagelistRandomImage-Users, Cookbook.PageListMultiTargets-Talk, Test.PagelistDescriptionFormat, Test.PageListOrderingWithPgVar, Cookbook.PageListMultiTargets-Users, Test.PagelistParameterVariables, Cookbook.PagelistRecentChanges-Talk, Test.PagelistWithUndefinedFormat, Cookbook.PagelistAuthListShort-Users, Cookbook.PagelistRecentChanges-Users, Cookbook.CustomPagelistSortOrderFunctions, Test.PagelistFmtGroupsWithLinksToListPage, Cookbook.CustomPagelistSortOrderFunctions-Talk, Cookbook.CustomPagelistSortOrderFunctions-Users

Backup /
CookbookBasics  Explains what the cookbook and its recipes are.
BlogIt /
Category /
All  list of all Category pages
DocumentationToDo  addition and update of documentation
GroupFooter  Content generated for Category list pages
Pagelist  Pagelists information and recipes
PmWikiPhilosophy  Pages linking to PmWiki.PmWikiPhilosophy
Christian /
Cookbook /
ABCHoverIndex  displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title (stable)
AbcTunebook  add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (stable)
Accordion  lightweight Accordion javascript requiring no framework (stable)
ActionMenu  Drop-down menu to page actions (Edit, History, Attach...) instead of links. (Beta)
AddDeleteLine2-Talk  Talk page for AddDeleteLine2.
AddToWatchlist  Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (beta)
AddToWatchlist-Talk  Talk page for AddToWatchlist.
AMmathjax  Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax?. (Stable)
Ape  Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
Ape-Talk-Archive  Archive with older threads from Ape-Talk (Closed)
ASCIIMath  Display MathML? rendered ascii formula into PmWiki 2.x pages (Stable)
AsSpacedFunctionInUTF-8  How to fix the broken {$Namespaced}, {$Titlespaced}, {$Groupspaced} when the website is in UTF-8
Attache  A bundle of attachment joy (incomplete)
Attachtable-Talk  Talk Page for Attachtable recipe
AuthTable  List Attributes of all pages in a wiki (Stable)
AutoCreateCategory  Automatically creates category pages for all tags in the page text (BETA)
AutoPlay  Unobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (Superseded by Ape)
AutoPlay-Talk  Talk page for AutoPlay.
AutoRestore  Automatically restore pages after a set time interval (Stable)
AutoSave  Autosave pages in the background while editing (beta)
AutoTel  A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (Alpha)
AutoTOC  Unobtrusive Automatic Table of Contents links (stable)
B3  Easy to install and use wiki blogging system (Experimental)
BackgroundImages  How to add background images to divisions, tables & cells (Stable)
Backlinks  List pages with links to a target (Documentation)
Backlinks-Talk  Talk page for Backlinks.
BackupHTMLZip  Export your wiki to static HTML then optionally compress/zip it (Experimental)
BackupPages  Automatically back up the wiki.d directory to a .zip file
Beautifier  Perform syntax highlighting for source code displayed on wiki pages
BlogCalendar  small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages (stable)
BlogCalendar-Talk  Talk page for BlogCalendar.
Bloge  A bundle of blogging (beta)
Bloge-Feeds  Blog-like Atom & RSS feeds (beta)
Bloge-Tags  Use page keywords and categories as tags (beta)
Bloge-Tags-Talk  Talk Page for the Bloge-Tags recipe
BlogIt  Provides a complete blogging system, using in-built PmWiki features -- additional features are supported through existing cookbooks. (Active)
BlogIt-Talk  Talk page for BlogIt.
BlogSimple  Experimental blog bundle using pagelists (Stable)
BlogSimple2  Simple blog bundle, revision of BlogSimple? (Stable)
BlogWithPageList  How to build a blog system with pagelists
BlogWithPageList-Talk  Talk page for BlogWithPageList.
BootstrapIcons  BootstrapIcons? extension for PmWiki (Beta)
BreakPageList  display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links (stable)
Bundle4Blog  How to use PmWiki as a blogging engine.
Categories  Cookbook categories (Not working)
Checklists  Ephemeral to-do lists (Beta)
ChordPro  Display ChordPro?-formatted song sheets in a wiki page (Stable)
ChordPro-ChordSheets  ChordPro chord sheet documentation and examples
ChordPro-Format  ChordPro Basics and text format
ChordPro-Markup  ChordPro markup supported by this recipe
ChordPro-Sandbox  Test and try out ChordPro
ChordPro-Talk  Discussion of ChordPro (Stable)
CleanUp  Purge deleted pages and attachments from the server directories (Beta)
Clipboard  Include content on another page
Cluster  Group-clustering recipe. (beta)
CodeHighlight  Syntax highlighting for programming languages (Beta)
CodeMirror  An enhanced page editor for PmWiki (Stable)
Columns  Create columns out of lists without using table markup
CommentBoxPlus-Talk  Talk page for CommentBoxPlus
CompactPageList  How to make a compact pagelist
CompactPageList-Talk  Talk page for CompactPageList.
ComplexRecipes  Guidelines for people who want to share complex cookbook recipes with other PmWiki user
ConditionalMarkupSamples  List of default and custom conditional markup definitions (Stable)
Content  API to create external pages dependent upon text in a wiki page. (Bug fixes, referencing content from other pages)
Content-Talk  Talk page for Content.
ConvertPhpWiki-Talk  Talk page for ConvertPhpWiki.
Cookbook  List of cookbook recipe categories
CookbookBasics  Explains what the cookbook and its recipes are.
CookbookPageList  List of all cookbook pages
CopyPasteCalendar  Adds a calendar to your wiki pages without installing any additional scripts
CopyPasteCalendar-Talk  Talk page for Copy Paste Calendar.
CreateColumns  quickly divides up a list of items into separate columns within a table

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15 

Only search in group:  Backup (3), BlogIt (5), Category (11), Christian (5), Cookbook (457), CookbookFr (4), DaveG (2), EmacsModes (3), FoxDocumentation (2), GoogleMapAPI (5), HierarchicalGroupProposals (2), LinuxTex (1), Localization (5), Magazine (15), Main (1), News (15), NewSkinIdeas (2), Nyår (3), PITS (197), PLCal (1), PLCalDemo (14), PmForm (4), PmWiki-DITA (1), PmWiki (87), PmWikiAr (1), PmWikiBg (2), PmWikiCa (17), PmWikiCreole (1), PmWikiCs (3), PmWikiDa (7), PmWikiDe (58), PmWikiEl (1), PmWikiEo (1), PmWikiEs (1), PmWikiFr (29), PmWikiIt (10), PmWikiJa (5), PmWikiKr (2), PmWikiLt (1), PmWikiNl (6), PmWikiPl (2), PmWikiPtBr (13), PmWikiRu (11), PmWikiSi (3), PmWikiSk (4), PmWikiSq (2), PmWikiSv (2), PmWikiTl (1), PmWikiUk (1), PmWikiVi (1), PmWikiZhCn (11), PmWikiZhTw (6), Profiles (102), Quiz (1), RHCE (1), Scott (1), Site (11), SiteAdmin (1), Sites (2), Skins (22), SkinTutorials (1), StefCTDemo (7), Test (245), TestDescription (3), TestDescriptionFmt (2), TestGroup1 (1), TestJa (2), TestPageList (8), TestSort (1), TestW7 (1), UserAuth2 (5), UTF8 (2), ViewModes (1), WikiSh (1), WikiSpheres (1), WTF (2), XESTest (3), Àéè (1)

 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
 1: 00.01 00.01 config end
 2: 00.22 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin
 3: 00.23 00.21 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 4: 00.23 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 5: 00.23 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
 6: 00.23 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
 7: 00.23 00.21 MakePageList pre
 8: 00.23 00.21 PageListSources begin
 9: 00.23 00.21 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
10: 00.24 00.22 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
11: 00.24 00.22 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
12: 00.25 00.22 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
13: 00.25 00.22 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
14: 00.25 00.22 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
15: 00.26 00.23 PageListSources end count=10326
16: 00.26 00.23 PageListTermsTargets begin count=10326
17: 00.26 00.23 PageIndexGrep begin
18: 00.28 00.25 PageIndexGrep end
19: 00.28 00.25 PageListTermsTargets end count=1475
20: 00.28 00.25 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
21: 00.28 00.25 MakePageList items count=1475, filters=PageListTermsTargets
22: 00.89 00.78 MakePageList post count=1475, readc=1475
23: 00.89 00.78 PageListSort begin
24: 00.89 00.78 PageListSort sort
25: 00.91 00.80 PageListSort end
26: 00.91 00.80 MakePageList end
27: 00.91 00.80 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
28: 00.91 00.80 MarkupToHTML begin
29: 00.93 00.82 MarkupToHTML end
30: 00.93 00.82 MarkupToHTML begin
31: 00.96 00.85 MarkupToHTML end
32: 00.96 00.85 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
33: 00.96 00.85 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
34: 01.03 00.91 MarkupToHTML begin
35: 01.12 01.00 MarkupToHTML end
36: 01.12 01.00 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
37: 01.12 01.00 FPLTemplate: Chain end
38: 01.12 01.00 MarkupToHTML end
39: 01.12 01.01 MarkupToHTML begin
40: 01.13 01.01 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin
41: 01.13 01.02 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end
42: 01.14 01.02 MarkupToHTML end
43: 01.14 01.02 MarkupToHTML begin
44: 01.14 01.02 MarkupToHTML end
45: 01.15 01.03 now
Peak memory: 9,195,424 bytes