Category /
- Cookbook /
- ABCHoverIndex displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title (stable)
- Backlinks List pages with links to a target (Documentation)
- BlogWithPageList How to build a blog system with pagelists
- BreakPageList display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links (stable)
- CopyPasteCalendar Adds a calendar to your wiki pages without installing any additional scripts
- CustomPagelistSortOrderFunctions Custom functions for creating custom page sort orders with pagelists
- DictIndex Enable page listings using a "dictionary index" format via fmt=dictindex (Working)
- DynamicTrails Dynamic WikiTrails with pagelist (experimental)
- FauxTrail Enable page listings to have a "trail-like" format via fmt=fauxtrail (beta)
- FplByDays fmt=bydays for pagelists; A custom format for YYYYMMDDHHMM format page names. (Functional; I am happy with it.)
- FPLTemplate Alternative FPLTemplate() function with hooks for developers for more flexible pagelist output (experimental)
- IndentedPageList Sort and indent pagelist items using page text variable (tested)
- Jscm Jscm (JsCookMenu based dropdown menu) (Active/Stable)
- OptionMenu Get page listings as an option menu selector (Stable)
- PageList List of recipes in PageList category, including other pages, files, maps etc.
- PagelistAuthListShort Display, in brief format, the permissions settings for pages that have permissions set. (Mature)
- PagelistByCategory List pages by Category (Production)
- PagelistCalendar Use PageTextVariables and ftime markup expression to create a calendar where each event has its own page. (Works)
- PagelistCount Get pagelist to return a count of pages (deprecated) (Obsolete -- added to core in 2.2.0-beta51)
- PageListExtensions Many Pagelist Enhancements
- PageListMultiTargets Enable multiple pages and wildcards in PageList (Experimental)
- PagelistNotes Notes on page lists
- PagelistRandomImage Select an image randomly from all pages with images and display (Production)
- PagelistRecentChanges A recent changes page created using Page lists (Mature)
- PagelistSiteMap Create a sitemap using the page list directive (Production)
- PagelistTemplateSamples Custom templates for pagelists formats
- PageListWikiTrail Enable a WikiTrails markup to use a (:pagelist ... :) directive
- Phplm Phplm (Phplayersmenu based dropdown/tree menu) (Active, Stable)
- PITS The PmWiki Issue Tracking System (Beta)
- PITS-Community Generic PmWiki Issue Tracking System ("pits")
- PLEventList Manage event lists using native PmWiki features
- PrintGroup Export WikiGroup pages to one large HTML file, and/or to PDF (Experimental)
- SearchResults How to change the way search results are displayed
- SimpleSiteMap Easy site map using only core PmWiki features (Stable)
- SiteMapsWithOptions Standard Site Map for websites (Stable)
- WatchLists Track the most recent changes to a list of pages (Stable)
- PmWikiDe /
- PageLists Erstellung von Seitenlisten und Suchergebnislisten mit verschiedenen Kriterien, deren Ausgabe durch Vorlagen gesteuert werden kann
- Test /
- PagelistByCategory List pages by their categories (not working)