
web design and software development for PmWiki add-ons

Cookbook Recipes (all are PHP 5.5 compatible)

"ABCHoverIndex", "AbcTunebook", "`Accordion", "AddingAuthLevels", "`Blockquote-Cite-Quote", "BlogCalendar", "BreakPageList", "CopyingInternationalURLs", "`Dash-Pagenames", "ExportHTMLWiki", "FileList", "FormsPlus", "`Fox", "FoxAuthUserCommentBox", "FoxBlog", "FoxCalculator", "FoxCommentBox", "FoxContacts", "FoxCSV", "FoxDelete", "FoxEdit", "FoxForum", "FoxHoneyPot", "FoxNotify", "FoxPageManagement", "FoxPTVConvert", "FoxTextReplace", "FoxValidationExamples", "FoxVoting", "ImportTabTable", "ISO8859MakePageNamePatterns", "LinkCSSToolTip", "LiteralWhiteSpace", "MultiLanguageViews", "NewPageBoxPlus", "PowerTools", "RedirectMap", "ResponsiveGrid", "SerialPageNames", "SimpleCart", "SortableTables", "StarRater", "TextExtract", "UploadForm", "`Amber", "FixFlow", "`Gemini", "`Triad", "TriadTips", Displayed 49 pages.

(:template each:)
(:template last:)
Displayed {$$PageCount} pages.
(:template none:)
No pages.

Skins (all are PHP 5.5 compatible)

Skin Page Version # Summary
Amber 2024-04-24 responsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices
FixFlow 2023-02-24 Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar, plus fixed or flowing SideBar, on left or right
Gemini 2023-02-24 Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar
Triad 2023-02-24 Highly configurable skin with 3-column layout with full-width header and footer

Notify on changes to:


(:template first:)
(:table width="100%" :)
(:cell style="background:#d7d7d7;padding-left:5px" :)'''Recipe Page'''
(:cell style="background:#d7d7d7;padding-left:5px" :)%thd%'''Version #''' 
(:cell style="background:#d7d7d7;padding-left:5px" :)%thd%'''Summary'''
(:template each:)
(:cellnr style="background:#f7f7f7;padding-left:5px" :)[[{=$FullName}|+]] 
(:cell style="background:#f7f7f7;padding-left:5px" :){=$:Version}
(:cell style="background:#f7f7f7;padding-left:5px" :){=$:Summary} 
(:template last:)
 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
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27: 03.38 03.27 MarkupToHTML end
28: 03.38 03.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
29: 03.38 03.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
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31: 03.39 03.29 MarkupToHTML end
32: 03.39 03.29 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
33: 03.39 03.29 FPLTemplate: Chain end
34: 03.42 03.31 MarkupToHTML end
35: 03.42 03.32 MarkupToHTML begin
36: 03.44 03.33 MarkupToHTML end
37: 03.44 03.33 MarkupToHTML begin
38: 03.44 03.33 MarkupToHTML end
39: 03.44 03.34 now
Peak memory: 8,819,744 bytes