
Recipe Page Version # Summary
ABCHoverIndex 2008-04-20 displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title
AbcTunebook 2016-01-08 add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor
Accordion 2017-06-16 lightweight Accordion javascript requiring no framework
AddingAuthLevels 2011-12-23 Adding an auth level and page attribute
Blockquote-Cite-Quote 2017-06-16 Markup for Blockquote, Cite and Quote HTML tags
BlogCalendar 2017-06-16 small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages
BreakPageList 2023-03-14 display a pagelist in smaller slices and display navigation links
CopyingInternationalURLs new Some hints and tricks to copy URLs? with international (UTF-8) characters
Dash-Pagenames 2023-02-17 URLs? and page names with dashes for word spacing, UTF-8 friendly
ExportHTMLWiki 2023-10-06 Create a wiki using static HTML pages as front end for visitors
FileList 2017-06-20 Tabulated filelist markup as alternative to (:attachlist:), for a simple, easy readable look.
FormsPlus 2017-06-16a Form extensions adding new HTML5? input types
Fox 2024-07-11 Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup
FoxAuthUserCommentBox 2011-12-23 Posting comments for logged in users only, using Fox
FoxBlog 2006-04-03a How to build a blog with Fox
FoxCalculator 2008-02-13 A simple calculator using a Fox form and calc markup expression
FoxCommentBox 2006-04-03a Adding a comment form using Fox
FoxContacts 2017-05-20 Create personal or business Contacts pages and lists with Fox
FoxCSV 2024-07-12 Display csv tables automatically or via templates; filtering, sorting, editing csv data.
FoxDelete 2019-11-11 add delete links for deleting lines or sections with Fox
FoxEdit 2017-06-16 add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs? with Fox
FoxForum 2015-06-11 How to build a simple forum with Fox
FoxHoneyPot 2024-04-15 Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms
FoxNotify 2023-09-30 add email notifications and mailing capability to Fox forms
FoxPageManagement creating new pages, new groups and copying pages with Fox forms
FoxPTVConvert 2015-09-28 Display and convert hidden PTVs? on multiple pages
FoxTextReplace 2008-12-08 replace text strings on multiple pages
FoxValidationExamples 2008-03-06 examples for using Fox input validation
FoxVoting examples of using Fox for voting, polling and making choices
ImportTabTable 2010-04-14 import and convert tab table to simple table markup quickly.
ISO8859MakePageNamePatterns 2023-02-16 How to convert ISO 8859 character input for page names to unaccented ASCII equivalents
LinkCSSToolTip 2020-07-26 link markup with css popup tooltip text including styling, variables, includes, menus
LiteralWhiteSpace 2024-04-25 Preserve white spaces, tabs and extra lines
MultiLanguageViews 2019-11-12 show language specific content and titles according to user choice
NewPageBoxPlus 2023-02-14 Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation
PowerTools 2022-11-01 markup expressions for multi page processing incl. plist, pagelist, rename, pagecount, wordcount, trail, serialname, serial, newticket, sumdata, allptvs, random
RedirectMap 2008-07-11 create short urls for redirects using mapping similar to intermap
ResponsiveGrid 2016-08-08 A collection of CSS classes to help fast grid layouts
SerialPageNames 2008-05-25 Markup expressions to create serial page names
SimpleCart 2012-04-11 integration of simple javascript shopping cart with PayPal? or Google checkout
SortableTables 2017-06-17 Create tables which can be sorted instantly by javascript
StarRater 2017-06-17 5 star rating system
TextExtract 2024-05-14a search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression.
UploadForm 2009-08-26 Alternative file upload form using (:input file:)
Amber 2024-04-24 responsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices
FixFlow 2023-02-24 Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar, plus fixed or flowing SideBar, on left or right
Gemini 2023-02-24 Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar
Triad 2023-02-24 Highly configurable skin with 3-column layout with full-width header and footer
TriadTips Tips for using the Triad
 0: 00.00 00.00 config start
 1: 00.01 00.01 config end
 2: 00.21 00.20 MarkupToHTML begin
 3: 00.21 00.21 FPLTemplate: Chain begin
 4: 00.21 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateLoad
 5: 00.22 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateDefaults
 6: 00.22 00.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePageList
 7: 00.22 00.21 MakePageList pre
 8: 00.22 00.21 PageListSources begin
 9: 00.22 00.21 PageStore::ls begin wiki.d/{$FullName}
10: 00.22 00.21 PageStore::ls merge wiki.d/{$FullName}
11: 00.22 00.22 PageStore::ls end wiki.d/{$FullName}
12: 00.22 00.22 PageStore::ls begin $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
13: 00.23 00.22 PageStore::ls merge $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
14: 00.23 00.22 PageStore::ls end $FarmD/wikilib.d/{$FullName}
15: 00.23 00.22 PageListSources end count=1432
16: 00.23 00.22 PageListSort pre ret=4 order=name
17: 00.23 00.22 MakePageList items count=1432, filters=PageListVariables
18: 03.30 03.20 MakePageList post count=49, readc=0
19: 03.30 03.20 PageListSort begin
20: 03.30 03.20 PageListSort sort
21: 03.30 03.20 PageListSort end
22: 03.30 03.20 MakePageList end
23: 03.30 03.20 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrg
24: 03.30 03.20 MarkupToHTML begin
25: 03.30 03.21 MarkupToHTML end
26: 03.30 03.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateSliceList
27: 03.30 03.21 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplateFormat
28: 03.31 03.21 MarkupToHTML begin
29: 03.37 03.27 MarkupToHTML end
30: 03.37 03.27 FPLTemplate: FPLTemplatePmWikiOrgPostFormat
31: 03.37 03.27 FPLTemplate: Chain end
32: 03.37 03.27 MarkupToHTML end
33: 03.37 03.27 MarkupToHTML begin
34: 03.38 03.28 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls begin
35: 03.38 03.28 ReadApprovedUrls SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls end
36: 03.39 03.29 MarkupToHTML end
37: 03.39 03.29 MarkupToHTML begin
38: 03.39 03.29 MarkupToHTML end
39: 03.40 03.29 now
Peak memory: 9,268,424 bytes