Multi Media Tools

Summary: Multi media related recipes

See also: Images, Uploads.

  • Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Ape: Automagical PmWiki EmbedEmbed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (20240605 Stable)Links, Integration, Images, Maps, Media, Video, Flash, Includes, Google, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PmSyntax, Audio +6
Audio5HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (2022-10-30 Stable)Audio, Media, Markup, HTML5, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 +2
AutoPlayUnobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (20140408 Superseded by Ape)Media, Video, Flash, Links, Includes, PHP55, PHP72
AutoTelA recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (2022-12-22 Alpha)Links, Markup, Media, Mobile +1
Carouselsimple Image Carousel, from one-line Markup: auto-populated from contents of a directory (2022-05-06 Active)Images, Media, Layout, Markup
DailymotionMarkup for embedding DailyMotion videos (20210415 Stable)Video Media Markup PHP55 PHP72
DeliciousPlaytaggerEmbed mp3's with the playtagger (2012-04-04 stable)Media, Audio
EmbedMoreUseful Trick for adding anything you can do with a web-page to your wiki-pages (Forms, SQL-lookup, Multi-Media, IP-camera... whatever you can think of) (N/A )CMS, SystemTools, Data, Database, Media, PHP, Javascript, Scripting
FlashEmbedding Flash movies; plus recipes for embedding Flash from specific sites like YouTube, Vimeo, GoogleVideo, Flickr,, and more... (2006-10-28 (flash.php & swf.php), 2016-05-06 (swf-sites.php), 2011-02-21 (, 2010-12-21 (swf-sites-Flickr.php) )Media Flash Images Video Audio Delete Me +4
FlashMediaPlayerEmbed flash media players in your pages (2009-02-11 Beta)Media Flash Video Audio PHP72 +2
FlowplayerFlowplayer recipe (2015-08-12 Beta)Media, Markup
FLVPlayerEmbedding of Flash video (.flv) files into wiki pages the easy way. (2011-02-20 initial release)Media Flash Video
FreeMindEmbed mind maps in PmWiki pages (20120412a experimental)Mind mapping, Uploads, Links, Media, PIM, PHP55, PHP72
GoogleViewerEmbed PDF, PPT, DOC, and TIFF files in a wiki page using Google Viewer (2010-05-16 )PDF Media Images Google OfficeIntegration +4
HTML5AudioPlay HTML5 Audio (20160205 obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)Audio Markup HTML5 Media Obsolete +1
Html5AVCtrlEnable youtube-like keyboard and mouse control of HTML5 video and audio. (20160804 )Video Audio HTML5 Media
HTML5VideoShow HTML5 Video (20151004 obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)Video Markup HTML5 PHP55 Media Obsolete +4
ITunesControllerControl iTunes via Web Interface ( )Media Audio
LinkTelActive telephone links in wiki pages (20170618 beta)Links, Markup, Media, Mobile, PHP55, PHP72
MindjetMapEmbedding a Mindjet MindManager Map (2007-05-13 (v.0.1) first release)Media Images MindMapping
OpenLayersAPIAdds OpenLayers API to PmWiki pages (for embedding OpenStreetMaps) (0.4 alpha)Integration, Maps, Media, Includes, PHP55 +1
ProcessingUse Processing applet in PmWiki Pages (20150815 Stable)FunctionalExtensions Media Multimedia PHP55
QuickTimeEmbed QuickTime content on wiki sites. (2009-12-20 Stable)Media Images Audio Video +1 -1
Radio3PlayerEmbeds the CBC Radio 3 Media Player (1? Done?)Media Audio
RevealHow can I use reveal.js to make presentations using my PmWiki content ( )Media
ScribdEmbed PDF files in a wiki page using Scribd (2010-10-27 )PDF Media Flash Images +1
SimplePlaylistSimple audio player with a playlist (2024-05-30 Experimental)Media Extensions PHP83 LightAndDarkThemes
SimpleviewerSimpleviewer recipe (1.0 Beta)Media, Markup
SvgEmbedding Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG) into PmWiki pages (20161021 )Media, Images, PHP55 +1
Video5HTML5 Video Support for PmWiki (2022-10-30 Stable)Video, Media, Markup, HTML5, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 +1
VideoAttachHandles Attach: videos, provides a video directive and optional support for popular Video Upload sites. (2017-07-25 Beta)Video Markup HTML5 PHP55 Media
ViewPDFEmbed PDF files in a wiki page (2010-01-22 Experimental)PDF Media Images
VisioEmbed Visio (*.vsd) drawings into wiki pages ( )Media
VRView360Display a 360 photo using Google VR View (0.1 Working)Media
WMPlayerEmbedding a Windows Media Player (2006-04-13 (v.0.2) stable)Media Images Audio Video
WordPressAudioPlayerEmbed the WordPress Audio Player (Standalone version), by Martin Laine, to play MP3s. (2012-09-05 (uses WordPress Audio Player version 2) Beta)Media, Audio
  • Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.