Category /
- Cookbook /
- BlogCalendar small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages (stable)
- Checklists Ephemeral to-do lists (Beta)
- Comments-UseCases
- CopyPasteCalendar Adds a calendar to your wiki pages without installing any additional scripts
- Dcal a calendar recipe (alpha)
- DoTheRightThing Link shortcuts to custom searches for your browser (beta)
- Flipbox Flippable checkboxes and checklists (Beta)
- Fox Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (stable)
- FoxContacts Create personal or business Contacts pages and lists with Fox (stable)
- FoxSimpleTodoList An example of how to use Fox to setup a simple 'todo list'. (Functional)
- FoxVoting examples of using Fox for voting, polling and making choices
- FreeMind Embed mind maps in PmWiki pages (experimental)
- GettingThingsDone Using the GTD system with PmWiki (alpha)
- GTD-TLM An experimental JavaScript GTD task/todo list manager (experimental)
- HandleICal Add-on for wikicalendars to export/import events to/from ical-files (Beta)
- ICalExport Export wikicalender entries as ical file (stable)
- ListCategories use categories as tags (stable)
- Logbook A simple AJAXified calendar for side bars turning your wiki into a bliki = blog + wiki (working (and in progress))
- MarkThingsDone Mark Things Done! - A Comprehensive Productivity System (Active)
- PagelistCalendar Use PageTextVariables and ftime markup expression to create a calendar where each event has its own page. (Works)
- PersonalInformationManagement Thoughts/ideas related to using using PmWiki as a Personal Information Manager, or PIM. (very preliminary)
- PIM List of all recipes in the PIM category, Personal Information Management
- PLEventList Manage event lists using native PmWiki features
- PmCalendar Calendar designed for PmWiki where each day is a separate wiki page. (Stable)
- Reminder Birthday, anniversary and other task reminders (Stable)
- ToDo A nice looking ToDo list ([unknown])
- VerySimpleToDo A very simple ToDo list
- WikiCalendar Add support for a simple calendar. Each date becomes a wiki page. (Stable)
- WikiCVSStorage Use CVS to backup/archive your wiki.