
Cookbook /
Ape  Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
AutoPlay  Unobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (Superseded by Ape)
Dailymotion  Markup for embedding DailyMotion videos (Stable)
Flash  Embedding Flash movies; plus recipes for embedding Flash from specific sites like YouTube, Vimeo, GoogleVideo, Flickr,, and more...
FlashMediaPlayer  Embed flash media players in your pages (Beta)
FLVPlayer  Embedding of Flash video (.flv) files into wiki pages the easy way. (initial release)
Html5AVCtrl  Enable youtube-like keyboard and mouse control of HTML5 video and audio.
HTML5Video  Show HTML5 Video (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
QuickTime  Embed QuickTime content on wiki sites. (Stable)
Video5  HTML5 Video Support for PmWiki (Stable)
VideoAttach  Handles Attach: videos, provides a video directive and optional support for popular Video Upload sites. (Beta)
WMPlayer  Embedding a Windows Media Player (stable)