Category /
- Cookbook /
- AbbreviationPlurals Automatically format text like CCDs as a plural abbreviation, instead of as a wikiword.
- AbcMusic Display music scores from abc notation
- AbcSong add and edit abc music using existing PmWiki scripts and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (stable)
- AbcTunebook add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (stable)
- Accessibility Accessibility Enhancements (Active)
- ActionMenu Drop-down menu to page actions (Edit, History, Attach...) instead of links. (Beta)
- AddFootnote Insert markup to create a footnote (Beta)
- AddSignature Insert markup for a stylized signature (Beta)
- Adit Affliate advertising management system (Stable)
- AdvancedTableDirectives Add Table capabilities - nested tables, zebra tables, new directives. (Working)
- AMmathjax Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax. (Stable)
- ASCIIMath Display MathML rendered ascii formula into PmWiki 2.x pages (Stable)
- Audio5 HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (Stable)
- AutoTel A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (Alpha)
- Bbcode BBcode for PmWiki (Release candidate)
- Blockquote-Cite-Quote Markup for Blockquote, Cite and Quote HTML tags (new)
- BootstrapIcons BootstrapIcons extension for PmWiki (Beta)
- Callout Present something within an iconic bubble or style. (alpha)
- CardsMarkup Markup suitable for displaying playing card games (e.g., contract bridge) (Stable)
- Carousel simple Image Carousel, from one-line Markup: auto-populated from contents of a directory ( Active)
- ChartDirector Add a bar chart to a page using modifiable data in page markup
- Checklists Ephemeral to-do lists (Beta)
- ChessMarkup Display chessboards in arbitrary positions (Stable)
- ChordPro Display ChordPro-formatted song sheets in a wiki page (Stable)
- ChordPro-Talk Discussion of ChordPro (Stable)
- ClassTags Markup for Edit-Mode to give a block of content a named class, for use with CSS, JS, or to add content-folding, and lots more! (Stable)
- CodeHighlight Syntax highlighting for programming languages (Beta)
- ConditionalExtensions A Conditional Markup extension for PmWiki 2.x (Stable)
- ConditionalMarkupSamples List of default and custom conditional markup definitions (Stable)
- ConvertHTML Convert an HTML page to PmWiki markup (beta)
- ConvertHTML-Talk Talk Page for ConvertHTML recipe
- ConvertTable Convert table action (Working)
- CountGlyphs A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup (Stable)
- CreateColumns quickly divides up a list of items into separate columns within a table
- CreativeCommonsLicenseDisplay Display a compliant Creative Commons License description from a wiki page (Stable)
- Creole Enable Creole markup ( (Stable)
- CSSToolTipsToGo markup for tooltip functionality (New)
- CurlyQuotes Display Curly Double/Single Quotes and M/N Dashes
- CustomSyntax Design notes of PmSyntax and custom markup rules (Beta)
- Dailymotion Markup for embedding DailyMotion videos (Stable)
- DeactivateParagraphTag Prevent the automatic insertion of a <p> tag by the markup engine (Beta)
- DebugMessages Capture recipe debug messages for display by the messages directive (In use)
- DefaultTableAttributes How to change the default attributes for tables created using PmWiki.Tables
- DetectBrowser detect what browser your visitor is using
- Dice Dice roller for PmWiki (stable)
- DisplayHtml Markup to display the html resulting of pmwiki syntax. (Stable)
- DomTT Use divs as tooltips (Stable)
- DreamWidthUserLink Displaying styled dreamwidth user and community links (Stable)
- EasyHttpRequests Quickly and easily retrieve variables from a URL (HTTP Requests) (Insecure)
- EditMX Allow Markup Expressions to be used in the editing of a page (Alpha)
- EditThisPageLink short markup for a link to 'edit this page'
- EmbedFacebook Use Facebook API to embed Facebook content into PmWiki (Production)
- EmbedTweet a recipe to embed live tweets from using Twitter's oembed API facility (stable)
- EnableHTML How to include HTML markup in wiki pages
- EscapedMarkup Allow a selection of markup rules to be performed for otherwise escaped text (Functional)
- ExpandingMenu A sidebar menu that supports nested lists where the nested items are displayed only if the user is in that group
- EZDate make displaying the date, time, and PHP timestamp inside the wiki easy (Working)
- EZLocaleDate make displaying the date and/or time with a non-English language inside the wiki easy (Working)
- FancyLaTeXLogo How to make a fancy LaTeX logo (as it appears in typeset documents) (Stable)
- FeralFormattedEntry (:ffe:)...(:ffeend:) directive to output text via a template. (Initial, apparently working.)
- Filterable Search box for instant filtering of long lists and tables (Beta)
- FixmeMarkup Implement "FIXME" markup in PmWiki. (Stable)
- Flipbox Flippable checkboxes and checklists (Beta)
- Flowplayer Flowplayer recipe (Beta)
- FontAwesome Include and use Font Awesome Icons (beta)
- Footnotes Simple footnote markup (Stable)
- FootnotesExtended A footnote recipe with extended referencing possibilities (stable, maintained)
- Formula Lightweight rendering of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (Beta)
- FoxEdit add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs with Fox (stable)
- FoxHoneyPot Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms (New)
- FractionsPlus Adds simple markup to write fractions. (Maintained)
- FriendlyAuthorLinks Displays author page titles as link text for all automatic author links. (Needs review)
- GoogleVoice Embed the Google Voice Widget on a webpage
- GpxStat A recipe to display statistics about a GPX file (Beta)
- Grep Use regular expressions to control what to include from a page (beta)
- GroupTitles Create group titles for groups, analagous to page titles with the (:title:) directive (stable)
- HandyTableOfContents Handy Client-side Table of Contents (stable)
- Hg Produce Hierarchical groups like effects on your site (Stable)
- HideSearchBar hide the search bar at the top of a skin with
- HighlightText Use HTML5 <mark> tag to highlight text. (Beta)
- Hlinks Create hierarchical pages (beta)
- HTML5Audio Play HTML5 Audio (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
- HTML5Extensions resources to use new HTML5 elements (new)
- HTML5Video Show HTML5 Video (obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead)
- ImportTabTable import and convert tab table to simple table markup quickly. (stable)
- InCategory Custom conditional markup to determine if a page is in a category (Experimental)
- IncludeSection Include a section from the first available among a list of pages
- InputStar Input control shaped like a group of 5 stars. (Beta)
- InternationalPTVs Allow international characters in the names of PageTextVariables (experimental)
- JavaScript Embed (static) JavaScript into wiki pages (Stable)
- JavaScript-Editable How to include JavaScript markup in wiki pages
- JsMath Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages using TeX. (Obsolete - use MathJax)
- JumpBox A pull down menu that can be used for navigation
- LaTeXMathML Translating LaTeX math notation dynamically to Presentation MathML (Stable)
- LibChart Creating charts in PmWiki (Alpha?)
- Licenses Markup to display licensing info on pages (Stable)
- Licenses-Talk Discussion of Licenses (Stable)
- LinguisticGlosses Adds markup for entering glossed text (Beta)
- LinkCSSToolTip link markup with css popup tooltip text including styling, variables, includes, menus (stable)
- LinkTel Active telephone links in wiki pages (beta)
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