
Results of search for / count=4101..4200:
00410  Set links to http or https based on how current page accesed (Closed - added for 2.2.0-beta18)
00411  pagelist to exclude redirects (Open)
00412  Add OpenOffice macro conversion to wiki text (Open)
00413  horiz frame/preview link for long page edits (Suspended)
00414  Option for logging search strings (Suspended)
00415  GUI buttons when using page template (Closed - not a bug)
00416  Date Headings in Recent Changes (Cookbook)
00417  Sync All Pages in one WikiGroup with another WikiGroup (Suspended)
00418  flock open failure by IIS (Windows-NT) (Closed - not a bug)
00419  eBookLog - a log for online literature (Suspended)
00420  Background images for pages, cells and tables (Open)
00421  WYSIWYG editor (like FCKEditor) integration (closed)
00422  Auth page shows up blank; no password input form (Closed - not a bug)
00423  Table attributes have a space added in string value (Closed - not a bug)
00424  Easier Pasting from Word Documents (Suspended)
00425  Words like DVDs and CDs are mistaken for WikiWord links (CoreCandidate, awaiting feedback / votes)
00426  Provide ?action=backlinks as special case of pagelist markup (Closed)
00427  Modify block markup to be able to stack blocks (Closed - exists)
00428  show markup in page history should break lines (Closed - added in 2.0.beta45)
00429  Pagelist exclusion bug, and its fix (Closed - fixed in 2.0.beta36)
00430  refcount does not honor $LinkWikiWords = 0 (Suspended)
00431  Search gives array_merge error in pagelist.php (Closed - fixed)
00432  UTF-8 wiki links in brackets followed by text (Closed - fixed for 2.0.6)
00433  new scripts/pagelist.php breaks SearchExtensions (Closed - added in 2.0.beta37)
00434  pagelist does not honour $SpaceWikiWords (Closed - already exists)
00435  support for .SVGZ files (Closed - added for 2.2.85)
00436  misinterpretation of links with SVG string (Open)
00437  Percent symbol adds extra cells to tables (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta39)
00438  problem with Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03 (Closed - not a bug)
00439  Bad recognition of filetype if $UploadDir contains a . (Closed -- fixed for 2.0.beta41)
00440  $LinkUrl and $LinkAlt not set in urlapprove.php (Closed - fixed in 2.0.beta37)
00441  Recipe Bug -- Enable HTML (Closed)
00442  Add additionnal GUI buttons lines (Open)
00443  Plenty of <p class='vspace'></p> in HTML code (Closed - not a bug)
00444  preformat not working in advanced tables (Closed - not a bug)
00445  Categories broken in category group (Closed - not a bug)
00446  Approve Links tool tip (Closed - added to documentation)
00447  Distinguish !Page and Category.Page in backlinks (Closed: added for 2.3.0)
00448  Ability to view source code of write-protected pages (Closed - already exists)
00449  Image references should be set before page includes (Closed - already exists)
00450  author cookie is not saved with UTF-8 enabled (Closed - fixed for 2.0.6)
00451  https access converts into http unwillingly (Closed - not a bug)
00452  Smaller and bigger text adds extra cell to simple table row (Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta39)
00453  Missing entry fields in XLPageTemplate for translation (Closed)
00454  Migration: Undesired upload password introduced (Closed - not a bug)
00455  Search problems: Warning (errno 2) (Closed)
00456  Markup searchbox produce an incorrect link (Closed - not a bug)
00457  Arbitrary start number for ordered lists (Closed - added for 2.0.beta41)
00458  Rebuild page files on the fly. (Suspended)
00459  Allow for shared groups/pages in a farm (Closed - added in 2.1.beta10)
00460  wikimedia syntax compatibility (Suspended)
00461  Multiple Tables not displayed under IE (Closed - not a bug)
00462  (:searchbox:) has now predefined width (Closed - not a bug)
00463  i18n issue due to Site.EditXxx (Closed - fixed in 2.0.5)
00464  protect author identity (Open)
00465  session_start (was Issue with Session and session_id ) (Closed - cannot duplicate)
00466  Saving Approved URLs issues: Added twice; Case sensitive (Closed - fixed for 2.0.0)
00467  Describe DummyPage? here needs forced link (Closed)
00468  Posting to PmWIki Using Email (Open)
00469  accesskey markup for links (Closed)
00470  external URLs not working (Closed, not a bug)
00471  Missing "reset" input type for forms (Closed - added for beta50)
00472  Attaching files belonging to other groups (Closed)
00473  Memory problems with 2.0 (Search, AllRecentChanges) (Suspended)
00474  unaccepted password character(s) (Closed)
00475  Hardcoded texts (Closed - fixed for 2.0.4)
00476  Redundant RecentChanges (Closed)
00477  Reminding Pm to Document Functions . . . (Confirmed, ToDo)
00478  Add display of "nopass" to ?action=attr (Open)
00479  Problem with uploaded stuff in a farm (Closed - not a bug)
00480  sidebar not working after upgrading from 2b40 to 2b48 (Closed - not a bug)
00481  Cookbook Expirediff asks for Password (Closed)
00482  Direct acces to page history from the recentchanges page (Closed)
00483  Warning with action=search (Closed - fixed for 2.0.0)
00484  mail(,,,,string additional_parameters) (Closed - added in 2.1.7)
00485  Include NewPageBox in a release (Closed -- added to cookbook)
00486  password required javascript breaks xhtml 1.0 Transitional standard (Closed - fixed for 2.0.6)
00487  Traffic log (Discussion)
00488  percents in WikiStyles don't work (closed - workaround in 2.1.0)
00489  classes for Image frames and captions (Closed, added for 2.2.76)
00490  A localization improvement in print.tmpl (Closed - fixed for 2.0.0)
00491  ksort() error in vardoc.php (Closed - fixed for 2.0.6)
00492  Use Image Filename (w/o Extension) as Alt Text (Suspended - cookbook)
00493  listing of proper ownership and permissions for files and folders (Closed - already available)
00494  NewPageBox Markup (Closed - fixed in 2.0.beta55)
00495  Problem with searching for % items (Closed - fixed for 2.0.0)
00496  Problem with preformatted markup (Closed - fixed)
00497  Add a separate <span> for image captions (Closed, added for 2.2.76)
00498  access to edit forms for other actions than 'edit' (Closed)
00499  Searching yields huge number of warnings (Closed)
00500  RecentChanges not behaving as desired (user error involved) (Closed - upgrade problem)
00501  Raw html and/or marquee code (Suspended)
00502  Incorrectly nested wiki-markup breaks XHTML compatibility (Closed - design decision)
00503  Searching for utf-8 characters doesn't work (Closed : fixed in PmWiki 2.2.x beta versions)
00504  Can't Edit site.sidebar (Closed - fixed in 2.0.1)
00505  document use of Site.PageActions (Closed - completed)
00506  Investigate slowness of urlapprove.php script (Open)
00507  jump from the search field to a page instead of searching (Closed - available in Cookbook)
00508  Problems with Password Duplicates and Cookbook/AuthUser (Open)

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  101  102  103 

Only search in group:  AttachImage (1), Backup (4), Banners (7), BlogIt (6), Category (357), Christian (99), Cjc (522), Cookbook (2307), CookbookFr (9), DaveG (21), EmacsModes (52), FoxDocumentation (21), GoogleMapAPI (27), HierarchicalGroupProposals (4), Holidays (149), LinuxTex (6), Localization (15), Magazine (24), Main (12), News (33), NewSkinIdeas (3), Nyår (12), PITS (1520), PLCal (19), PLCalDemo (45), PmCal (846), PmForm (24), PmWiki-DITA (3), PmWiki (314), PmWikiAr (7), PmWikiBg (22), PmWikiCa (48), PmWikiCreole (5), PmWikiCs (27), PmWikiDa (20), PmWikiDe (180), PmWikiEl (7), PmWikiEn (3), PmWikiEo (10), PmWikiEs (14), PmWikiFa (3), PmWikiFi (3), PmWikiFr (175), PmWikiHu (12), PmWikiId (4), PmWikiIt (58), PmWikiJa (41), PmWikiKr (3), PmWikiLt (6), PmWikiLv (3), PmWikiMk (3), PmWikiNl (29), PmWikiNo (5), PmWikiPl (14), PmWikiPt (5), PmWikiPtBr (59), PmWikiRo (5), PmWikiRu (89), PmWikiSi (8), PmWikiSk (31), PmWikiSq (6), PmWikiSv (14), PmWikiTa (3), PmWikiTr (5), PmWikiUk (8), PmWikiVi (20), PmWikiZhCn (49), PmWikiZhTw (45), Private (3), Profiles (1035), Quiz (8), RHCE (8), Scott (6), Site (60), SiteAdmin (12), Sites (5), Skins (223), SkinTest (5), SkinTutorials (6), StefCTDemo (9), Test (1131), TestBlog (38), TestDescription (12), TestDescriptionFmt (3), Teste (2), TestGroup1 (14), TestJa (17), TestPageList (8), TestProtected (3), TestSort (13), TestW7 (32), UserAuth2 (12), UserSven (2), UTF8 (67), ViewModes (10), WikiSh (14), WikiSpheres (5), WTF (8), XESTest (4), Àéè (4)

100 pages found out of 10290 pages searched.

A search for more than one word will find pages that contain all of the words. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase. Also use quotes for text with punctuation or special characters. Searches are case insensitive, but accent sensitive in the default configuration (i.e. 'u' is not the same as 'ù').

To limit your search to a single group, enter the group name followed by a slash at the beginning of the search string (e.g., "PmWiki/" or "Site/"). To list all pages, enter a slash for the search.

Search examples

EnterTo find pages whose content contains
apple pieboth 'apple' and 'pie'
"apple pie"the phrase 'apple pie'
pmwiki/apple'apple' in the PmWiki group of pages
"pmwiki/apple"the phrase 'pmwiki/apple' in all groups of pages
apple -pie'apple', omitting those containing 'pie'
food -"apple pie"'food', omitting those containing 'apple pie'
apple "-pie"the words 'apple' and '-pie'
apple - pie'apple', '-', and 'pie'
"pie:"the word 'pie' with a colon
"pie=tasty"the phrase 'pie=tasty'
pmwiki/all pages in the PmWiki group

Some special characters need to be enclosed in quotes, including the colon (:), equals sign (=), less than (<), single quote (') and double quote(").