
Results of search for Help count=901..1000:
00371  Instant Edit Form like Cookbook-V1.X-Comment (Closed)
00374  import a pagelist except for the links already present on the page (Closed - resolved in 2.0.4)
00392  increase pmwiki responsiveness by hard-coding some lists (Closed - fixed for 2.0.4)
00395  New Installation can't Acquire Lockfile (Closed)
00406  Disable Upload Password (Closed - already available)
00408  Why does PmWiki handles uploads/ and wiki.d/ differently? (Closed - already exists)
00419  eBookLog - a log for online literature (Suspended)
00421  WYSIWYG editor (like FCKEditor) integration (closed)
00430  refcount does not honor $LinkWikiWords = 0 (Suspended)
00432  UTF-8 wiki links in brackets followed by text (Closed - fixed for 2.0.6)
00438  problem with Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03 (Closed - not a bug)
00453  Missing entry fields in XLPageTemplate for translation (Closed)
00463  i18n issue due to Site.EditXxx (Closed - fixed in 2.0.5)
00470  external URLs not working (Closed, not a bug)
00472  Attaching files belonging to other groups (Closed)
00501  Raw html and/or marquee code (Suspended)
00516  Display title of pages in (:varindex:) (Open)
00517  Quotes appear with a backslash in lists (Closed - not a bug)
00520  Distribute PmWiki with WikiWords disabled by default (Closed - added to 2.1.beta1)
00525  Add %dlcol% wikistyle (Closed)
00526  Use relative urls by default (Closed - exists)
00530  Link to profile is interpreted false (Closed - fixed in 2.1.9)
00540  $PubDirUrl not used for skins (Closed - not a bug)
00548  pmwiki.php calls exit intead of return when done, which makes it impossible to include from another file. See Cookbook.IncludeAble (Closed - added for 2.0.12)
00552  *RecentChanges files keep only the first change made ever (Closed - not a bug)
00570  Illegal XML code generated by RSS (Closed - fixed for 2.1.beta14)
00577  Missing class= Attributes in Search (and other) Forms (Closed - added to 2.1.beta24)
00580  GUIedit bar not showing up (Closed - inactive)
00583  Update attachments (Closed - already exists)
00588  URL-encoding of non-ASCII characters in file links (Open)
00612  ?action=login doesn't work correct with [:if auth (Closed - fixed for 2.1.beta11)
00613  Firefox Search Plugin for PmWiki (Awaiting feedback)
00642  diff comparison of two arbitrarily selected versions (Open)
00644  Parse Error, Fatal Error after fresh install (Closed - no feedback)
00647  Use a different anchor class for links to group homepage (Open)
00666  CGI Error (Closed - insufficient information to diagnose)
00673  PmWiki changes a character with a macron to a character with a circumflex on save (Closed - not a bug)
00689  a skip argument for pagelist directives (Closed (use count=10..20))
00691  wiki.d becomes write protected about once every day (night) (Closed)
00695  submit button in page attributes form needs i18n (Closed - fixed)
00715  pmwiki broken after being spammed (Closed)
00717  Creation of a visual map of links (Open)
00718  FourOhFourCache (Closed - answered)
00725  UrlApproval request for additional options (Closed - already exists)
00727  Unable to save large pages in latest pmwiki. (Closed - not reproducible)
00728  Pagelist exclude pages from trail (Closed - exists)
00730  Title info missing in file (Closed - not a bug)
00745  conditional markup: ´if time´ (Closed - cookbook recipe)
00748  Merge AuthUser with UserAuth? (Closed)
00750  RecentChanges link in default skin gets a <span> (Closed - added for 2.1.10)
00755  Preventing vandalism using $EnableDrafts and Site.Edit (Closed - fixed in 2.2.0-beta43)
00756  WikiForms setup for dummies (Closed)
00767  New footer variable in template (Closed - added in 2.1.16)
00769  Can't Change Skin (Closed)
00782  warning function.session_write_close() (Closed - inactive)
00785  Notify also when uploads take place (InProgress)
00828  Address book (Open)
00834  Blank page when clicking Edit link on any page (Closed - inactive)
00848  Easy anti-SPAM global solution page (Open)
00849  Preview action only reloads page (Closed - not a bug)
00852  Page Custom : "Cannot modify header information" (Closed - replied)
00895  Allow multiple wiki trails on a page with anchors (Closed, added in 2.2.0-beta61)
00896  Make StopWatch more informative and more flexible (Open)
00898  Time Zone (Closed)
00899  Searchbox vs nice URLs issue (Closed (Answered))
00903  intermittent broken links with umlauts (Closed (Server Locale bug, solution provided in the page).)
00927  Multilanguage functionality with two languages (Open)
00929  Search function abused by spammers (Open)
00939  Issue with Notify.php (Closed - replied)
00946  CondAuth() enables publish authorization level? (Closed (Answered))
00950  File uploads fail with filenames containing special characters (umlauts) (Open)
00953  WikiWizard Editing, Attach markup (Open)
00955  Automatic anchors for document sections
00994  page edits are LOST when 'Attach' is selected (Closed (3 Cookbook recipes))
00996  Request: Embedded "News" Scroller (Open)
01000  ?action=crypt fails with CleanUrls enabled (Closed)
01005  Publish button disabled if Drafts and PageTextVar() is used (Closed - answered)
01006  problem with guiedit buttons (PITS 00580?): wrong url for guiedit.js (Closed (not a bug))
01015  numbering problem in edit mode (Closed - not a bug)
01016  ?action=edit not working: (Open)
01022  Provide better timeout info for recipes & PageIndexUpdate() (Open)
01023  Include PTVs and values and PVs and values in pageindex (Open)
01034  Communication Tool (Open)
01038  error when allow_url_fopen = Off (Closed)
01039  Presence Awareness and PmWiki (Open)
01048  search in attachment (PDF, DOC ...) (Open)
01053  Pagelist doesn't show words containing accentuated letters in alphabetical order (Closed - answered)
01068  PITS.php that works with las pmwiki version. (Closed (the recipe was fixed))
01086  Help: Skin problems (probably CSS) with wiki farming (Closed - replied)
01090  Can't add password protect (Closed - not a PmWiki bug)
01096  Disable all markup for PlainText Wiki (Closed - replied)
01098  Preview page text variables and pagelist templates (Closed - fixed for 2.2.9)
01101  passwdattr and passwdedit in files in wikilib.d folder breaks them (Server Error 500) (Closed (fixed 2009-07-07 in the release scripts))
01102  Break FPLTemplate function into several functions to create development hooks (Closed - added for 2.2.5)
01128  Page title not showing up with Yaml132 skin (Open)
01132  More flexible script & cookbook initialization (InProgress)
01133  Logs for Blocklist (Open)
01134  Cannot access site (Closed - not a PmWiki bug)
01135  Compare cookbook recipes (Open)
01144  adding title var in PmWikiNl/RecentChanges did crash PmWiki (Closed - works now)

Go to page:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15 

Only search in group:  BlogIt (1), Category (2), Christian (5), Cookbook (810), CookbookFr (1), DaveG (3), EmacsModes (9), FoxDocumentation (2), GoogleMapAPI (6), LinuxTex (1), Localization (6), Magazine (5), News (4), PITS (215), PmCal (4), PmForm (4), PmWiki-DITA (1), PmWiki (83), PmWikiCa (1), PmWikiCreole (1), PmWikiCs (2), PmWikiDa (1), PmWikiDe (6), PmWikiEo (2), PmWikiEs (2), PmWikiFi (1), PmWikiFr (5), PmWikiHu (2), PmWikiIt (3), PmWikiJa (6), PmWikiNl (3), PmWikiPl (1), PmWikiPtBr (4), PmWikiRo (1), PmWikiSq (1), PmWikiSv (2), PmWikiTr (1), PmWikiVi (1), PmWikiZhCn (4), PmWikiZhTw (2), Profiles (74), RHCE (2), Scott (1), Site (7), SiteAdmin (3), Sites (2), Skins (94), Test (31), TestBlog (1), TestW7 (3), UserAuth2 (2), UTF8 (1), WikiSh (1)

100 pages found out of 10287 pages searched.

A search for more than one word will find pages that contain all of the words. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase. Also use quotes for text with punctuation or special characters. Searches are case insensitive, but accent sensitive in the default configuration (i.e. 'u' is not the same as 'ù').

To limit your search to a single group, enter the group name followed by a slash at the beginning of the search string (e.g., "PmWiki/" or "Site/"). To list all pages, enter a slash for the search.

Search examples

EnterTo find pages whose content contains
apple pieboth 'apple' and 'pie'
"apple pie"the phrase 'apple pie'
pmwiki/apple'apple' in the PmWiki group of pages
"pmwiki/apple"the phrase 'pmwiki/apple' in all groups of pages
apple -pie'apple', omitting those containing 'pie'
food -"apple pie"'food', omitting those containing 'apple pie'
apple "-pie"the words 'apple' and '-pie'
apple - pie'apple', '-', and 'pie'
"pie:"the word 'pie' with a colon
"pie=tasty"the phrase 'pie=tasty'
pmwiki/all pages in the PmWiki group

Some special characters need to be enclosed in quotes, including the colon (:), equals sign (=), less than (<), single quote (') and double quote(").