
Summary: Talk page for EditHelp.
Maintainer: Petko
Users: (View / Edit)

This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date along with your comment.

[Closed] Flawless

This .js implementation has been used in our wiki over a year and a half and it is flawless. I think it can be moved out of beta stage now.

SILVERMOUSE, 20170801-14:28

[Closed] CodeMirror compatibility

I applaud this effort
It would be really good if this was either compatible with CodeMirror, or similarly provided WYSIWYG display. Could it not have been based on CodeMirror?

simon March 17, 2016, at 09:43 PM

The CodeMirror recipe has some of the functionality which I requested from Dfaure - list items - and it certainly could be extended for the others. Unfortunately in my browser "selection" copy and "middleclick" paste don't work with CodeMirror and I cannot efficiently use it, so I need this. --Petko March 18, 2016, at 03:11 AM

[Solved] SectionEdit compatibility

This tool doesn't work when I edit a section (using SectionEdit). (If I edit the whole page it works even though I have SectionEdit installed.) Can this problem be solved? Martin, Martin

Updated SectionEdit today to include the new form elements expected by autotext and autoscroll. It appears to work here, but I don't use SectionEdit a lot - if something is not right, let me know. --Petko

Talk page for the EditHelp recipe (users).