00647: Use a different anchor class for links to group homepage
Summary: Use a different anchor class for links to group homepage
Created: 2006-01-22 06:06
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: jm
Priority: 33
Version: 2.1beta20
OS: RedHat 9/Apache 2.0/PHP 4.3
Description: It would be very nice and helpful if wikilinks to the homepage of a group would be created with a different anchor class than "wikilink", for example by using "grouplink". With such an enhancement it would be very easy to create menus or to just format links to the current group homepage differently via CSS.
This could of course be extended for links to the overall homepage (e.g. "homelink") and/or to links within the same group (e.g. "samegrouplink") as well.