00642: diff comparison of two arbitrarily selected versions

Summary: diff comparison of two arbitrarily selected versions
Created: 2006-01-12 08:37
Status: Open
Category: Feature
Priority: 444
Version: 2.1.beta19

Description: PmWiki should be able to display the differences between two selected versions of a page, like UseMod or MediaWiki does. (I know that this is difficult because of PmWiki's storage format, but it would be nice to have, however :-)

PmWiki's storage format doesn't make this difficult at all -- in fact it's fairly simple. The hard part is deciding how it ought to look.

Updating the history display has been discussed from time to time, but so far it hasn't had enough demand to warrant a lot of work on it.


Released a recipe that provides this functionality: InlineDiff --Anno

Anno, I believe InlineDiff doesn't work for two arbitrarily chosen versions like MediaWiki does, though it has the tremendously helpful word-level diff functionality. I think this PITS is still open. --Henning June 08, 2007, at 11:05 AM

I created a recipe (ViewDiff) that addresses this feature request. However, you cannot yet implement it on the History page for two arbitrary versions of a page. I've added an option that adds arbitrary comparison the history page. --Diafygi

See also PITS.00571.