Cookbook /
- Cookbook /
- SearchCloud Creates a list of search terms used on a PmWiki site. (beta)
- SearchExtensions Ways to make searches more useful
- Searching Search related recipes
- SearchPatterns Q & A's on search patterns
- SearchQueryVariable New
variable and what you can do with it. (beta) - SearchResults How to change the way search results are displayed
- SearchTerms How to get the results of a search to highlight the search terms in a page
- SearchTimeoutPrevention What to do if a site has become so large that searches time out
- SecLayer Provide a ready-made security layer (while developing recipes) for controlling page access (Beta)
- SectionEdit Split a wiki page into separately editable sections with an edit link for each section (Stable)
- SectionInclude Adds a sectioninclude markup that works like include but you can click to edit the included page. (stable)
- SectionList A nice way to do formatted displays of anchored sections of data on a page. (Under Development)
- SecureAttachments Security issues for attachments
- Security Security authentication and authorization methods and systems
- SeeAllRSSChanges Add date to RSS feed
- SelectQuery Run a SQL SELECT query based on parameters submitted (demo at Interdependent Web)
- SelectQueryTalk
- SendMail Easily add PHPMailer to send SMTP email from your PHP code (Active)
- SEO A set of best practices to Search Engine Optimization
- SerialPageNames Markup expressions to create serial page names (stable)
- ServePageByJSON Serve a page by JSON (presumably for AJAX) (Working)
- ServerInfo Markup - Display $_SERVER Super-Global results from current Server ( Stable)
- SessionGuard Hamper session theft (session hijacking) and session fixation attacks. (Working)
- SessionPageStore Temporary/Ephemeral page storage for testing purposes (Experimental)
- SessionSecurityAdvice Collections of advice for securing your Wiki's sessions.
- SetPageTextVariable Set PageTextVariables in config.php (obsolete)
- ShareButtons Social media sharing buttons without tracking or JavaScript (Experimental)
- SharedPages Share selected pages among several wikis on a common server, as in WikiFarms (Stable)
- ShoppingCartProposal A proposal for how to develop a shopping-cart add-on for PmWiki. (pre-alpha)
- ShortCutsMarkup Gives easy access to creating some types of custom markup. (Working)
- ShortURLs shorten URLs using, including a markup expression and a function for further coding
- Shoutbox Display sidebar shoutbox (tested)
- ShowHide Adds toggle buttons and links to show/hide sections and objects. Superseded by Toggle. (deprecated)
- SideBarBottom
- SideBarNameChange How to change the name of the SideBar
- SideBarSpecial Customize SideBar(s) per Group or per Page, and/or auto append special SideBar ex.(Site.SideBarAdmin) (stable)
- SideNotes Create "Side Notes" for jotting down notes
- SignalWhenMarkup Tells you whether your markup is evaluated within (:markup:) code (stable)
- SimpleAjax Allow a simple ajax interaction within forms, usually via WikiSh (Backup of Development version)
- SimpleCart integration of simple javascript shopping cart with PayPal or Google checkout (stable)
- SimpleChem Simple markup for chemical formulas in PmWiki 2.x pages (Experimental)
- SimpleDiscussLink Add an action (or sidebar) link that leads to and from a -Talk page. (Initial Release)
- SimpleForum Simple and styled forum (Stable)
- SimpleForumGroupFooter Used by Cookbook:SimpleForum
- SimpleGallery A simple image gallery
- SimpleJsMath Notes on modifying the jsMath for a skin (not a complete recipe)
- SimplemachinesIntegration How to use the authentification of the Simplemachines forum to control the access to a PmWiki installation
- SimplemachinesUserSystemIntegration
- SimpleMAINlink Add a link to your Main Home Page (beta)
- SimplePageCounter A simple page counter of visits to each page
- SimplePieDisplay Add an RSS feed to a page using SimplePie (Beta)
- SimplePlaylist Simple audio player with a playlist (Experimental)
- SimpleRating a simple rating system (Stable)
- SimpleRecipeTemplate A Simple Recipe Template to provide a framework for PmWiki recipes (Always beta)
- SimpleSiteMap Easy site map using only core PmWiki features (Stable)
- Simpleviewer Simpleviewer recipe (Beta)
- SimplifiedAdvancedTableDirectives Simplify Advanced Directive Syntax (working but still testing)
- SimultaneousEdits Enable simultaneous edits for platforms without popen or diff3 (Experimental)
- SingleSign-On Use Windows-Logon for Authentication on pmwiki (Stable)
- Sisterly Lets wikis on a farm access each other as easily as accessing other pages within a wiki (beta)
- SiteDump creates a .tar.gz file of the complete site for download (stable)
- SiteInformation How to quickly see the settings for a site without having to look at the contents of the local configuration file
- Sitemapper Adds a dynamically generated sitemap to PmWiki. (beta)
- SiteMapsWithOptions Standard Site Map for websites (Stable)
- SkinList List skins installed on a site (Stable)
- Skins Redirects to Skins (default sidebar links to here)
- Skittlish-SiteHeader
- SlideShow Create slide presentations with skin support (Stable)
- SlideshowRefresh slideshowRefresh creates a "slideshow" by using the 'Refresh' meta tag, coupled with pagelist in order to automatically load one-page-after-another on a wiki, at an interval specified by the visitor.
- SlimTableOfContents Simple or Numbered Table of Contents, Compatible with SectionEdit Recipe (not working with php5.5)
- SmallInstall Minimise the size of the PmWiki installed files
- SmartColorboxGallery Smart Colorbox Gallery is an easy to use gallery that creates small and large images, and makes a colorbox slideshow. (RC)
- SmartQuotes Turns straight quotes into smart quotes (Maintained)
- SMFUserIntergration Integrates Simple Machines Users into PmWiki (Testing)
- SMTPMail Send automated e-mails via your SMTP server (Experimental)
- Snotes Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) (Stable / Active)
- SocialBookmarkIcons Create dynamically a list of clickable icons for social bookmarking sites. (Stable)
- SocialBookmarking Adds Badges for Sending a Page to Social Bookmarking Services
- Sortable Add sort options for a client list in the form of a drop-down list. (Beta)
- SortableTables Create tables which can be sorted instantly by javascript (stable)
- SortByScore Sorts
search results by number of matching words found in page + displays fragments of page near the word. (beta) - SourceBlock Source code syntax highlighter for PmWiki 2.x using GeSHi (Stable)
- SourceCodeHorizontalLines Allow horizontal lines made of dashes ("-------") in PMWiki page source code (Working)
- SourceForgeServers Install PmWiki in's project web space. (Outdated)
- SourceHistory Web php programming abilities from computers without any editor installed (beta)
- SpacedWikiWords Space out WikiWords? in the page presentation without requiring FreeLink? mark-up
- SpamFilters Automatic blocking of some spambots (beta)
- Sparklines Easily embed sparklines inside wiki pages (works)
- SpeedOptimizations How to tune PmWiki and its environment for speed
- SpellChecker How to enable spell-cheking on a wiki (Unmaintained)
- Sphinx How can I search my PmWiki content via the Sphinx engine?
- SQLite Store wiki pages in an SQLite database file (Experimental)
- Standalone Allows PmWiki to run in a "standalone" mode, without needing a webserver such as Apache
- StarRater 5 star rating system (stable)
- StaticPages Allows pmwiki pages to be published as static pages
- Stopwatch Use the $StopWatch function to measure PmWiki performance. (Stable)
- StoredAuthName How to set a stored author name to an authenticated user (Stable)
- StringReplace link or form markup for replacing text strings in pages (beta)
- Styles Practical examples of CSS Style use (with some explanation) (currently just a placeholder...)
- SubEthaEditPmWikiMode
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