Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes)

Summary: Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes)
Version: 2.3.3-20230215
Prerequisites: PmWiki 2.2.122+, PHP 5.6.40+
Status: Stable / Active
Users: (View / Edit)
Categories: CSS Notes PHP55 PHP72 PHP74
Discussion: Snotes-Talk

Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes)

Snotes-sample1 | Snotes-sample2 | Snotes-sample3(DataUri)


Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes)


Some of the potential uses of Snotes

  1. Simple styles to create boxes/notes.
  2. Create boxes easily by just using the style.

About Snotes

Some issues Snotes addresses:

  1. General styles for quick creation of box/notes and wiki text enhancements.



Release notes

If the recipe has multiple releases, then release notes can be placed here. Note that it's often easier for people to work with "release dates" instead of "version numbers".

See also



  • Please see links at the beginning of this page. see above

Package/AppsMinimumLast test
Php5 >= 5.6.408.0.19
Browser1Most browsers built after 2014
with JavaScript support + CSS2.1+

1. CSS(browser dependant) -



February 15, 2023
Snotes version 2.3.3
* changed stitle to percentage based.
* changed listcompact a:hover behaviour.
* changed listcompact to display:inline.
* removed deprecated nbullet.
* add class dotlist2.
* fixes for php 8.0.x.
* updated docs.
* code clean.

January 16, 2023
Snotes version 2.3.2
* make compatible with php 7.2x.
* make compatible with php 8.0.x.
* minor bug fix.

April 14, 2014
Snotes version 2.3.1
* minor bug fix.

March 20, 2014
Snotes version 2.3.0
* make compatible with php 5.5x.
* add flowauto, flowhide, nobg.
* add dotlist for ul, ol lists (using counters()).
* add ruled, txtr - for ruled text lines.
* add compactlist for ul, ol lists (using inline-block).
* minor bug fix.

March 16, 2013
Snotes version 2.2.5
+ added position fixed.
+ added stitle.
* minor code clean.

September 19, 2012
Snotes version 2.2.4
+ added border=0, class .cen
* minor code clean.

August 17, 2010
Snotes version 2.2.3
* datauri now handled by 'imgdat:'
+ added 'enableDataUri' toggle.

August 07, 2010
Snotes version 2.2.3-beta-1
+ added nowrap, wspre css.
+ added datauri for icons.
* minor code clean.

February 10, 2010
Snotes version 2.2.2
* minor code clean.
* listcompact opera compatible
* updated readme file

November 19, 2009
Snotes version 2.2.1
* minor code clean
+ added hidden, visibility css

September 26, 2009
Snotes version 2.2.0
* Complete rewrite.

May 2005-2006
Snotes version 1.x.x
* Initial releases.


  • V.Krishn


This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date (eg 2007-05-19) along with your comment. Optional alternative: create a new page with a name like "ThisRecipe-Talk" (e.g. PmCalendar-Talk).

See discussion at Snotes-Talk

User notes : If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.