How to set up and use Font Awesome Icons in PmWiki?
Font Awesome (FA for short) is a symbol webfont, that allows you to use scalable vector icons that are easily styled using CSS. This works just like styling fonts, and gives you much more freedom than fixed-size images, and much less overhead than SVG symbols.
Font Awesome ("FA", "fa") is currently hosted by Github, and published under various open source licenses, please check the FA Project Homepage for details before you proceed.
If you have never heard of Font Awesome before, and you want to know what the symbols look and feel like, just have a look at the project.
Installation / Configuration
1. On your PmWiki installation, create the directory "fontawesome" inside pmwiki/pub.
2. Go to this fontawesome page and click on "Download Font Awesome Free for the Web" to download the font archive.
3. Open the font archive, and copy the directories "css" and "webfonts" and the file LICENSE.txt into pmwiki/pub/fontawesome.
4. Add to local/config.php these lines:
# font awesome $HTMLHeaderFmt['fontawesome'] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="$FarmPubDirUrl/fontawesome/css/all.min.css" />'; # custom tilde shortcut Markup('fawe', 'inline', '/~(fa[rsbld]?)-([a-z-]+)/', '<i class="$1 fa-$2"></i>');
See the page icons (free, solid) or below for available symbols and their names.
There are 2 ways to use the icons -- either with PmWiki:WikiStyles, or with the custom tilde shortcut defined above.
With WikiStyles, you need to type %fa fa-ICONNAME% %%
where ICONNAME is the name of the icon, e.g. "arrow-right". Note the spaces and the percents.
With the shortcut markup, you can type ~fa-ICONNAME
where ICONNAME is the name of the icon, e.g. "arrow-right". Note that after the shortcut you need to have a character different from lowercase [a-z] and dash, for example a space. You can use the non-breaking space
to avoid a line break, or the null space [==]
to glue the icon to the next letter.
* %fa fa-bus% %% bus icon * take the ~fa-bus public transport * ~fa-arrow-left look around ~fa-arrow-right |
Using the tilde shortcut allows you to have other inline wikistyles, for example color:
We ~fa-user-friends took a %green% ~fa-bicycle bike ride %% along the ~fa-water Marne river near ~fa-city Paris. |
We took a bike ride along the Marne river near Paris. |
The recipe is enabled on this page and on the talk page where you can test it.
As the Font Awesome symbols are styled by CSS, they will inherit some styles (color, size, etc.) from their parent elements, and can easily be individually styled (sized, colored, shadowed,...) as well.
List of icons - around 1000 "solid"
Some are not included, blocked by our spam filters (hotel, lender, prescription bottle)
To include these in your page, type either ~fa-ICONNAME
or ~fas-ICONNAME
("fas"="font awesome solid")
- ~fa-ad
- ~fa-address-book
- ~fa-address-card
- ~fa-adjust
- ~fa-air-freshener
- ~fa-align-center
- ~fa-align-justify
- ~fa-align-left
- ~fa-align-right
- ~fa-allergies
- ~fa-ambulance
- ~fa-american-sign-language-interpreting
- ~fa-anchor
- ~fa-angle-double-down
- ~fa-angle-double-left
- ~fa-angle-double-right
- ~fa-angle-double-up
- ~fa-angle-down
- ~fa-angle-left
- ~fa-angle-right
- ~fa-angle-up
- ~fa-angry
- ~fa-ankh
- ~fa-apple-alt
- ~fa-archive
- ~fa-archway
- ~fa-arrow-alt-circle-down
- ~fa-arrow-alt-circle-left
- ~fa-arrow-alt-circle-right
- ~fa-arrow-alt-circle-up
- ~fa-arrow-circle-down
- ~fa-arrow-circle-left
- ~fa-arrow-circle-right
- ~fa-arrow-circle-up
- ~fa-arrow-down
- ~fa-arrow-left
- ~fa-arrow-right
- ~fa-arrow-up
- ~fa-arrows-alt
- ~fa-arrows-alt-h
- ~fa-arrows-alt-v
- ~fa-assistive-listening-systems
- ~fa-asterisk
- ~fa-at
- ~fa-atlas
- ~fa-atom
- ~fa-audio-description
- ~fa-award
- ~fa-baby
- ~fa-baby-carriage
- ~fa-backspace
- ~fa-backward
- ~fa-bacon
- ~fa-bacteria
- ~fa-bacterium
- ~fa-bahai
- ~fa-balance-scale
- ~fa-balance-scale-left
- ~fa-balance-scale-right
- ~fa-ban
- ~fa-band-aid
- ~fa-barcode
- ~fa-bars
- ~fa-baseball-ball
- ~fa-basketball-ball
- ~fa-bath
- ~fa-battery-empty
- ~fa-battery-full
- ~fa-battery-half
- ~fa-battery-quarter
- ~fa-battery-three-quarters
- ~fa-bed
- ~fa-beer
- ~fa-bell
- ~fa-bell-slash
- ~fa-bezier-curve
- ~fa-bible
- ~fa-bicycle
- ~fa-biking
- ~fa-binoculars
- ~fa-biohazard
- ~fa-birthday-cake
- ~fa-blender
- ~fa-blind
- ~fa-blog
- ~fa-bold
- ~fa-bolt
- ~fa-bomb
- ~fa-bone
- ~fa-bong
- ~fa-book
- ~fa-book-dead
- ~fa-book-medical
- ~fa-book-open
- ~fa-book-reader
- ~fa-bookmark
- ~fa-border-all
- ~fa-border-none
- ~fa-border-style
- ~fa-bowling-ball
- ~fa-box
- ~fa-box-open
- ~fa-box-tissue
- ~fa-boxes
- ~fa-braille
- ~fa-brain
- ~fa-bread-slice
- ~fa-briefcase
- ~fa-briefcase-medical
- ~fa-broadcast-tower
- ~fa-broom
- ~fa-brush
- ~fa-bug
- ~fa-building
- ~fa-bullhorn
- ~fa-bullseye
- ~fa-burn
- ~fa-bus
- ~fa-bus-alt
- ~fa-business-time
- ~fa-calculator
- ~fa-calendar
- ~fa-calendar-alt
- ~fa-calendar-check
- ~fa-calendar-day
- ~fa-calendar-minus
- ~fa-calendar-plus
- ~fa-calendar-times
- ~fa-calendar-week
- ~fa-camera
- ~fa-camera-retro
- ~fa-campground
- ~fa-candy-cane
- ~fa-cannabis
- ~fa-capsules
- ~fa-car
- ~fa-car-alt
- ~fa-car-battery
- ~fa-car-crash
- ~fa-car-side
- ~fa-caravan
- ~fa-caret-down
- ~fa-caret-left
- ~fa-caret-right
- ~fa-caret-square-down
- ~fa-caret-square-left
- ~fa-caret-square-right
- ~fa-caret-square-up
- ~fa-caret-up
- ~fa-carrot
- ~fa-cart-arrow-down
- ~fa-cart-plus
- ~fa-cash-register
- ~fa-cat
- ~fa-certificate
- ~fa-chair
- ~fa-chalkboard
- ~fa-chalkboard-teacher
- ~fa-charging-station
- ~fa-chart-area
- ~fa-chart-bar
- ~fa-chart-line
- ~fa-chart-pie
- ~fa-check
- ~fa-check-circle
- ~fa-check-double
- ~fa-check-square
- ~fa-cheese
- ~fa-chess
- ~fa-chess-bishop
- ~fa-chess-board
- ~fa-chess-king
- ~fa-chess-knight
- ~fa-chess-pawn
- ~fa-chess-queen
- ~fa-chess-rook
- ~fa-chevron-circle-down
- ~fa-chevron-circle-left
- ~fa-chevron-circle-right
- ~fa-chevron-circle-up
- ~fa-chevron-down
- ~fa-chevron-left
- ~fa-chevron-right
- ~fa-chevron-up
- ~fa-child
- ~fa-church
- ~fa-circle
- ~fa-circle-notch
- ~fa-city
- ~fa-clinic-medical
- ~fa-clipboard
- ~fa-clipboard-check
- ~fa-clipboard-list
- ~fa-clock
- ~fa-clone
- ~fa-closed-captioning
- ~fa-cloud
- ~fa-cloud-download-alt
- ~fa-cloud-meatball
- ~fa-cloud-moon
- ~fa-cloud-moon-rain
- ~fa-cloud-rain
- ~fa-cloud-showers-heavy
- ~fa-cloud-sun
- ~fa-cloud-sun-rain
- ~fa-cloud-upload-alt
- ~fa-cocktail
- ~fa-code
- ~fa-code-branch
- ~fa-coffee
- ~fa-cog
- ~fa-cogs
- ~fa-coins
- ~fa-columns
- ~fa-comment
- ~fa-comment-alt
- ~fa-comment-dollar
- ~fa-comment-dots
- ~fa-comment-medical
- ~fa-comment-slash
- ~fa-comments
- ~fa-comments-dollar
- ~fa-compact-disc
- ~fa-compass
- ~fa-compress
- ~fa-compress-alt
- ~fa-compress-arrows-alt
- ~fa-concierge-bell
- ~fa-cookie
- ~fa-cookie-bite
- ~fa-copy
- ~fa-copyright
- ~fa-couch
- ~fa-credit-card
- ~fa-crop
- ~fa-crop-alt
- ~fa-cross
- ~fa-crosshairs
- ~fa-crow
- ~fa-crown
- ~fa-crutch
- ~fa-cube
- ~fa-cubes
- ~fa-cut
- ~fa-database
- ~fa-deaf
- ~fa-democrat
- ~fa-desktop
- ~fa-dharmachakra
- ~fa-diagnoses
- ~fa-dice
- 20 ~fa-dice-d20
- 6 ~fa-dice-d6
- ~fa-dice-five
- ~fa-dice-four
- ~fa-dice-one
- ~fa-dice-six
- ~fa-dice-three
- ~fa-dice-two
- ~fa-digital-tachograph
- ~fa-directions
- ~fa-disease
- ~fa-divide
- ~fa-dizzy
- ~fa-dna
- ~fa-dog
- ~fa-dollar-sign
- ~fa-dolly
- ~fa-dolly-flatbed
- ~fa-donate
- ~fa-door-closed
- ~fa-door-open
- ~fa-dot-circle
- ~fa-dove
- ~fa-download
- ~fa-drafting-compass
- ~fa-dragon
- ~fa-draw-polygon
- ~fa-drum
- ~fa-drum-steelpan
- ~fa-drumstick-bite
- ~fa-dumbbell
- ~fa-dumpster
- ~fa-dumpster-fire
- ~fa-dungeon
- ~fa-edit
- ~fa-egg
- ~fa-eject
- ~fa-ellipsis-h
- ~fa-ellipsis-v
- ~fa-envelope
- ~fa-envelope-open
- ~fa-envelope-open-text
- ~fa-envelope-square
- ~fa-equals
- ~fa-eraser
- ~fa-ethernet
- ~fa-euro-sign
- ~fa-exchange-alt
- ~fa-exclamation
- ~fa-exclamation-circle
- ~fa-exclamation-triangle
- ~fa-expand
- ~fa-expand-alt
- ~fa-expand-arrows-alt
- ~fa-external-link-alt
- ~fa-external-link-square-alt
- ~fa-eye
- ~fa-eye-dropper
- ~fa-eye-slash
- ~fa-fan
- ~fa-fast-backward
- ~fa-fast-forward
- ~fa-faucet
- ~fa-fax
- ~fa-feather
- ~fa-feather-alt
- ~fa-female
- ~fa-fighter-jet
- ~fa-file
- ~fa-file-alt
- ~fa-file-archive
- ~fa-file-audio
- ~fa-file-code
- ~fa-file-contract
- ~fa-file-csv
- ~fa-file-download
- ~fa-file-excel
- ~fa-file-export
- ~fa-file-image
- ~fa-file-import
- ~fa-file-invoice
- ~fa-file-invoice-dollar
- ~fa-file-medical
- ~fa-file-medical-alt
- ~fa-file-pdf
- ~fa-file-powerpoint
- ~fa-file-prescription
- ~fa-file-signature
- ~fa-file-upload
- ~fa-file-video
- ~fa-file-word
- ~fa-fill
- ~fa-fill-drip
- ~fa-film
- ~fa-filter
- ~fa-fingerprint
- ~fa-fire
- ~fa-fire-alt
- ~fa-fire-extinguisher
- ~fa-first-aid
- ~fa-fish
- ~fa-fist-raised
- ~fa-flag
- ~fa-flag-checkered
- ~fa-flag-usa
- ~fa-flask
- ~fa-flushed
- ~fa-folder
- ~fa-folder-minus
- ~fa-folder-open
- ~fa-folder-plus
- ~fa-font
- ~fa-football-ball
- ~fa-forward
- ~fa-frog
- ~fa-frown
- ~fa-frown-open
- ~fa-funnel-dollar
- ~fa-futbol
- ~fa-gamepad
- ~fa-gas-pump
- ~fa-gavel
- ~fa-gem
- ~fa-genderless
- ~fa-ghost
- ~fa-glass-cheers
- ~fa-glass-martini
- ~fa-glass-martini-alt
- ~fa-glass-whiskey
- ~fa-glasses
- ~fa-globe
- ~fa-globe-africa
- ~fa-globe-americas
- ~fa-globe-asia
- ~fa-globe-europe
- ~fa-golf-ball
- ~fa-gopuram
- ~fa-graduation-cap
- ~fa-greater-than
- ~fa-greater-than-equal
- ~fa-grimace
- ~fa-grin
- ~fa-grin-alt
- ~fa-grin-beam
- ~fa-grin-beam-sweat
- ~fa-grin-hearts
- ~fa-grin-squint
- ~fa-grin-squint-tears
- ~fa-grin-stars
- ~fa-grin-tears
- ~fa-grin-tongue
- ~fa-grin-tongue-squint
- ~fa-grin-tongue-wink
- ~fa-grin-wink
- ~fa-grip-horizontal
- ~fa-grip-lines
- ~fa-grip-lines-vertical
- ~fa-grip-vertical
- ~fa-guitar
- ~fa-h-square
- ~fa-hamburger
- ~fa-hammer
- ~fa-hamsa
- ~fa-hand-holding
- ~fa-hand-holding-heart
- ~fa-hand-holding-medical
- ~fa-hand-holding-usd
- ~fa-hand-holding-water
- ~fa-hand-lizard
- ~fa-hand-middle-finger
- ~fa-hand-paper
- ~fa-hand-peace
- ~fa-hand-point-down
- ~fa-hand-point-left
- ~fa-hand-point-right
- ~fa-hand-point-up
- ~fa-hand-pointer
- ~fa-hand-rock
- ~fa-hand-scissors
- ~fa-hand-sparkles
- ~fa-hand-spock
- ~fa-hands
- ~fa-hands-helping
- ~fa-hands-wash
- ~fa-handshake
- ~fa-handshake-alt-slash
- ~fa-handshake-slash
- ~fa-hanukiah
- ~fa-hard-hat
- ~fa-hashtag
- ~fa-hat-cowboy
- ~fa-hat-cowboy-side
- ~fa-hat-wizard
- ~fa-hdd
- ~fa-head-side-cough
- ~fa-head-side-cough-slash
- ~fa-head-side-mask
- ~fa-head-side-virus
- ~fa-heading
- ~fa-headphones
- ~fa-headphones-alt
- ~fa-headset
- ~fa-heart
- ~fa-heart-broken
- ~fa-heartbeat
- ~fa-helicopter
- ~fa-highlighter
- ~fa-hiking
- ~fa-hippo
- ~fa-history
- ~fa-hockey-puck
- ~fa-holly-berry
- ~fa-home
- ~fa-horse
- ~fa-horse-head
- ~fa-hospital
- ~fa-hospital-alt
- ~fa-hospital-symbol
- ~fa-hospital-user
- ~fa-hot-tub
- ~fa-hotdog
- ~fa-hourglass
- ~fa-hourglass-end
- ~fa-hourglass-half
- ~fa-hourglass-start
- ~fa-house-damage
- ~fa-house-user
- ~fa-hryvnia
- ~fa-i-cursor
- ~fa-ice-cream
- ~fa-icicles
- ~fa-icons
- ~fa-id-badge
- ~fa-id-card
- ~fa-id-card-alt
- ~fa-igloo
- ~fa-image
- ~fa-images
- ~fa-inbox
- ~fa-indent
- ~fa-industry
- ~fa-infinity
- ~fa-info
- ~fa-info-circle
- ~fa-italic
- ~fa-jedi
- ~fa-joint
- ~fa-journal-whills
- ~fa-kaaba
- ~fa-key
- ~fa-keyboard
- ~fa-khanda
- ~fa-kiss
- ~fa-kiss-beam
- ~fa-kiss-wink-heart
- ~fa-kiwi-bird
- ~fa-landmark
- ~fa-language
- ~fa-laptop
- ~fa-laptop-code
- ~fa-laptop-house
- ~fa-laptop-medical
- ~fa-laugh
- ~fa-laugh-beam
- ~fa-laugh-squint
- ~fa-laugh-wink
- ~fa-layer-group
- ~fa-leaf
- ~fa-lemon
- ~fa-less-than
- ~fa-less-than-equal
- ~fa-level-down-alt
- ~fa-level-up-alt
- ~fa-life-ring
- ~fa-lightbulb
- ~fa-link
- ~fa-lira-sign
- ~fa-list
- ~fa-list-alt
- ~fa-list-ol
- ~fa-list-ul
- ~fa-location-arrow
- ~fa-lock
- ~fa-lock-open
- ~fa-long-arrow-alt-down
- ~fa-long-arrow-alt-left
- ~fa-long-arrow-alt-right
- ~fa-long-arrow-alt-up
- ~fa-low-vision
- ~fa-luggage-cart
- ~fa-lungs
- ~fa-lungs-virus
- ~fa-magic
- ~fa-magnet
- ~fa-mail-bulk
- ~fa-male
- ~fa-map
- ~fa-map-marked
- ~fa-map-marked-alt
- ~fa-map-marker
- ~fa-map-marker-alt
- ~fa-map-pin
- ~fa-map-signs
- ~fa-marker
- ~fa-mars
- ~fa-mars-double
- ~fa-mars-stroke
- ~fa-mars-stroke-h
- ~fa-mars-stroke-v
- ~fa-mask
- ~fa-medal
- ~fa-medkit
- ~fa-meh
- ~fa-meh-blank
- ~fa-meh-rolling-eyes
- ~fa-memory
- ~fa-menorah
- ~fa-mercury
- ~fa-meteor
- ~fa-microchip
- ~fa-microphone
- ~fa-microphone-alt
- ~fa-microphone-alt-slash
- ~fa-microphone-slash
- ~fa-microscope
- ~fa-minus
- ~fa-minus-circle
- ~fa-minus-square
- ~fa-mitten
- ~fa-mobile
- ~fa-mobile-alt
- ~fa-money-bill
- ~fa-money-bill-alt
- ~fa-money-bill-wave
- ~fa-money-bill-wave-alt
- ~fa-money-check
- ~fa-money-check-alt
- ~fa-monument
- ~fa-moon
- ~fa-mortar-pestle
- ~fa-mosque
- ~fa-motorcycle
- ~fa-mountain
- ~fa-mouse
- ~fa-mouse-pointer
- ~fa-mug-hot
- ~fa-music
- ~fa-network-wired
- ~fa-neuter
- ~fa-newspaper
- ~fa-not-equal
- ~fa-notes-medical
- ~fa-object-group
- ~fa-object-ungroup
- ~fa-oil-can
- ~fa-om
- ~fa-otter
- ~fa-outdent
- ~fa-pager
- ~fa-paint-brush
- ~fa-paint-roller
- ~fa-palette
- ~fa-pallet
- ~fa-paper-plane
- ~fa-paperclip
- ~fa-parachute-box
- ~fa-paragraph
- ~fa-parking
- ~fa-passport
- ~fa-pastafarianism
- ~fa-paste
- ~fa-pause
- ~fa-pause-circle
- ~fa-paw
- ~fa-peace
- ~fa-pen
- ~fa-pen-alt
- ~fa-pen-fancy
- ~fa-pen-nib
- ~fa-pen-square
- ~fa-pencil-alt
- ~fa-pencil-ruler
- ~fa-people-arrows
- ~fa-people-carry
- ~fa-pepper-hot
- ~fa-percent
- ~fa-percentage
- ~fa-person-booth
- ~fa-phone
- ~fa-phone-alt
- ~fa-phone-slash
- ~fa-phone-square
- ~fa-phone-square-alt
- ~fa-phone-volume
- ~fa-photo-video
- ~fa-piggy-bank
- ~fa-pills
- ~fa-pizza-slice
- ~fa-place-of-worship
- ~fa-plane
- ~fa-plane-arrival
- ~fa-plane-departure
- ~fa-plane-slash
- ~fa-play
- ~fa-play-circle
- ~fa-plug
- ~fa-plus
- ~fa-plus-circle
- ~fa-plus-square
- ~fa-podcast
- ~fa-poll
- ~fa-poll-h
- ~fa-poo
- ~fa-poo-storm
- ~fa-poop
- ~fa-portrait
- ~fa-pound-sign
- ~fa-power-off
- ~fa-pray
- ~fa-praying-hands
- ~fa-prescription
- ~fa-print
- ~fa-procedures
- ~fa-project-diagram
- ~fa-pump-medical
- ~fa-pump-soap
- ~fa-puzzle-piece
- ~fa-qrcode
- ~fa-question
- ~fa-question-circle
- ~fa-quidditch
- ~fa-quote-left
- ~fa-quote-right
- ~fa-quran
- ~fa-radiation
- ~fa-radiation-alt
- ~fa-rainbow
- ~fa-random
- ~fa-receipt
- ~fa-record-vinyl
- ~fa-recycle
- ~fa-redo
- ~fa-redo-alt
- ~fa-registered
- ~fa-remove-format
- ~fa-reply
- ~fa-reply-all
- ~fa-republican
- ~fa-restroom
- ~fa-retweet
- ~fa-ribbon
- ~fa-ring
- ~fa-road
- ~fa-robot
- ~fa-rocket
- ~fa-route
- ~fa-rss
- ~fa-rss-square
- ~fa-ruble-sign
- ~fa-ruler
- ~fa-ruler-combined
- ~fa-ruler-horizontal
- ~fa-ruler-vertical
- ~fa-running
- ~fa-rupee-sign
- ~fa-sad-cry
- ~fa-sad-tear
- ~fa-satellite
- ~fa-satellite-dish
- ~fa-save
- ~fa-school
- ~fa-screwdriver
- ~fa-scroll
- ~fa-sd-card
- ~fa-search
- ~fa-search-dollar
- ~fa-search-location
- ~fa-search-minus
- ~fa-search-plus
- ~fa-seedling
- ~fa-server
- ~fa-shapes
- ~fa-share
- ~fa-share-alt
- ~fa-share-alt-square
- ~fa-share-square
- ~fa-shekel-sign
- ~fa-shield-alt
- ~fa-shield-virus
- ~fa-ship
- ~fa-shipping-fast
- ~fa-shoe-prints
- ~fa-shopping-bag
- ~fa-shopping-basket
- ~fa-shopping-cart
- ~fa-shower
- ~fa-shuttle-van
- ~fa-sign
- ~fa-sign-in-alt
- ~fa-sign-language
- ~fa-sign-out-alt
- ~fa-signal
- ~fa-signature
- ~fa-sim-card
- ~fa-sink
- ~fa-sitemap
- ~fa-skating
- ~fa-skiing
- ~fa-skiing-nordic
- ~fa-skull
- ~fa-skull-crossbones
- ~fa-slash
- ~fa-sleigh
- ~fa-sliders-h
- ~fa-smile
- ~fa-smile-beam
- ~fa-smile-wink
- ~fa-smog
- ~fa-smoking
- ~fa-smoking-ban
- ~fa-sms
- ~fa-snowboarding
- ~fa-snowflake
- ~fa-snowman
- ~fa-snowplow
- ~fa-soap
- ~fa-socks
- ~fa-solar-panel
- ~fa-sort
- ~fa-sort-alpha-down
- ~fa-sort-alpha-down-alt
- ~fa-sort-alpha-up
- ~fa-sort-alpha-up-alt
- ~fa-sort-amount-down
- ~fa-sort-amount-down-alt
- ~fa-sort-amount-up
- ~fa-sort-amount-up-alt
- ~fa-sort-down
- ~fa-sort-numeric-down
- ~fa-sort-numeric-down-alt
- ~fa-sort-numeric-up
- ~fa-sort-numeric-up-alt
- ~fa-sort-up
- ~fa-spa
- ~fa-space-shuttle
- ~fa-spell-check
- ~fa-spider
- ~fa-spinner
- ~fa-splotch
- ~fa-spray-can
- ~fa-square
- ~fa-square-full
- ~fa-square-root-alt
- ~fa-stamp
- ~fa-star
- ~fa-star-and-crescent
- ~fa-star-half
- ~fa-star-half-alt
- ~fa-star-of-david
- ~fa-star-of-life
- ~fa-step-backward
- ~fa-step-forward
- ~fa-stethoscope
- ~fa-sticky-note
- ~fa-stop
- ~fa-stop-circle
- ~fa-stopwatch
- 20 ~fa-stopwatch-20
- ~fa-store
- ~fa-store-alt
- ~fa-store-alt-slash
- ~fa-store-slash
- ~fa-stream
- ~fa-street-view
- ~fa-strikethrough
- ~fa-stroopwafel
- ~fa-subscript
- ~fa-subway
- ~fa-suitcase
- ~fa-suitcase-rolling
- ~fa-sun
- ~fa-superscript
- ~fa-surprise
- ~fa-swatchbook
- ~fa-swimmer
- ~fa-swimming-pool
- ~fa-synagogue
- ~fa-sync
- ~fa-sync-alt
- ~fa-syringe
- ~fa-table
- ~fa-table-tennis
- ~fa-tablet
- ~fa-tablet-alt
- ~fa-tablets
- ~fa-tachometer-alt
- ~fa-tag
- ~fa-tags
- ~fa-tape
- ~fa-tasks
- ~fa-taxi
- ~fa-teeth
- ~fa-teeth-open
- ~fa-temperature-high
- ~fa-temperature-low
- ~fa-tenge
- ~fa-terminal
- ~fa-text-height
- ~fa-text-width
- ~fa-th
- ~fa-th-large
- ~fa-th-list
- ~fa-theater-masks
- ~fa-thermometer
- ~fa-thermometer-empty
- ~fa-thermometer-full
- ~fa-thermometer-half
- ~fa-thermometer-quarter
- ~fa-thermometer-three-quarters
- ~fa-thumbs-down
- ~fa-thumbs-up
- ~fa-thumbtack
- ~fa-ticket-alt
- ~fa-times
- ~fa-times-circle
- ~fa-tint
- ~fa-tint-slash
- ~fa-tired
- ~fa-toggle-off
- ~fa-toggle-on
- ~fa-toilet
- ~fa-toilet-paper
- ~fa-toilet-paper-slash
- ~fa-toolbox
- ~fa-tools
- ~fa-tooth
- ~fa-torah
- ~fa-torii-gate
- ~fa-tractor
- ~fa-trademark
- ~fa-traffic-light
- ~fa-trailer
- ~fa-train
- ~fa-tram
- ~fa-transgender
- ~fa-transgender-alt
- ~fa-trash
- ~fa-trash-alt
- ~fa-trash-restore
- ~fa-trash-restore-alt
- ~fa-tree
- ~fa-trophy
- ~fa-truck
- ~fa-truck-loading
- ~fa-truck-monster
- ~fa-truck-moving
- ~fa-truck-pickup
- ~fa-tshirt
- ~fa-tty
- ~fa-tv
- ~fa-umbrella
- ~fa-umbrella-beach
- ~fa-underline
- ~fa-undo
- ~fa-undo-alt
- ~fa-universal-access
- ~fa-university
- ~fa-unlink
- ~fa-unlock
- ~fa-unlock-alt
- ~fa-upload
- ~fa-user
- ~fa-user-alt
- ~fa-user-alt-slash
- ~fa-user-astronaut
- ~fa-user-check
- ~fa-user-circle
- ~fa-user-clock
- ~fa-user-cog
- ~fa-user-edit
- ~fa-user-friends
- ~fa-user-graduate
- ~fa-user-injured
- ~fa-user-lock
- ~fa-user-md
- ~fa-user-minus
- ~fa-user-ninja
- ~fa-user-nurse
- ~fa-user-plus
- ~fa-user-secret
- ~fa-user-shield
- ~fa-user-slash
- ~fa-user-tag
- ~fa-user-tie
- ~fa-user-times
- ~fa-users
- ~fa-users-cog
- ~fa-users-slash
- ~fa-utensil-spoon
- ~fa-utensils
- ~fa-vector-square
- ~fa-venus
- ~fa-venus-double
- ~fa-venus-mars
- ~fa-vest
- ~fa-vest-patches
- ~fa-vial
- ~fa-vials
- ~fa-video
- ~fa-video-slash
- ~fa-vihara
- ~fa-virus
- ~fa-virus-slash
- ~fa-viruses
- ~fa-voicemail
- ~fa-volleyball-ball
- ~fa-volume-down
- ~fa-volume-mute
- ~fa-volume-off
- ~fa-volume-up
- ~fa-vote-yea
- ~fa-vr-cardboard
- ~fa-walking
- ~fa-wallet
- ~fa-warehouse
- ~fa-water
- ~fa-wave-square
- ~fa-weight
- ~fa-weight-hanging
- ~fa-wheelchair
- ~fa-wifi
- ~fa-wind
- ~fa-window-close
- ~fa-window-maximize
- ~fa-window-minimize
- ~fa-window-restore
- ~fa-wine-bottle
- ~fa-wine-glass
- ~fa-wine-glass-alt
- ~fa-won-sign
- ~fa-wrench
- ~fa-x-ray
- ~fa-yen-sign
- ~fa-yin-yang
List of icons - around 150 "regular"
Most of the "regular" ones have a "solid" variant, see above.
To include these in your page, type ~far-ICONNAME
("far"="font awesome regular")
- ~far-address-book
- ~far-address-card
- ~far-angry
- ~far-arrow-alt-circle-down
- ~far-arrow-alt-circle-left
- ~far-arrow-alt-circle-right
- ~far-arrow-alt-circle-up
- ~far-bell
- ~far-bell-slash
- ~far-bookmark
- ~far-building
- ~far-calendar
- ~far-calendar-alt
- ~far-calendar-check
- ~far-calendar-minus
- ~far-calendar-plus
- ~far-calendar-times
- ~far-caret-square-down
- ~far-caret-square-left
- ~far-caret-square-right
- ~far-caret-square-up
- ~far-chart-bar
- ~far-check-circle
- ~far-check-square
- ~far-circle
- ~far-clipboard
- ~far-clock
- ~far-clone
- ~far-closed-captioning
- ~far-comment
- ~far-comment-alt
- ~far-comment-dots
- ~far-comments
- ~far-compass
- ~far-copy
- ~far-copyright
- ~far-credit-card
- ~far-dizzy
- ~far-dot-circle
- ~far-edit
- ~far-envelope
- ~far-envelope-open
- ~far-eye
- ~far-eye-slash
- ~far-file
- ~far-file-alt
- ~far-file-archive
- ~far-file-audio
- ~far-file-code
- ~far-file-excel
- ~far-file-image
- ~far-file-pdf
- ~far-file-powerpoint
- ~far-file-video
- ~far-file-word
- ~far-flag
- ~far-flushed
- ~far-folder
- ~far-folder-open
- ~far-frown
- ~far-frown-open
- ~far-futbol
- ~far-gem
- ~far-grimace
- ~far-grin
- ~far-grin-alt
- ~far-grin-beam
- ~far-grin-beam-sweat
- ~far-grin-hearts
- ~far-grin-squint
- ~far-grin-squint-tears
- ~far-grin-stars
- ~far-grin-tears
- ~far-grin-tongue
- ~far-grin-tongue-squint
- ~far-grin-tongue-wink
- ~far-grin-wink
- ~far-hand-lizard
- ~far-hand-paper
- ~far-hand-peace
- ~far-hand-point-down
- ~far-hand-point-left
- ~far-hand-point-right
- ~far-hand-point-up
- ~far-hand-pointer
- ~far-hand-rock
- ~far-hand-scissors
- ~far-hand-spock
- ~far-handshake
- ~far-hdd
- ~far-heart
- ~far-hospital
- ~far-hourglass
- ~far-id-badge
- ~far-id-card
- ~far-image
- ~far-images
- ~far-keyboard
- ~far-kiss
- ~far-kiss-beam
- ~far-kiss-wink-heart
- ~far-laugh
- ~far-laugh-beam
- ~far-laugh-squint
- ~far-laugh-wink
- ~far-lemon
- ~far-life-ring
- ~far-lightbulb
- ~far-list-alt
- ~far-map
- ~far-meh
- ~far-meh-blank
- ~far-meh-rolling-eyes
- ~far-minus-square
- ~far-money-bill-alt
- ~far-moon
- ~far-newspaper
- ~far-object-group
- ~far-object-ungroup
- ~far-paper-plane
- ~far-pause-circle
- ~far-play-circle
- ~far-plus-square
- ~far-question-circle
- ~far-registered
- ~far-sad-cry
- ~far-sad-tear
- ~far-save
- ~far-share-square
- ~far-smile
- ~far-smile-beam
- ~far-smile-wink
- ~far-snowflake
- ~far-square
- ~far-star
- ~far-star-half
- ~far-sticky-note
- ~far-stop-circle
- ~far-sun
- ~far-surprise
- ~far-thumbs-down
- ~far-thumbs-up
- ~far-times-circle
- ~far-tired
- ~far-trash-alt
- ~far-user
- ~far-user-circle
- ~far-window-close
- ~far-window-maximize
- ~far-window-minimize
- ~far-window-restore
List of icons - around 450 "brands"
Some are not included, blocked by our spam filters (buy)
To include these in your page, type ~fab-ICONNAME
("fab"="font awesome brands")
- ~fab-accessible-icon
- ~fab-accusoft
- ~fab-acquisitions-incorporated
- ~fab-adn
- ~fab-adversal
- ~fab-affiliatetheme
- ~fab-airbnb
- ~fab-algolia
- ~fab-alipay
- ~fab-amazon
- ~fab-amazon-pay
- ~fab-amilia
- ~fab-android
- ~fab-angellist
- ~fab-angrycreative
- ~fab-angular
- ~fab-app-store
- ~fab-app-store-ios
- ~fab-apper
- ~fab-apple
- ~fab-apple-pay
- ~fab-artstation
- ~fab-asymmetrik
- ~fab-atlassian
- ~fab-audible
- ~fab-autoprefixer
- ~fab-avianex
- ~fab-aviato
- ~fab-aws
- ~fab-bandcamp
- ~fab-battle-net
- ~fab-behance
- ~fab-behance-square
- ~fab-bimobject
- ~fab-bitbucket
- ~fab-bitcoin
- ~fab-bity
- ~fab-black-tie
- ~fab-blackberry
- ~fab-blogger
- ~fab-blogger-b
- ~fab-bluetooth
- ~fab-bluetooth-b
- ~fab-bootstrap
- ~fab-btc
- ~fab-buffer
- ~fab-buromobelexperte
- ~fab-canadian-maple-leaf
- ~fab-cc-amazon-pay
- ~fab-cc-amex
- ~fab-cc-apple-pay
- ~fab-cc-diners-club
- ~fab-cc-discover
- ~fab-cc-jcb
- ~fab-cc-mastercard
- ~fab-cc-paypal
- ~fab-cc-stripe
- ~fab-cc-visa
- ~fab-centercode
- ~fab-centos
- ~fab-chrome
- ~fab-chromecast
- ~fab-cloudflare
- ~fab-cloudscale
- ~fab-cloudsmith
- ~fab-cloudversify
- ~fab-codepen
- ~fab-codiepie
- ~fab-confluence
- ~fab-connectdevelop
- ~fab-contao
- ~fab-cotton-bureau
- ~fab-cpanel
- ~fab-creative-commons
- ~fab-creative-commons-by
- ~fab-creative-commons-nc
- ~fab-creative-commons-nc-eu
- ~fab-creative-commons-nc-jp
- ~fab-creative-commons-nd
- ~fab-creative-commons-pd
- ~fab-creative-commons-pd-alt
- ~fab-creative-commons-remix
- ~fab-creative-commons-sa
- ~fab-creative-commons-sampling
- ~fab-creative-commons-sampling-plus
- ~fab-creative-commons-share
- ~fab-creative-commons-zero
- ~fab-critical-role
- 3 ~fab-css3
- 3-alt ~fab-css3-alt
- ~fab-cuttlefish
- ~fab-d-and-d
- ~fab-d-and-d-beyond
- ~fab-dailymotion
- ~fab-dashcube
- ~fab-deezer
- ~fab-delicious
- ~fab-deploydog
- ~fab-deskpro
- ~fab-dev
- ~fab-deviantart
- ~fab-dhl
- ~fab-diaspora
- ~fab-digg
- ~fab-digital-ocean
- ~fab-discord
- ~fab-discourse
- ~fab-dochub
- ~fab-docker
- 2digital ~fab-draft2digital
- ~fab-dribbble
- ~fab-dribbble-square
- ~fab-dropbox
- ~fab-drupal
- ~fab-dyalog
- ~fab-earlybirds
- ~fab-ebay
- ~fab-edge
- ~fab-edge-legacy
- ~fab-elementor
- ~fab-ello
- ~fab-ember
- ~fab-empire
- ~fab-envira
- ~fab-erlang
- ~fab-ethereum
- ~fab-etsy
- ~fab-evernote
- ~fab-expeditedssl
- ~fab-facebook
- ~fab-facebook-f
- ~fab-facebook-messenger
- ~fab-facebook-square
- ~fab-fantasy-flight-games
- ~fab-fedex
- ~fab-fedora
- ~fab-figma
- ~fab-firefox
- ~fab-firefox-browser
- ~fab-first-order
- ~fab-first-order-alt
- ~fab-firstdraft
- ~fab-flickr
- ~fab-flipboard
- ~fab-fly
- ~fab-font-awesome
- ~fab-font-awesome-alt
- ~fab-font-awesome-flag
- ~fab-fonticons
- ~fab-fonticons-fi
- ~fab-fort-awesome
- ~fab-fort-awesome-alt
- ~fab-forumbee
- ~fab-foursquare
- ~fab-free-code-camp
- ~fab-freebsd
- ~fab-fulcrum
- ~fab-galactic-republic
- ~fab-galactic-senate
- ~fab-get-pocket
- ~fab-gg
- ~fab-gg-circle
- ~fab-git
- ~fab-git-alt
- ~fab-git-square
- ~fab-github
- ~fab-github-alt
- ~fab-github-square
- ~fab-gitkraken
- ~fab-gitlab
- ~fab-gitter
- ~fab-glide
- ~fab-glide-g
- ~fab-gofore
- ~fab-goodreads
- ~fab-goodreads-g
- ~fab-google
- ~fab-google-drive
- ~fab-google-pay
- ~fab-google-play
- ~fab-google-plus
- ~fab-google-plus-g
- ~fab-google-plus-square
- ~fab-google-wallet
- ~fab-gratipay
- ~fab-grav
- ~fab-gripfire
- ~fab-grunt
- ~fab-guilded
- ~fab-gulp
- ~fab-hacker-news
- ~fab-hacker-news-square
- ~fab-hackerrank
- ~fab-hips
- ~fab-hire-a-helper
- ~fab-hive
- ~fab-hooli
- ~fab-hornbill
- ~fab-hotjar
- ~fab-houzz
- 5 ~fab-html5
- ~fab-hubspot
- ~fab-ideal
- ~fab-imdb
- ~fab-innosoft
- ~fab-instagram
- ~fab-instagram-square
- ~fab-instalod
- ~fab-intercom
- ~fab-internet-explorer
- ~fab-invision
- ~fab-ioxhost
- ~fab-itch-io
- ~fab-itunes
- ~fab-itunes-note
- ~fab-java
- ~fab-jedi-order
- ~fab-jenkins
- ~fab-jira
- ~fab-joget
- ~fab-joomla
- ~fab-js
- ~fab-js-square
- ~fab-jsfiddle
- ~fab-kaggle
- ~fab-keybase
- ~fab-keycdn
- ~fab-kickstarter
- ~fab-kickstarter-k
- ~fab-korvue
- ~fab-laravel
- ~fab-lastfm
- ~fab-lastfm-square
- ~fab-leanpub
- ~fab-less
- ~fab-line
- ~fab-linkedin
- ~fab-linkedin-in
- ~fab-linode
- ~fab-linux
- ~fab-lyft
- ~fab-magento
- ~fab-mailchimp
- ~fab-mandalorian
- ~fab-markdown
- ~fab-mastodon
- ~fab-maxcdn
- ~fab-mdb
- ~fab-medapps
- ~fab-medium
- ~fab-medium-m
- ~fab-medrt
- ~fab-meetup
- ~fab-megaport
- ~fab-mendeley
- ~fab-microblog
- ~fab-microsoft
- ~fab-mix
- ~fab-mixcloud
- ~fab-mixer
- ~fab-mizuni
- ~fab-modx
- ~fab-monero
- ~fab-napster
- ~fab-neos
- ~fab-nimblr
- ~fab-node
- ~fab-node-js
- ~fab-npm
- 8 ~fab-ns8
- ~fab-nutritionix
- ~fab-octopus-deploy
- ~fab-odnoklassniki
- ~fab-odnoklassniki-square
- ~fab-old-republic
- ~fab-opencart
- ~fab-openid
- ~fab-opera
- ~fab-optin-monster
- ~fab-orcid
- ~fab-osi
- 4 ~fab-page4
- ~fab-pagelines
- ~fab-palfed
- ~fab-patreon
- ~fab-paypal
- ~fab-penny-arcade
- ~fab-perbyte
- ~fab-periscope
- ~fab-phabricator
- ~fab-phoenix-framework
- ~fab-phoenix-squadron
- ~fab-php
- ~fab-pied-piper
- ~fab-pied-piper-alt
- ~fab-pied-piper-hat
- ~fab-pied-piper-pp
- ~fab-pied-piper-square
- ~fab-pinterest
- ~fab-pinterest-p
- ~fab-pinterest-square
- ~fab-playstation
- ~fab-product-hunt
- ~fab-pushed
- ~fab-python
- ~fab-qq
- ~fab-quinscape
- ~fab-quora
- ~fab-r-project
- ~fab-raspberry-pi
- ~fab-ravelry
- ~fab-react
- ~fab-reacteurope
- ~fab-readme
- ~fab-rebel
- ~fab-red-river
- ~fab-reddit
- ~fab-reddit-alien
- ~fab-reddit-square
- ~fab-redhat
- ~fab-renren
- ~fab-replyd
- ~fab-researchgate
- ~fab-resolving
- ~fab-rev
- ~fab-rocketchat
- ~fab-rockrms
- ~fab-rust
- ~fab-safari
- ~fab-salesforce
- ~fab-sass
- ~fab-schlix
- ~fab-scribd
- ~fab-searchengin
- ~fab-sellcast
- ~fab-sellsy
- ~fab-servicestack
- ~fab-shirtsinbulk
- ~fab-shopify
- ~fab-shopware
- ~fab-simplybuilt
- ~fab-sistrix
- ~fab-sith
- ~fab-sketch
- ~fab-skyatlas
- ~fab-skype
- ~fab-slack
- ~fab-slack-hash
- ~fab-slideshare
- ~fab-snapchat
- ~fab-snapchat-ghost
- ~fab-snapchat-square
- ~fab-soundcloud
- ~fab-sourcetree
- ~fab-speakap
- ~fab-speaker-deck
- ~fab-spotify
- ~fab-squarespace
- ~fab-stack-exchange
- ~fab-stack-overflow
- ~fab-stackpath
- ~fab-staylinked
- ~fab-steam
- ~fab-steam-square
- ~fab-steam-symbol
- ~fab-sticker-mule
- ~fab-strava
- ~fab-stripe
- ~fab-stripe-s
- ~fab-studiovinari
- ~fab-stumbleupon
- ~fab-stumbleupon-circle
- ~fab-superpowers
- ~fab-supple
- ~fab-suse
- ~fab-swift
- ~fab-symfony
- ~fab-teamspeak
- ~fab-telegram
- ~fab-telegram-plane
- ~fab-tencent-weibo
- ~fab-the-red-yeti
- ~fab-themeco
- ~fab-themeisle
- ~fab-think-peaks
- ~fab-tiktok
- ~fab-trade-federation
- ~fab-trello
- ~fab-tripadvisor
- ~fab-tumblr
- ~fab-tumblr-square
- ~fab-twitch
- ~fab-twitter
- ~fab-twitter-square
- 3 ~fab-typo3
- ~fab-uber
- ~fab-ubuntu
- ~fab-uikit
- ~fab-umbraco
- ~fab-uncharted
- ~fab-uniregistry
- ~fab-unity
- ~fab-unsplash
- ~fab-untappd
- ~fab-ups
- ~fab-usb
- ~fab-usps
- ~fab-ussunnah
- ~fab-vaadin
- ~fab-viacoin
- ~fab-viadeo
- ~fab-viadeo-square
- ~fab-viber
- ~fab-vimeo
- ~fab-vimeo-square
- ~fab-vimeo-v
- ~fab-vine
- ~fab-vk
- ~fab-vnv
- ~fab-vuejs
- ~fab-watchman-monitoring
- ~fab-waze
- ~fab-weebly
- ~fab-weibo
- ~fab-weixin
- ~fab-whatsapp
- ~fab-whatsapp-square
- ~fab-whmcs
- ~fab-wikipedia-w
- ~fab-windows
- ~fab-wix
- ~fab-wizards-of-the-coast
- ~fab-wodu
- ~fab-wolf-pack-battalion
- ~fab-wordpress
- ~fab-wordpress-simple
- ~fab-wpbeginner
- ~fab-wpexplorer
- ~fab-wpforms
- ~fab-wpressr
- ~fab-xbox
- ~fab-xing
- ~fab-xing-square
- ~fab-y-combinator
- ~fab-yahoo
- ~fab-yammer
- ~fab-yandex
- ~fab-yandex-international
- ~fab-yarn
- ~fab-yelp
- ~fab-yoast
- ~fab-youtube
- ~fab-youtube-square
- ~fab-zhihu
- The icons will not work in page titles.
- If you place icons in section headings, they will not appear in the links of the core PmWiki:TableOfContents, see above.
Change log / Release notes
- 20210119 modify markup rule to recognize "pro" versions of the icons (if you have a pro kit).
- 20210118a modify markup rule to include brands and regular icons in addition to solid (default) ones.
- 20210118 recipe completely rewritten by Petko and enabled on this page.
- 20140901 first release, tested with FA 4.2.0 and PmWiki 2.2.30 by JoBo.
See also
- 2021- Petko - recipe rewritten, taking over recipe without maintainer.
- 2014 JoBo - original page, generic instructions
See discussion at FontAwesome-Talk
User notes +4: If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.