
Summary: Implement "FIXME" markup in PmWiki.
Version: 2020-03-19
Prerequisites: Requires at least PmWiki version: ??; last tested on PmWiki version: pmwiki-2.2.126 (compatible with PHP 5.5, PHP 7.2)
Status: Stable
Maintainer: Robert Riebisch
Categories: Markup
Users: (view? / edit)
Discussion: FixmeMarkup-Talk?

Questions answered by this recipe

  1. How can I easily mark parts of a page for later fixing?
  2. How can I make those markings stand out, when viewing and editing a page?

All sections are optional, you can remove those that do not apply to your recipe, and add new ones.


DokuWiki provides the markup "FIXME" to allow authors rapid "prototyping" of new wiki pages. This recipe shows how to mimic this behaviour in PmWiki.

Sample screenshots:


At first, put the following lines to your local/config.php file:

  \\(:FIXME:\\)  # existing
  |              # or
  (?<![\t])      # not preceded by tab
    \\bFIXME\\b  # between non-word characters
  )/x"] = '(:FIXME:)';
Markup('FIXME', 'directives', '/\\(:FIXME:\\)/', "$PubDirUrl/fixme.gif\"FIXME\"");

Next, put the following line to your pub/css/local.css file:

img[src$="fixme.gif"] { vertical-align: middle; }

Finally, get Fixme icon from DokuWiki, licensed GNU GPLv2 and place it to your pub/ folder.


  1. Just type FIXME (all upper case) anywhere you like on a page.
  2. You can have as many FIXMEs on a single page as you want.
  3. Clicking buttons "Preview", "Save", or "Save and edit" will change FIXME to (:FIXME:).
  4. When you view a page, you will see a FIXME icon, everywhere you wrote FIXME.
  5. To see all your wiki's FIXMEs, simply use PmWiki's search function to search for "FIXME".
  6. Then replace every (:FIXME:) with your intended change step by step.

Change log / Release notes

  • 2020-03-19: Initial release.

If the recipe has multiple releases, then release notes can be placed here. Note that it's often easier for people to work with "release dates" instead of "version numbers".

See also

For more detailed explanations on how this works:

If you want to avoid introducing a new markup to your PmWiki installation, you may use the [[!UpdateMe]] category instead.



See discussion at FixmeMarkup-Talk?

User notes? : If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.