Questions answered by this recipe
How do I embed the Google Voice Widget on a page?
Easily embed the Google Voice Widget on a webpage with this recipe.
To do so, place googleVoiceWidget.phpΔ in your cookbook, and add the following to config:
To get the appropriate embed code, visit your account at and visit Settings > Voice Settings > Call Widgets. Add a new widget if there are none, and copy and paste the resulting line of embed code into your wiki edit window. The recipe contains an $ROEPatterns
that will automatically convert the html to the following pmwiki markup:
(:googleVoice XXXXXXXXXXX:)
... where XXXXXXXXXX is your assigned ID.
- To be honest, the Google Voice Widget doesn't make a lot of sense right off the bat, and seems prone to possible mischief - i.e. a visitor can type any phone number they want into the widget, and it will automatically try to connect that person (perhaps an ex-lover) to you via your phone. (As a result, I'm sadly not posting a working example.) Plus the process involves the other person receiving a phone call with a short, fast message that makes little sense, followed by a ringing sound, as if the person who received the call has now called someone. Anyways, seems confusing at best, and embarrassing at worst. But here's a recipe that plugs it in!
- As this is a new feature at Google, stay tuned to their website for more updates or changes in available widgets, features, policies, etc.
Release notes
- 2010-08-26 - initial release, overtones99
See also
See discussion at GoogleVoice-Talk?
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