
Summary: Convert table action
Version: 1.2
Status: Working
Discussion: ConvertTable-Talk
Categories: Markup Tables

Questions answered by this recipe

  • Tables are not versatile enough, is there a way to convert them to table directives?

This section is optional; use it to indicate the types of questions (if any) this recipe is intended to answer.


This recipe will assist in converting a table to table directives.

It is recommended that you have one table in a page to use this. You can copy the table code and paste it into a scratch page and save. While viewing the page add to the url "?action=converttable". You will see the new code displayed inside your browser window. Select the new code (Click and drag to highlight in browser window), Copy (Control-c) the code and paste (Control-v) it into a new page.

This recipe is not perfect. It does not handle "colspan" which in tables are created with "|||||||||" etc. It will help greatly in converting your tables to simplified advanced table directives.


Copy converttable.phpΔ to your cookbook directory

In your config.php enter:


or in your farmconfig.php enter:



Release Notes

  • Version: 1.1 - Added RecipeInfo
  • Version: 10 10 2006 10:47 PM CST - Initial release

See Also

Text2Tbl Provide a way to convert arbitrarily structured text to table markup and provide conversion of simple tables to advanced.



See discussion at ConvertTable-Talk

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