Boira < Skins > BS-001 PmWiki skin (talk | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)
Bonny is a fully CSS-driven skin, 2 or 3-column layout, with variations in layout and appearance, and optional CMS mode.
There is a choice of layouts. One can set the layout by setting $BonnyLayout in local/config.php (see Configuration Variables below). One can also set it on a per-user basis via parameters and cookies.
This skin has an optional menu-bar in the header (in addition to the wiki actions), which is defined in Site.MenuBar (or {$Group}.MenuBar).
The menu-bar is only displayed if $BonnyMenuBar is true (see Config Variables below).
The header section of the page includes a breadcrumb trail, which is defined in Site.BreadCrumb (or {$Group}.BreadCrumb).
The default version displays
PmWiki > Group > Page
If Cluster is installed, then it will use Cluster's $BreadCrumb variable
in preference, showing
PmWiki > {*$BreadCrumb}
The left hand column holds the side bar for the main site navigation links.
If one selects the 'trio' or 'roomy_trio' layout, this gives a three-column layout; the third column is called the "right bar".
There is a choice of themes. A theme defines a colour scheme, background and fonts for a page. One can set the theme by setting $BonnyTheme in local/config.php (see Configuration Variables below). One can also set it on a per-user basis via parameters and cookies.
If you understand CSS, you can create your own theme files. Bonny will automatically detect additional themes if they are installed.
However, I will not debug your themes for you.
What is CMS mode? CMS stands for "Content Management System"; the idea is to make PmWiki work like a content management system by hiding the things that reveal that it is a Wiki. When CMS mode is turned on, then various things (such as PageActions and RecentChanges) are hidden from viewers if they are not logged in. (See $BonnyCMS in Configuration Variables below.)
The PageActionsCMS page will be used (if it exists) rather than the PageActions page; but it includes the PageActions page inside it, so you can use your usual PageActions -- the PageActionsCMS page simply takes into account whether BonnyCMS is enabled, and whether the user has logged in.
You can also hide the Search links by setting $BonnyIncludeSearch to 0 in local/config.php. When would one wish to disable it? When one is using one's own search, and doesn't want to use PmWiki's search; other templates require one to remove the search links by editing the template; with this skin you only have to set a config variable. Also note, however, that you can change the format of the searchbox by setting the $SearchBoxFmt variable.
These can be set in your local/config.php file.
Name | Description | Example |
$BonnyTheme | which theme to use (see Themes) | $BonnyTheme = 'silver'; |
$BonnyLayout | which layout variation to use (see Layout) | $BonnyLayout = 'roomy'; |
$BonnyStyleSet | disable/enable style options to be set via cookie. (Enabled by default) Currently enabled. | $BonnyStyleSet = 1; |
$ThemeCookieExpires | this is normally set to be one year from now; if you want it to expire at the end of the session, set it to 0. | $ThemeCookieExpires = 0; |
$LayoutCookieExpires | this is normally set to be one year from now; if you want it to expire at the end of the session, set it to 0. | $LayoutCookieExpires = 0; |
$BonnyCMS | enable CMS-like behaviour to hide page actions from non-logged in users, and make the login link hard to see until you hover your mouse over it. Currently disabled. | $BonnyCMS = 1; |
$BonnyCMSHover | if $BonnyCMS is also true, then use CSS :hover settings to hide the login link even more deeply (the only thing showing will be a '.' until you hover your mouse over it, which then displays the Login link); but this doesn't work with an IE browser, so it is disabled by default. Currently disabled. | $BonnyCMSHover = 1; |
$BonnyMenuBar | enable the MenuBar. The default MenuBar displays all the groups in the wiki; since this may be horribly large on some wikis, and manageably small on others, it is disabled by default. If you want to display the menubar, then set this to 1. If you want your menubar to have other content, then edit your own version of it, and set $BonnyMenuBar to 1. Currently disabled. | $BonnyMenuBar = 1; |
$BonnyIncludeSearch | disable/enable inclusion of the searchbox in the sidebar and the search link in the footer. (Enabled by default). This is useful if you are using your own search engine rather than the built-in one. Currently enabled. | #BonnyIncludeSearch = 0; |
$BonnyLogoLink | set this to the URL you want to be used in the logo link. If it isn't set, it will use $ScriptUrl as per usual. This is useful for CMS-flavoured sites where you have the wiki as part of the site, and you want the logo URL to link to the top of the site rather than the wiki part of the site. Note: if this doesn't work, try adding global $BonnyLogoLink; when you set it. | $BonnyLogoLink = ''; |
Try out Bonny skin (version 0.06). There are two style options: layout and theme. The layout options determine the layout variations. The theme options determine what colour and font "theme" is shown.
Try on this page:
in your local/config.php file:$Skin = 'bonny';
See Discussion at Bonny-Talk.
User notes? : If you use, used or reviewed "Bonny", you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Skins listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.