Said Achmiz


Things I made (and maintain)

Papyrus (skin)
A simple skin, inspired by Parchment. Responsive / mobile-friendly.
Vector (skin)
Clone of the Vector skin for MediaWiki (used on Wikipedia since 2010)
Versioned Assets (recipe)
Adds versions (modification timestamps) to attachment URLs, so that browser caches invalidate properly when attachments are updated.
Pastebin Embed (recipe)
Embed Pastebin pastes in a wikipage.
Gist Embed (recipe)
Embed Gists in a wikipage.
Pm Pinboard API (recipe)
Provides an easy-to-use PmWiki-compatible interface to the Pinboard API.
Hyphenopoly (recipe)
Use the excellent Hyphenopoly package to hyphenate text on a wiki.

Things I contribute to (and maintain)

Toggle (recipe)
Adds links or buttons for toggling (hiding/showing) elements on a page
Add Link Tags Bookmarklet (recipe)
Adding links, selected text and tags from another page to a wiki page
Smart Quotes (recipe)
Turns straight quotes into smart quotes
Fractions Plus (recipe)
Adds simple markup to write fractions.
MathJax (recipe)
Add markup to embed math using TeX syntax.
FileAttachList (recipe)
Adds a Ajax list of quickly attachable files to the edit page
Footnotes (recipe)
Simple footnote markup

Things I’ve contributed to

Http Variables (recipe)
Access http variables in the page, such as Get variables, Post data, and Cookies.
Section Edit (recipe)
Split a wiki page into separately editable sections with an edit link for each section
Handy Table of Contents (recipe)
Handy Client-side Table of Contents
Total Counter (recipe)
A statistic counter - counts page views, users, languages, browsers, operating systems, referers, locations and web bots
Bonny (skin)
Bonny is a fully CSS-driven skin, 2 or 3-column layout, with variations in layout and appearance, and optional CMS mode.
Media Categories (recipe)
Assembles all Categories in a page, alphabetizes, and appends to bottom of page--in the style similar to MediaWiki.
CSV Include (recipe)
Include a CSV file as a table in your wiki page
MovePage (recipe)
Move and copy wiki pages
Markdown Markup Extension (recipe)
Use Markdown markup with PmWiki
Sage Cell (recipe)
This allows you to embed an interactive SageCell into your webpage. Sage is an open source alternative to MathLab, Mathematica, and Maple.
Google Chart (recipe)
Include Charts generated by Google Chart API
Lua Execute (recipe)
Lets Lua scripts dynamically generate parts of your wiki page
Responsive Slides (recipe)
Simple js carroussel for pmwiki based on responsiveslides.js.
Markdown Output (recipe)
Presents a wiki page in Markdown format instead of HTML
DictIndex (recipe)
Enable page listings using a "dictionary index" format via fmt=dictindex


said [at] saidachmiz [dot] net


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