Category /
Cascading style sheets and wiki styles
- Cookbook /
- CalloutCustomization How to create custom callouts using the Callout recipe (alpha)
- ClassTags Markup for Edit-Mode to give a block of content a named class, for use with CSS, JS, or to add content-folding, and lots more! (Stable)
- CSS List of CSS-related recipes
- CSSInWikiPages Apply CSS styles via wiki pages (Stable)
- CSSToolTipsToGo markup for tooltip functionality (New)
- DarkColorScheme How to use the core dark/night theme or add one to your skin (experimental)
- DecimalOutlineListsAndHeadings Decimal Outline Lists and Headings (Stable)
- ExternalLinksFavicons Display favicons before links to external websites (Beta)
- FilmScript Enable film script markup
- FontAwesome Include and use Font Awesome Icons (beta)
- FormattingTables Formatting and styling for tables
- GridWorks GridWorks - general utility css grid markup for wiki pages (Active/Stable)
- LocalCSS Flexible CSS compilation from a wiki page (beta)
- MakeManyColumns How to make columns on a page using CSS
- ManageCSS Use your pub/css/ directory to collect and manage multiple css files automatically ( Active)
- OverrideCSS How to override previously defined styles without modifying the skin
- PrintingWithStyle How to create a style for printing
- PTVPopups Create CSS popups over words on a page based on PTVs (Stable)
- RemovingHTMLStyles How to remove pmwiki styles from HTML head (Stable)
- Snotes Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) (Stable / Active)
- Styles Practical examples of CSS Style use (with some explanation) (currently just a placeholder...)
- TwitterBootstrap Ready-to-install pmwiki package with Twitter Bootstrap skin
- Skins /
- DefaultSkinWithoutTable This skin replaces the HTML table of the default skin with divs. (Proposed)
- SkinGuidelines A set of tips for skin design and packaging skins for distribution (Stable)
- Skins Different look and feel for PmWiki sites
- SkinTest-Compact Test any skin on this page
- TestPageDirectives Tool for easy testing of your skin under various directives (stable)
- TwitterBootstrap Adapted PmWiki skin to use Twitter Bootstrap
- SkinTest /
- SkinTest-Compact
- Test /
- SkinTestCompact Test any skin on this page
- SkinTestCompact-2007