Cookbook /
Summary: Define dynamic URL trails
Version: 2.2 - 24 March 2007)
Prerequisites: Last tested on PmWiki version: 2.2.0-beta35
Maintainer: Martin Fick, JamesM
Discussion: DynamicWikiTrails-Talk
Categories: Administration, WikiTrails
- How can I make a page be a part of multiple trails?
- How can I make pages be a part of trail without having to put trail markup on every page in the trail?
Define dynamic URL trails with this recipe:
Note: For question # 2 you will need to use the Group Header/Footer Trail markup mentioned near the end.
PmWiki Versions prior to 2.2.0 Add this markup and condition to your config.php
Markup('{$Trail}','>{$fmt}', '/{\\$(Trail)}/e', "\$_REQUEST['$1']"); $Conditions['trail'] = "isset(\$_REQUEST['Trail'])"; Markup('(:trailindex:)','directives', '/\(:trailindex:\)/e', "addtrail()"); function addtrail() { global $AddTrail; $AddTrail = TRUE; return ""; }
PmWiki Versions 2.2.0 and later Add this markup and condition to your config.php
$FmtPV['$Trail'] = "\$_REQUEST['Trail']"; $Conditions['trail'] = "isset(\$_REQUEST['Trail'])"; Markup('(:trailindex:)','directives', '/\(:trailindex:\)/e', "addtrail()"); function addtrail() { global $AddTrail; $AddTrail = TRUE; return ""; }
All known PmWiki versions Patch your pmwiki.php (carefull!)
To the LinkPage() function:
- Add $AddTrail to the globals:
function LinkPage($pagename,$imap,$path,$title,$txt,$fmt=NULL) { global $QueryFragPattern,$LinkPageExistsFmt,$LinkPageSelfFmt, $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt,$LinkPageCreateFmt,$FmtV,$LinkTargets,
- Toward the end of the function, add this line:
if ($AddTrail) $qf .= $qf ? "&":"?" . "Trail=$pagename";
$fmt = str_replace(array('$LinkUrl', '$LinkText'), array(PageVar($tgtname, '$PageUrl').PUE($qf), $txt), $fmt); return FmtPageName($fmt,$tgtname); }
To the MarkupToHtml() function:
- Add $AddTrail to the globals and then add the next line:
function MarkupToHTML($pagename, $text, $opt = NULL) { # convert wiki markup text to HTML output global $MarkupRules, $MarkupFrame, $MarkupFrameBase, $WikiWordCount, $K0, $K1, $RedoMarkupLine, $AddTrail; $AddTrail = FALSE;
Seed your wiki trail on the trail index page with the new (:trailindex:) directive
(:trailindex:) * [[Group.Page1]] * [[Group.Page2]] * [[Group.Page3]] ...
This will make every link to a page have the following arguments inconspiculously added to them:
Define a Pagelist Template with your wiki trail markup.
- Note, for PmWiki versions prior to 2.2.0-beta1, remove the * in the {*$FullName} and {*$Trail} syntax.
- in PmWiki versions since 2.1.x, you should add these to the Site.LocalTemplates page.
---- !!!fmt=#trail This template simulates the regular trail markup ([[|DynamicWikiTrails]]) [= [[#trail]] (:if equal {*$FullName} {=$FullName} :) <[[{<$FullName}?Trail={$$trail}|{<$FullName}]] |\ [[{$$trail}]] |\ [[{>$FullName}?Trail={$$trail}|{>$FullName}]]> (:if:) [[#trailend]] =] ---- !!!fmt=#trailtitled This template uses page titles instead of pagenames ([[|DynamicWikiTrails]]) [= [[#trailtitled]] (:if equal {*$FullName} {=$FullName} :) <[[{<$FullName}?Trail={$$trail}|{<$Title}]] |\ [[{$$trail}|{{$$trail}$Title}]] |\ [[{>$FullName}?Trail={$$trail}|{>$Title}]]> (:if:) [[#trailtitledend]] =] ---- !!!fmt=#trailSideBar This template can be used in a sidebar to show the current trail index along with the current page highlighted in the sidebar. Can also be used to simply list a trail contents for a specific trail. ([[|DynamicWikiTrails]]) [= [[#trailSideBar]] (:if equal {<$FullName}:) ! [[{$$trail}|{{$$trail}$Title}]] (:if ! equal {*$FullName} {=$FullName} :) * [[{=$FullName}?Trail={$$trail}|{=$Title}]] (:if equal {*$FullName} {=$FullName} :) * [[{=$FullName}?Trail={$$trail}|'''{=$Title}''']] (:if:) [[#trailSideBarend]] =]
Define a Dynamic Trail Markup on Pages in the Trail
The dynamic trail markup can look like this:
(:if trail:)(:pagelist trail={*$Trail} fmt=<templatepage>#trail:)(:if:)
where <templatepage> refers to the page where you defined your trail markup in the previous step, or leave it blank if you used Site.LocalTemplates.
- Note for PmWiki versions prior to 2.2.0-beta1, remove the *.
- This trail markup will only render if the viewer is actually navigating a dynamic trail and it will reflect the appropriate trail. No need to define which trails the page might possibly be in.
- to make things even simpler you could put this markup in a Group Header or Footer without affecting pages that are not a part of a trail. This markup should even be safe if you use the AllGroupHeader recipe to make it global to the site.
You can also specify a trail to list the index for like this:
(:if trail:)(:pagelist trail=Group.PageName fmt=<templatepage>#trail:)(:if:)
Version History
- Version 2.2 (3/24/2007) updated for PmWiki 2.2.0-beta1 and later
- use FmtPV[] instead of Markup() - Kudos to CommentPageLink
- change {$Trail} to {$$trail} (case sensitive) in PageList Templates for PmWiki 2.1.x where {$$Option}} pagelist variables were enabled
- add * to all {$Trail} references for PmWiki 2.2.0-beta1 where * denotes rendering context
- Version 2.1 (6/20/2006) makes use of qf as Kathryn Andersen suggested
- Version 2 (6/1/2006) adds (:trailindex:) to seed the trail and uses a pagelist to create the trail markup
- Version 1 required manually adding ?Trail=<trailindexpage> to every page on the trail
- The {*$Trail} markup makes {*$Trail} render as <value> from ?Trail=<value> urls
- The (:trailindex:) directive adds ?Trail=<trailindexpage> to all pagelinks on this page
- The condition allows testing for the presence of a trail url
- The addtrail() function is used by the (:trailindex:) directive
- The patch to LinkPage() adds the trail arguments to each page link for (:trailindex:)
- The patch to MarkupToHtml() turns off the (:trailindex:) so that it does not affect the sidebar
- The default {$$option} processing now maps trail=<trailindexpage> to {$$trail} for pagelists
- For a working example try these two overlapping trails: Trail1and Trail2 (old version on PmWiki 2.1.6)
See Also
- AllGroupHeader - makes this recipe even easier to use
- DynamicTrails - use pagelists to create trail markup
- PageListWikiTrail - put pagelists inside of wikitrail index pages
- PagelistVariables - local/config.php customizations
- PowerTools#trail - markup expression to create dynamic trail links
- 00398 - Many similar ideas were tossed around here
- Written by Martin Fick
- Kathryn Andersen
- JamesM
See discussion at DynamicWikiTrails-Talk
User notes? : If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.