Questions answered by this recipe
- I want a different image, from a list, or a directory, of pictures, to show up, each time a page is loaded.
How can I do that?
Random Image From A List Of Pictures
Using the "rand" expression
Quote from MarkupExpressions#rand :
The "rand" expression returns a random integer.
The first argument is the minimum number to be returned and the second argument is the maximum number to be returned.
If called without the optional min, max arguments rand() returns a pseudo-random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX.
If you want a random number between 5 and 15 (inclusive), for example, use (rand 5 15).
|| width=50% ||'-code:-' ||'-result:-' ||[={(rand)}=] ||{(rand)} ||[={(rand 1 99)}=] ||{(rand 1 99)} | ||||||
Therefore, you could name your pictures accordingly,
and use the "rand" expression for the numbered part of the name, in the link.
For example, you could name your pictures ...
(in order to see the randomness, reload or preview the page a couple of times)
(although, a possible cache issue may not be helping the demonstration...)
http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki/uploads/Cookbook/warning_sign_{(rand 8 11)}.png
http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki/uploads/Cookbook/warning_sign_{(rand 8 11)}.png

This way, you could also create random links.
- Would it be tidier, if the images were named 01.png ... 09.png, 10.png, 11.png, etc ?
- It would. But I don't know how to use "rand" in this case.
See also
- Pagelist Random Image Select an image randomly from all pages with images and display
- RandomImageFromAListOfPictures Posting a random image from a number of pictures
- RandomPage Include a random wiki page from a supplied list of pages.
- RandomQuote Insert random quotes or markup into a page
- RandomQuote-OldVersion
- RandomQuote-Talk Talk page for RandomQuote.
- RandomQuote-Users User notes for the RandomQuote recipe.
- RandomQuoteWiki How to display a random quote from a list stored in a PmWiki page
- RandomTitle How to make PmWiki have random titles in the browser title bar
- RandomCookbookPage
- RandomPageList
See discussion at RandomImageFromAListOfPictures-Talk?