From 2.3.35, this functionality is has been incorporated in the core, simply call ?action=source&highlight=1
to output a HTML page with the wiki source highlighted.
Questions answered by this recipe
With PmSyntax, is it possible to automatically highlighting source (?action=source)?
Highlight a full PmWiki source page.
This adds a new action "pmsyntax" which outputs the wiki source text of the page with syntax highlighting by PmSyntax.
PmWiki 2.3.35 or newer: this has been enabled in the core.
Before PmWiki 2.3.35, add to config.php:
$HandleActions['pmsyntax'] = 'HandlePmSyntax'; function HandlePmSyntax($pagename, $auth='read') { global $EnablePmSyntax, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) { Abort("?unable to read $pagename"); } $text = "<div class='pmhlt'><pre style='white-space: pre-wrap;'>" . str_replace('$', '$', PHSC($page['text'])).'</pre></div>'; $fmt = array( &$PageStartFmt, $text, &$PageEndFmt); $EnablePmSyntax = 1; DisableSkinParts('header footer left right action title'); PrintFmt($pagename,$fmt); }
To intercept and handle the ?action=source requests, you can add the following to the above block:
PmWiki 2.3.35 or newer:
if($action == 'source' && !isset($_REQUEST['highlight'])) $_REQUEST['highlight'] = 1;
Before PmWiki 2.3.35:
$HandleActions['source'] = 'HandlePmSyntax';
Note, however, that the original action=source outputs plain text, while the new one outputs HTML to be transformed by the browser. If you have tools that query the wiki for action=source and expect plain text, changing the output to HTML may break them.
PmWiki 2.3.35 or newer: Browse to Page?action=source&highlight=1.
Before PmWiki 2.3.35:
Browse to Page?action=pmsyntax
The function is enabled on, feel free to test it on any page, for example PmWiki.DocumentationIndex?action=source&highlight=1.
To do / some day / maybe
Add markup to include in a normal wiki page the highlighted source of another page.
Change log / Release notes
- 20240613 - added to the core ?action=source for PmWiki 2.3.35. If you upgrade, you can remove this recipe.
- 20220817 - first public release, ready to be tested.
See also
Written and maintained by Petko.
See discussion at PagePmSyntax-Talk?
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