
Summary: Talk page for ListCategories.
Maintainer: sts
Users: +2 (View / Edit)

This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date along with your comment.

  • Nice recipe. Maybe this will work itself out with PmWiki 2.2, but I have a couple of comments. First of all, many users and even many administrators are unfamiliar with regular expressions; I wonder if you could modify $ListCategories_Include and ExcludeCategories as well as the "where" part of the markup such that somebody could just type the name of a category or separate categories with commas and it would work. Or, what would happen if you just wanted to get all categories? Maybe you could create a default to show all categories? - JonHaupt
    • Don't see the sense of inventing another syntax for that instead of regular expressions. It's not that complicated in my eyes. If there is another syntax you will certainly step into a case where you cannot express what you want. sts
      • Okay, fair enough; then perhaps a very short explanation of how to use regex to use this recipe? If you don't know how to use regex, then you won't know what some of this means and it will all seem very complex.
        • I tried guessing the reg expressions and getting them wrong resulted in buggy behaviour - php error messages - for example (:listcategories simple (*)\..):)
        • This recipe turned out to be very bad medicine on my wiki for reason of the unclear use of regex. I tried the example only editing the regex to something very simple (I want to list all of the available categories in a site rightbar), and managed to break my entire install. I fixed most functions by commenting out the recipe in the config.php file, but I now can no longer edit. It seems that a lock of some kind was left on some file or other, and no pages can be edited. I'd appreciate help if anyone has suggestions. John Paolillo.
  • It would be nice to have the option to sort the list in alphabetical order, both for the simple and sized modes. StephanPitois
    • Done. Update to the latest version an look at the SortSizeList and SortSimpleList variables. 2006-11-25 Sts
      • Thanks! I installed it and it's working beautifully! StephanPitois
  • Thanks for the great work. I wrote a custom function to emulate the 'simplename' format in Site.PageListTemplates. I also excluded a couple categories from within the function since setting ExcludeCategories didn't work (I'm assuming because they're 'real' pages). Here is the whole relevant section from my local/config.php file

    // Set this to true once everything is filtered right
    SDV($ListCategories_CreatePages, false);
    //didn't seem to exclude these pages doing it in the function
    SDV($ListCategories_ExcludeCategories, "/^(GroupFooter|RecentChanges)$/");
    $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions["simplename"] = ListCategories_simplename;
    function ListCategories_simplename( $categories ) {
            $out = "";
            ksort ($categories);
            foreach( $categories as $pn => $count ) {
                    if ($pn != 'GroupFooter' && $pn != 'RecentChanges') {
                            $out .= "\n* [[!$pn]]";
            return PRR($out);

    You can remove the if statement and it would work exactly as if you called simplename with pagelist. On my Category/HomePage I have the following:

    (:listcategories simplename (?!(PmWiki|Site)).*\..*:)

    It took me quite a while to find a way to negate the regexp. The (?! says to match things that do NOT contain the following. The (PmWiki|Site)) is just the standard this-or-that. If I just didn't want to match PmWiki I could have set it to (?!PmWiki). --Vrillusions February 04, 2007, at 01:53 AM
  • Another solution to the page links for non existent pages problem is to set $LinkPageCreateFmt = $LinkPageExistsFmt; in a local/Category.php file - This way, you can have SDV($ListCategories_CreatePages, false); but have no problems with the non-existent page links. See Also Test.NoEditLinks Francis
  • For example this file: ListCategoriesBullet.phpΔ incorporates a markup function "bullet" which creates a bulleted list. Francis
    • Why do you include that into a modified recipe file and not externally? That what the whole reason for the ListCategories_MarkupFunctions array? Sts
      • Because I wasn't aware of that array or how to use it - I just put the file up for anyone else (like me) who struggles with coding customisations and wanted another listing option without having to do the coding themselves. Would you just include everything I added in an external local php file? What does its name have to be? Francis
      • Exactly, just put your code after the include of the recipe. Look at the yourlayout example above. I hope it's a bit more clear now. Added some more explanation. Sts
  • Grr ... I can't get rid of a category from my tag cloud! I looked for all the places the tag might be listed, and can't find any. Why won't it go away? --David Bessler July 27, 2007, at 11:08 AM
    • You removed the category from your server and called a page with ?action=pageindex appended? Sts
      • Yep. Tried that. I think it has to do with the fact that the categories which won't go away, are portions of existing categories ... for example, I have one real category called "Restaurants" and a category which won't go away called "Rants". another similar pair are "CheesePages" and "Cheese" ... I can't get rid of the catgory "Cheese." even if it's deleted from the server and there are no links to Category.Cheese anywhere that I can find on the site. even if I run ?action=pageindex. My site is ... go see for yourself.
      • I think I figured it out. It was seeing links to the category within the Category Clouds themselves so I went through and deleted all the category clouds I had made, then ran ?action=pageindex, then put up the category cliuds again, and it got rid of them. Finally.
  • Hi sts, is there a way to exclude Category.HomePage from the category-list. I use this page for listing all categories, thanks ben Ben November 30, 2007, at 08:25 AM
  • There is a variable for the category group $CategoryGroup. Could you change the hardcoded "Category" to $CategoryGroup?
  • The download is an offsite link, blocked by corporate proxy. Would you please upload the recipe script to and amend the link? Thanks in advance. -- bwills
  • Good recipe. Especially after enabling it for my foreing german categories containing Umlauts. I changed function ListCategories() to make it use the global $NamePattern when preg-matching category pages:

    // line 135: added $NamePattern
    global $PageIndexFile, $NamePattern, $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions, $ListCategories_CreatePages,
    // commented out line 152 
    # $count = preg_match_all( "/Category\\.([A-Za-z0-9-]+) /", $line, $matches );
    // replaced it with
    $count = preg_match_all( "/Category\\.($NamePattern) /", $line, $matches );
    • Quite a good work-around. Could that be included in the standard distribution? Probably won't disturb anyone in the only-English-speaking part of the world, but it would be of much use for all others!
  • Posting a page that contains the (:listcategories:) markup adds all the listed categories to the page's targets field. Of course only the categories that are defined at the moment you post that page.

    When posting a page PmWiki calls (among others) the function SaveAttributes() which calls MarkupToHTML() to extract the page's $LinkTargets.
    The (:listcategories:) markup is evaluated and all the categroies it lists are added to $LinkTargets.

    I was wandering how (:pagelist:) manages that problem and found the
    Add the following code to your config.php or better bugfix listcategories.php:

    SDV($SaveAttrPatterns['/\\(:listcategories\\s+([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\s+([^:]*):\\)/'], ' ');

    SaveAttributes() applies the $SaveAttrPatterns before it extracts the links and the above code replaces the listcategories markup with a blank.

    Tontyna February 13, 2009, at 05:08 PM
  • While I've been using this recipe for years, right now this recipe is driving me nuts trying to delete categories. I did what was suggested above, it didn't work so I figured it was reading categories from -Drafts pages. I deleted them. The only thing left is that I'd have to delete the Site.AllRecentChanges page. Really, it shouldn't be reading that page! It makes this recipe hostile to deleting categories! I'll have to figure out a way to stop it from doing that. XES February 09, 2014, at 11:37 AM
I figured it out finally. I had to actually delete the pages (my sidebar & tag cloud pages) on which the cloud appeared -- not just delete the markup from them. There really should be a better way to do this! You don't want authors running around deleting major features of your website in order to clean up a typo'd link or to consolidate Category.Meeting and Category.Meetings. It might help if it didn't link in *-Drafts pages, since I usually tag my pages before publishing and this way I can catch category typos before going live. XES February 09, 2014, at 08:40 PM
  • Replace the markup line with this:
    Markup_e('(:listcategories format where:)','directives',"/\\(:listcategories\\s+([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\s+([^:]*):\\)/","ListCategories(\$m[1],\$m[2])");
    to remove the preg_replace error messages.

Talk page for the ListCategories recipe (users).