XES -- aka (The) Crisses legally Rev. Criss Ittermann
Check out our website with PmWiki & website creation video tutorials: http://eclectictech.net/Support/Support and our PmWiki cheatsheet/tutorial on Cheatography here. We are not your normal run-of-the-mill geek. I (we) am (are) the owner & sole-proprietor of Eclectic Tech, LLC, and an out-of-the-closet multiple (as in plural or multiple personality aka many in one body; we have Dissociative Identity Disorder). Our CV is here. We are currently mostly creating online courses, doing life coaching, content creation, and a lot of mental health activism. |
These are some of our own wikis.
- http://liberatedlifecoaching.com
- http://crisses.org
- http://www.kinhost.org (hosts blog, podcast, etc.)
- http://www.eclectictech.net
- http://nationalwomensinnetwork.com
And have professionally installed, configured & customized many wikis, including:
Our contributions to PmWiki include:
- PmFeed - contributed updated recipe
- Cookbook Licenses
- MasteringPmWikiPages
- Skin Tutorials
- XESBlog - mashup of recipes and PmWiki functionality to provide functionality similar to (perhaps better than) WordPress et al.
- XESBlog-Use - instructions on using the blog itself (as opposed to installation of the recipe)
- BlogCalendar (contributor)
- XMLRPC (contributor, attempted debugging)
- TagPages
- GoogleAdsense
- PageRank
- AuthUserDbase (co-maintainer)
- AuthUserVBulletin
- BlocklistHelperScripts
- OtherBookmarklets
- DebuggingForCookbookAuthors
- DatabaseStandard (co-maintainer)
- QuickStartForAuthUser
- PayPalButtons
- Mobile
- Random improvements to user documentation
- Misc commentary, both annoying and helpful :)
- Input on the PmWiki users list
- Random free consultations and advice that most people wanting to eat charge money for
- Blocklist3 script (deprecated in favor of built-in blocklists)
- RssImproved (deprecated in favor of built-in feeds)
- Blocklist2 script (deprecated in favor of built-in blocklists)
- XesAuthUserDbase (deprecated in favor of AuthUserDbase)
Upcoming Modules we may be working on:
- Add-on for AuthUserDbase: PayPal subscriptions
- iCalendar events
- Shopping Cart Module
- Help out, or discuss Shopping Cart module
- PayPal payments module for shopping cart
- USPS shipping module
- UPS shipping module
- VAT taxes add-on?
- Classified ads
- Page expirations/listings expire
- Distance by zip code?
- Obscured download links
- Email-to-Wiki
- paid (PayPal) subscriptions tied into the AuthUserDBase authentication
- AuthUserDBase group management
- AuthUserDBase admin panel
- change page ratings recipe to include aye/nay/abstain for group proposals
- expand the business directory - may use the vCard format
- moderator approval for pages/listings/data, etc.
- private messaging that works a bit like webmail
Other pages we're keeping an eye on:
- News blog
- PmWiki.ReleaseNotes
- DebuggingForCookbookAuthors-Talk
- DatabaseStandard-Talk
- AuthUserDbase-Talk
- RoadMap
- QuickStartForAuthUser-Talk
- PmForm
- PmForm-Talk
- PmFeed-Talk
- Captcha
- Captcha-Talk
- BlogCalendar-Talk
- XESBlog-Talk - comments and debugging for XESBlog
- TagPages-Talk
- MasteringPmWikiPages-Talk?
- PayPalCart