GuiEdit Resize

Summary: Allows resizing of the Edit text box, for convenience.
Version: 2009-09-11
Prerequisites: None.
Status: Initial release.
Maintainer: Wubbo
Categories: Editing, Layout
Discussion: GuiEditResize-Talk


If you have ever tired of text boxes that are too short to use comfortably, then this is the recipe for you! GuiEdit Resize adds 3 buttons to the GuiEdit toolbar that allow the user to increase, decrease, or reset the height of the Edit text box. This affords a more flexible and convenient PmWiki page editing environment.

GuiEdit Resize allows you to adjust the height of the Edit text box from the default height of 24 lines down to a minimum of 4 lines or up to a maximum of 54 lines, in increments of 5 lines. You can also reset the text box back to its original default height. The altered text box size is not persistent; the next time you edit a PmWiki page, the text box will start out at its default height.


  • Download GuiEditResize20090911.zipΔ.
  • Place the guieditresize.php file in your cookbook/ folder.
  • Place the guieditresize folder in your pub/ folder.
    • The guieditresize folder contains the following 4 files: guieditresize.js, textdefault.gif, textless.gif, and textmore.gif.
  • Add the following line to the end of local/config.php:


Release Notes

  • Version 2009-09-11
    • now works correctly on case-sensitive filesystems
    • no longer requires user to modify template
  • Version 2008-01-21 - Repackaged to include required files/instructions.
  • Version 2007-12-21 - Initial release.




See discussion at GuiEditResize-Talk

User notes +1: If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.