Marathon < Skins > Marinee (talk? | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)
Skin name:
This skin has a dark marble background with a semi-transparent appearance for the wiki content.
0.3 (2007-07-31)
Valid xhtml transitional. Valid CSS 2.
Ian MacGregor
Unzip into your skins directory. Then enable the skin in your config.php file with: $Skin = 'marble';
Below are examples of how the different markup will appear in this skin:
Level 1 heading (Code)
Level 2 Heading (Code)
Level 3 Heading (Code)
Level 4 Heading (Code)
Level 5 Heading (Code)
Level 6 Heading (Code)
- List Item 1 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing,
- List Item 2 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing,
- Numbered List Item 1 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing,
- Numbered List Item 2 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing,
Indented - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod.
Link Text Non-Existent? External Small text. Normal text. Large text.
Large monospaced. Normal monospaced. Small monospaced.
Strong text. Emphasized text. Superscript and Subscript Attach:file.ext Δ.
This text is preformatted
This is
a code block
Table Header
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3
Cell 4
Cell 5
Cell 6
Horizontal line below
different colored text here.
v. 0.3 (2007-07-31)
- tweaked the <pre> setting for better readability
v. 0.2 (2007-06-26)
- added a contrasting color to a.createlinktext to make it stand out from other links
- minor tweaks for a better appearance
v. 0.1 (2007-06-25)
Very Nice! I'll have to give it a try later.
Looks very good on my wiki ;) Thanks A lot !
Nice skin, keep up the good work!
This skin it pretty, but many people find it difficult to read the text. Even though there is no black in the image behind the text, the white strokes of the marble are still interpreted as shapes by the eye, and distract from the shapes that are text. Some possible solutions are:
- Simple:
- Further increase the opacity of the text areas, to reduce the visibility (contrast) of the faults in the marble.
- Make the text areas 100% opaque, and leave the pretty marble just for the page edges. (The skin would still be pretty, and also readable by anyone!)
- Needs a modified image for the text areas:
- Use a blurred image behind the text. It would show less detail and interfere less with reading. (Like the titlebars in Vista apps.)
- Reduce the contrast of the image behind the text, so the texture appears as light/medium grey rather than grey/white. This may make the faults in the marble less interesting to the eye.