This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date along with your comment.
ccox - 2016-06-09
On the Creole-Talk page I added info about css to create a Creole style list. And I sort of like the syntax better than how this recipe handles outline lists.
So... if you want, you might consider:
/* Traditional outline list if inside class outlinelist */ .outlinelist ol { list-style-type:upper-roman; } .outlinelist ol ol { list-style-type:upper-alpha; } .outlinelist ol ol ol { list-style-type:decimal; } .outlinelist ol ol ol ol { list-style-type:lower-roman; } .outlinelist ol ol ol ol ol { list-style-type:lower-alpha; }
Then your outline list can be placed inside an outlinelist class:
>>outlinelist<< # Plants ## Vegetables ### Spinach ### Broccoli ## Fruit ### Apple #### Red Delicious #### Macintosh #### Golden #### Green #### Washington ### Orange #### Navel #### Valencia ## Tubers # Animals ## Dogs ## Cats >><<
Melvyn wrote:
If this has been updated since 12/12/06 (as the version date implies) the release notes should also be updated.
userauth script has some bugs for IE7 with this script.
Logging in/out caused IE to try and download
The fix is to add the (new standard) mime type to apache (in http.conf) add "AddType text/x-component .htc"
then edit line 21 of wsplus.php to read:
<!--[if IE]><style type='text/x-component' media='screen'> from <!--[if IE]><style type='text/css' media='screen'>
ALSO NB: It appears that CSSHOVER.HTC is no longer needed under IE7 as the functionality is now built in. Pehaps this script can be changed to test for sub IE7 versions
see for deatils
Regards Nigel
I've installed it and tested it... I can get the rounded boxes, but no joy with numbered bullets... even worse than that, the more hashes you stick in the larger the text gets!! I don't get why the markup displays fine on the PMwiki page in FF3, and yet not on my website... the rounded boxes work, and everything's installed as instructed?! Do I have to disable something I wonder?!
Hallo, Wiki-Community - please help me
Border with background-color:
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea,
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines,
So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine.
In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea, And he told us of his life In the land of submarines, So we sailed up to the sun Till we found the sea of green And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine.
How I get Border with background-color + Justify together?
Norbert Hirsch
If you use '''style='.....' ''', put all attributes as CSS attributes into it, separated by ';' (:div style='text-align:justify; background:#eee8f5; border:1px solid #6300a9; float:left; width:220px; padding:5px;':) In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea, And he told us of his life In the land of submarines, So we sailed up to the sun Till we found the sea of green And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine. (:divend:) |
If you use style='.....' , put all attributes as CSS attributes into it, separated by ';' In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea, And he told us of his life In the land of submarines, So we sailed up to the sun Till we found the sea of green And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine. |
Thank you, very much!!
Norbert Hirsch
Is it possible to do centred rollover into tables? I tried many times without success. The example below shows a problem with alignment when the mouse is over. Why does this markup split over 2 lines ??? I tryed to hack wsplus.php, but I didn't find where was the rollover directive ...
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Thank you :-)
Rob? July 26, 2011, at 12:15 AM
check out wsplus.css in pub/wsplus/ folder. Atributes for class rollover are set there, and it is set as position:absolute. You may need to fiddle with these css attributes. - HansB August 10, 2011, at 08:05 AM
Completely unrelated (I hope) to the recipe, but what is causing this page to push out so far to the right? --tamouse October 30, 2011, at 04:00 PM
I want to get a ul list with first level disk, second level circle and third level none.
I downloaded the If I use in sandbox the %outline%, it is working. But not my own modifications.
I put in wsplus.css:
ul.myoutline { list-style-type:disk; } ul.myoutline ul { list-style-type:circle; } ul.myoutline ul ul { list-style-type:none; }
and in wsplus.php:
## Define the %myoutline% wikistyle, for unordered lists. SDV($WikiStyle['myoutline'], array('class'=>'myoutline', 'apply'=>'list'));
But it shows no effect on my wikipage (the page is not reachable from internet, only intranet), it takes at third level the default square. Astrid?
Hi Astrid. Did you use %outline%
or %myoutline%
? With your configuration, the latter (on the first line of the first list) appears to work on my own wiki. Without wsplus, I place the styles in pub/css/local.css and the SDV() in local/config.php. --Petko
Thanx. I did now the modifications, which you described and put to local.css and config.php and do not include wsplus.php. But the behaiviour is the same: if I am using %outline%
for an ordered list, it is working, but if I am using %myoutline%
for unordered list it is not working.
* %myoutline% should be disk, yes it is **should be circle, yes it is ***should be none, but it is not, it shows squareI suspect somewhere the style for the 3rd level is redefined. Try adding "!important":
ul.myoutline ul ul { list-style-type:none !important; }
Let me know if it works. --Petko
Thanx. On my wikipage I have:
* normal list 1 ** second line *** third line * normal list 2 ** second line * %myoutline% special list ** second line *** third line with none |
this does not make the formatting, which I want. Also not, if I put important in css.
But if I put on first * one page the %myoutline%
it is working.
Is it possible, to make difference between unordered lists on one wikipage? That all lists
are formatted with default and only one special unordered list with special formatting?
I see, indeed, for PmWiki this is ONE list, "normal list 1", and the empty lines are just added as empty paragraphs in the preceding list items. You can place the escape sequence, or the non-breakable space entity to split the list:
* normal list 1 ** second line *** third line [==] * normal list 2 ** second line * %list myoutline% special list ** second line *** third line with none |
There is a very short example in the documentation at TextFormattingRules#BulletedLists. --Petko
I have enabled the CSS for this page, not the SDV() PHP code, that's why I use %list myoutline%
. --Petko
Sorry for late answer, my computer was a little bit struggling. Great thanx, now it is working very well for me too with diffrent third lines. :) Thanx. Astrid?
Talk page for the WikiStylesPlus recipe (users).