Wiki Footer

Summary: Replace the PmWiki skin template based page footer with Wiki page footer
Version: 1.0
Prerequisites: None
Status: Mature
Maintainer: Simon

Questions answered by this recipe


Why is the PmWiki default skin page footer part of the template rather than a wiki page?

How do I make a page footer that is a PmWiki page like the side bar?

Answer: Follow the instructions below


Change the PmWiki skin template (.tmpl) file to use a wiki page as footer. This may apply to other skin template files as well, but some use already a Wiki page for the footer.

1: change the PmWiki skin template

Replace the lines close to the end of the template file (eg pmwiki.tmpl)

<div id='wikifoot'>
  <div class='footnav'>
    <a rel="nofollow" href='{$PageUrl}?action=edit'>$[Edit]</a> -
    <a rel="nofollow" href='{$PageUrl}?action=diff'>$[History]</a> -
    <a rel="nofollow" href='{$PageUrl}?action=print' target='_blank'>$[Print]</a> -
    <a href='{$ScriptUrl}/$[{$Group}/RecentChanges]'>$[Recent Changes]</a> -
    <a href='{$ScriptUrl}/$[{$SiteGroup}/Search]'>$[Search]</a></div>
  <div class='lastmod'>$[Page last modified on {$LastModified}]</div>

with the lines

<div id='wikifoot'>
  <!--wiki: {$DefaultGroup}.Footer {$Group}.Footer {$SiteGroup}.Footer-->

2: create the page Site.Footer?

Use the following as the basis for your site page footer

(:Summary: Website page footer:)
(:div class='lastmod' style="font-size:smaller;":)
$[Page last modified on {*$LastModified}]
(:div class='footnav' rel='nofollow' style="font-size:smaller;":)
%rel='nofollow' class=edit    accesskey=$[ak_edit]%     [[{*$FullName}?action=edit  | $[Edit] ]] -
%rel='nofollow' class=diff    accesskey=$[ak_history]%  [[{*$FullName}?action=diff  | $[History] ]] -
%rel='nofollow' class=print   accesskey='$[ak_print]'%  [[{*$FullName}?action=print | $[Print] ]] -
%rel='nofollow' class=changes accesskey='$[ak_recentchanges]'% [[{*$Group}/RecentChanges | $[Recent Changes] ]] -
%rel='nofollow' class=search  accesskey='$[ak_search]'% [[{$SiteGroup}/Search | $[Search] ]]

This will give the same result as the standard PmWiki page footer.


This footer first shows any footer in the default group ($DefaultGroup) and alternatively the footer from the site group ($SiteGroup}.

This recipe provides an obvious improvement to the flexibility of PmWiki by making the page footer customisable in a similar way to the side bar?.

Release notes

If the recipe has multiple releases, then release notes can be placed here. Note that it's often easier for people to work with "release dates" instead of "version numbers".

See also

  • AllGroupHeader   How to create a page that appears as a header (or footer) for all pages in all groups
  • ExpandingMenu   A sidebar menu that supports nested lists where the nested items are displayed only if the user is in that group
  • FarmSideBar   Share a sidebar among several fields in a farm
  • GroupHeaders and GroupFooters   Group Header and Group Footer page usage



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User notes +1: If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.