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How does it work with CleanUp ? arif? March 06, 2020, at 08:53 AM
The attic directory (default wiki.attic
) is not processed by CleanUp. A custom $AtticDir inside wiki.d
will be processed by CleanUp. Alternatively, to enable CleanUp for the $AtticDir, set in config.php, after including pageattic.php, something like $CleanUpDirs[$AtticDir] = 1;
--Petko March 06, 2020, at 10:07 AM
Bug report
Attention: The third line of the script can cause a lot of trouble, if you use the PerGroupSubDirectories recipe. The good news are that it can be easily fixed. Just replace$WikiDir = new AtticPageStore('wiki.d/{$FullName}');
with$WikiDir = new AtticPageStore($WikiDir->dirfmt);
martin 2007-06-20
(Permission granted to delete this comment, if the patch is integrated into pageattic.phpΔ)