
Addressing security issues throughout the wiki installation and maintenance

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ActionLog  Maintain a page log of wiki actions (Stable)
AddingAuthLevels  Adding an auth level and page attribute
AddToWatchlist  Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (beta)
AesCrypt  Provide client-side AES encryption support
AesCrypt-1  Provide client-side AES encryption support
AuditImages  View the images that have been uploaded to your wiki. (Stable)
Auth-SMF  Integrate SMF Simple Machines Forum with PmWiki and use SMF user management for Pmwiki authentication (new)
AuthCAS  Central Authentication Service(CAS) based authentication
AuthDNS  Password-less authentication based on the visitor's IP address or (dynamic) hostname (Beta)
AuthenticatedAsConditional  A different way of performing authentication than PmWiki's "default" (deprecated)
AuthenticatedAttach  Lets the user view an Attachment only if they have the appropriate password (Obsolete)
AuthPhpBB2  Use phpBB2 user authentication for PmWiki page edit protection and author name (Stable)
AuthPhpbb2Sso  Single Sign On for PmWiki and phpBB2 (Stable)
AuthPhpBB3  Use phpBB3 user authentication for PmWiki
AuthPhpBBUsersAndGroups  Use phpBB3 user authentication and groups for PmWiki
AuthProfile  Like AuthUser, but designed to store login information in profile pages (Beta)
AuthPunBB  Use PunBB/FluxBB user authentication for PmWiki (Draft)
AuthUser  PmWiki built-in user authentication system using user names and passwords (Stable)
AuthUserBbPress  Ability to Authenticate against a MySQL BBPress user database. (First Release)
AuthUserCookie  Persistent login for AuthUser
AuthUserDbase  Enables user authentication via database, whether from another application, or standalone (beta)
AuthUserFederated  OpenID and OAuth authentication extension for AuthUser (In active use)
AuthUserOpenId  Implement single sign-on and Identity mechanism based on OpenID protocol.
AuthUserSaml  SAML authentication extension for AuthUser (In active use)
AuthUserSignup  Allow users to sign up themselves (with email verification) for authuser accounts (Deprecated (UserAdmin is better))
AuthUserVBulletin  Allows PmWiki to use vBulletin for a user login/password base, and to borrow PmWiki groups from vBulletin. (beta)
BackupHTMLZip  Export your wiki to static HTML then optionally compress/zip it (Experimental)
BadBehavior  Protect PmWiki with Bad Behavior 2.2.x
Blocklist  Obsolete recipe, please see PmWiki.Blocklist (obsolete)
Captcha  Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (Stable)
Captchas  Uses captchas to protect certain actions from spambots (pre-alpha, discussion)
CMSMode  Make your wiki look and act like a normal website for non-author visitors. (Beta)
ControllingWebRobots  How to control web robots or bots trying to scan files (stable)
CryptPlus  Additional password hashing algorithms for AuthUser and HtpasswdForm (Initial release ("works for me"))
DeletePage  Use a "delete" action and a separate password for deleting pages
DeObMail  Unobtrusive e-mail link (de)obfuscator (Beta)
DesCrypt  Provide client-side DES and 3DES encryption support
DiffDelay  In page histories, display vertical spacing proportional to the time between the edits. (Preview)
DirectoryAndFilePermissions  Explains which directories and files need to be readable, writable, and servable by the webserver. (Developing)
DNSauth  Authentication by (dynamic) DNS or IP address (superseded by AuthDNS)
EditCrypt  Allow server-side encryption/decryption of pages while editing (Alpha (still missing history suppression))
EncodePost  Base64 encode/decode fields in posted forms as a workaround for mod_security (experimental)
EProtect  Email obfuscation via ROT13
ExternAuth  Use authentication mechanisms external to PmWiki
FailedLoginFunction  Protect your wiki from brute-force login attempts
FarmApacheConfiguration  An attempt to secure a Pmwiki Farm with apache configuration
FarmApacheConfiguration-Talk  Talk Page for FarmApacheConfiguration recipe
FarmSecurity  Some things to know about PmWiki.WikiFarm security. (Stable)
FarmSetupByExample  An alternative introduction to creating a WikiFarm (Maintained)
FixShortSessions  How to fix short sessions so you aren't prompted frequently for a password
FoxAuthUserCommentBox  Posting comments for logged in users only, using Fox
FoxHoneyPot  Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms (New)
FuseEdit  Merge the latest successive minor edits in page histories (Beta)
HideDiff  Hide specific edits from page histories (Experimental)
HtpasswdForm  Form based management of users and passwords using .htpasswd/.htgroup files (Stable)
IFrameLogin  Demo kit for passing messages between pmwiki and an embedded iframe (see includeSite), with a simple working login demonstration. (Beta, Active)
InactivityTimeout  Automatically logout inactive users
JavaScriptHelpers  Collection of simple JavaScript tools for wikis (Planning)
LocalTimes  Display RecentChanges and History timestamps in the local timezone of each visitor. (Beta)
LoginLogout  How to log out after logging in (Q&A)
MailmanAuth  Use an external mailing list for PmWiki authentication (beta)
MakingPasswordRequestsExplicit  How can we tell which password is requested?
MemberMgmt  Advanced member management (using ZAP and AuthUser). Allows self registration, logins, groups, site customization, and more! (Beta (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki))
MyDBLogin  User Level Login with email verification using MySQL Database (Deprecated - Use new Version: MyDBLogin-PMW)
MyDBLogin-PMW  Integrated User-Level Access-Control & Login with email verification/management using MySQL Database ( Maintained)
OnlyOneLogin  Only allow 1 login at the same time for a username (working)
OpenPass  Set a global password which is openly displayed to reduce spam (Alpha)
PageCreator  adds page creator (original author) to be stored as a page attribute
PageTimer  A draggable countdown timer. URL redirect on timer expiration.
PendingChanges  Browser and desktop notifications for page changes (Experimental)
PersistentLogin  Login form with "Remember me/Stay signed in" option (Beta)
PresenceAwareness  User-based authentication, a list of online logged users, tools to register and manage users and send posts via Jabber
PreventHotlinking  Prevent hotlinking of uploaded files
PrintGroup  Export WikiGroup pages to one large HTML file, and/or to PDF (Experimental)
PrivateGroups  How to create private groups on public wikis (Stable)
QuickStartForAuthUser-Talk  Just a quick guide for people to set up AuthUser to lock down their site. (beta)
RebuildRC  Rebuild (All)RecentChanges pages either after a format change, an import or to remove spam. (Experimental)
ReCaptcha  Slow down spammers with Google reCAPTCHA. (Active)
RecipeCheck  Check for new versions of recipes on (Stable)
RequireAuthor  Require author names when saving pages (Documentation)
RestrictActions  require admin privilege for most actions (if not defined otherwise). (stable)
SecLayer  Provide a ready-made security layer (while developing recipes) for controlling page access (Beta)
SecureAttachments  Security issues for attachments
SessionGuard  Hamper session theft (session hijacking) and session fixation attacks. (Working)
SessionSecurityAdvice  Collections of advice for securing your Wiki's sessions.
SimplemachinesIntegration  How to use the authentification of the Simplemachines forum to control the access to a PmWiki installation
SingleSign-On  Use Windows-Logon for Authentication on pmwiki (Stable)
SourceForgeServers  Install PmWiki in's project web space. (Outdated)
SpamFilters  Automatic blocking of some spambots (beta)
StoredAuthName  How to set a stored author name to an authenticated user (Stable)
SwitchToSSLMode  How to force PmWiki to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) (Beta)
TextCaptcha  Small and simple text captcha that uses ascii art and no session, cookies and images (beta)
TrackChanges  Ways to more easily detect and verify all recent edits
UBBThreadsIntegration  How to use the user authentification of the UBBThreads forums to control access to a PmWiki installation
UserAdmin  AuthUser account self-registration and management (beta)
UserAuth  User-based authorization (Obsolete)
UserAuth2  A user-based permission granting and authentication module (released, stable, maintained (tested with Pmwiki 2.1.11, 2.2.0-beta45))
UserAuth2-Talk  Discussion of UserAuth2 (released, stable, maintained (tested with Pmwiki 2.1.11, 2.2.0-beta45))

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