
Obsolete Skins

notebook2 Skin for PmWiki 2 beta+


This skins is based on Notebook skin, with the use of phplayersmenu-3.2.0, for dropdown menus.

  • This skin provides an effective way to organize your notes.
  • Solves browser issues posed by Notebook but with its own limitations.
    Unlike Notebook this menu cannot be inserted in wikipages. But each group can have its own menu. Menu Text cannot have wiki formatting like bold/italics etc.
  • This skin produces valid XHTML 1.0 and valid css output.

Test View Site



Unzip and Place the notebook2/ directory in your skins directory (pub/skins/).
(Note: do not rename the directory to any other name)

Read the README file for further details.

Security Issues:

  • The use of phplayersmenu with this skins allows arbitrary javascript to be inserted.
    • Till a fix is uploaded/posted Please ADD a site-wide Default EDIT Password in your config.php
    • Read PmWiki.Passwords for password related queries.

The fix is simple (make changes only if confident)::

  In your menu/menu.php file - 
  make changes to global line to read as:
  global $ScriptUrl, $SkinDir, $DefaultMenuName;

  Then dissable the line:
  $DefaultMenuName = "MenutopMain";  in your menu/menu.php file 

  Then add the following lines in your config.php file: 

  $DefaultMenuName = "MenutopMain"; 
  $groupM = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename);
  if ($pagename == $groupM . ".$DefaultMenuName") {
        $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = crypt('menupass');
        $DefaultPasswords['attr'] = crypt('menupass');
  • Make appropriate changes to the default password "menupass".

V Krishn March 22, 2005, at 02:09 AM

Known Issues:
1. On Menu Wiki pages do not leave the First/Last line blank before hitting save.
2. Hover has been used, which might not show on some browers, but its only effect nothing serious.
3. The "DISCUSS PAGE" Link is experimental, and should be used carefully as it creates recursive pages.
4. Menu Wiki pages do not support internal/inline format markings eg. example for bold.
5. This skin will not work on PmWiki systems having "&action=source" disabled.
6. Presently menus with English Text only work. (should be fixed with beta22).
7. This skin would not work for all FIELDS from base FARM installation. Meaning - To use this skin, it has to be installed in each Fields individually, (working on this one).


Notebook2Skin_2.0.1.zipΔ (most recent) (83.3 kb)

Browser Compatibility

  • Tested on FIREFOX (9.3+) and Konqueror (3.2+)
  • On IE(different versions) and different browsers feedbacks would be great :).

Ver. 2.0.0

  • February 19, 2005
Initial Release

Ver. 2.0.1

  • February 21, 2005
Cleaned code.
Updated Default Menu.
Added more icons.

Comments / User Feedback

  • Please add your comment below:
  • Could it be possible to see a live demo on your site, with the protection activated? Thanks ~JCG
    • Sure :-), Demo -> Notebook2Skin
      • Try editing any page(existent or not) with name "{Group} . MenutopMain" and you get password box. All other pages are free from any passwords.
      • I have used the same last version and a plain vanilla install with security code given on this page.
  • I like the idea of a simple skin for using PmWiki as notebook. But when I click on a link the menu "crashes". Ie: runtime-error, firefox: menu doesn't work the next time ("O Main.HomePage >>" without icons and submenus). Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
    • Now i've found the problem by myself: $EnablePathInfo mustn't set to 1.
    • Sorry I was busy with some other project. I have uploaded the latest version of notebook2 at The interface has been modified after suggestions from my friends to be more user friendly. This version is a stable version and can be used for productive use.
    • I have also enabled $EnablePathInfo = 1 in config.php file on this demo setup. PLEASE read /phpmenu/problems.txt to see the related issues.
    • Due to javascript related security issues I have not uploaded here.
      • Hope it would be useful.
    • Any feedback would be appreciated.
    Thanks. V Krishn April 30, 2005, at 02:45 PMV.Krishn


  • ~ V.Krishn