Filed in: Skins.Green · Modified on : Thu, 23 Dec 21
Grease < Skins > IPMWiki (talk? | users | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)
The skin is XHTML 1.0 transitional and uses CSS 2 rules, has no tables in the layout.
Document metrics (widths, lengths and spacings) are font-size relative, the user can increase the default font size of the page (using their browser) without compromising its layout.
For PHP 5.5, 7.2 and newer please also get green-php72.phpΔ and rename it to green.php.
To add the theme to your PmWiki 2.2 installation, follow these basic steps:
= 'green';
The skin was tested with konqueror 3.5, opera 9.21 and Firefox 2.004 and looked almost the same in those browsers.
The skins were also tested in Internet explorer 7.0, 6.0 and 5.5 .
User notes +2: If you use, used or reviewed "Green", you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Skins listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.