
Summary: User notes for the TextExtract recipe.
Discussion: TextExtract-Talk
Users: +5

If you use or used the TextExtract recipe, you can add yourself in the list below. These statistics may help newcomers to select recipes for their wikis. Both (+) positive and (-) negative short comments are welcome. For longer comments or questions please use the TextExtract-Talk page.


You can edit this page and add your name.

  • (+) Helpful cookbook for searching or extracting text or code, regex allowed, lot of params gb February 01, 2010, at 09:06 AM
  • (+) Very powerful with lots of options. I use it mostly in its simplest form, just a much-improved search form. Peter Bowers February 04, 2010, at 11:08 AM
  • (+) This cookbook will be very useful to list all decisions made by our collective from the meeting reports, by recognizing the "decision:" keyword (or "^d.cision" regex because of the possible accent). I hesitated with the Excerpts cookbook, but this one seems to be more maintained. October 27th 2010. Will be used by https://www.serveurlibre.net/ (currently tested on the migration wiki).
  • (+) Very helpful, should be core functionality IMO. OliverBetz
  • (+) Great: token and case options very valuable, and displaying term in context is the minimum expected of a modern search simon September 20, 2014, at 11:22 PM
  • (+/-) Your comment here. Your name or profile link here.

PLEASE PUT YOUR ENTRY DIRECTLY *ABOVE* THE [#usersend] LINE. The format should be: asterisk, either + or - in parentheses, comment, your name or profile link For example (obviously without the at the beginning): * (+) comment-text name?


User notes for the TextExtract recipe (talk).