How do I do that neat thing with a quick link in my browser?
Look in the list of quickie browser javascripts ("bookmarklets") and see if there's one for what you want.
- Edit page in new window
- View history in new window
- Open Printable View in new window
- Edit page attributes (passwords) in new window
- View RSS for page in new window
Note: To open above links in the same window -- change "window.open" in any above to "window.location.replace". May not work in all browsers.
Alternatively use the format javascript:location.href+="?action=attr"
-- refer below for more examples.
Installation Notes
how to install bookmarklets from this page
- Depending on your browser and where you want the bookmarklet to show up, you may have to open your bookmark window
- Select the code snippet
- Drag text to the bookmark bar or to your bookmark list
- Give it a good name
- Test it on a normal wiki page view
Selecting the bookmark while viewing a PmWiki page will run the script to do the actions described above.
- This recipe was last tested on PmWiki version: -- Wiki independent -- these links work with the browser. Anything more complex should have a separate recipe.
- This recipe requires at least a browser pointing to PmWiki files
Bookmarklet Wish-List
a section to list new ones you'd like to see
Do not confuse this recipe with the Bookmarklet recipe. This recipe displays the code necessary to create a bookmarklet with your browser but does not create a link on your PMWiki page. GNUZoo 08 21 2006 12:30 CST
See Also
Bookmarklet displays a bookmarklet link on a PMWiki page.
See discussion at OtherBookmarklets-Talk