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math is a very usefull function... But is this not compatible with php8? In some cases I get: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "," in [last line] 2024-10-09 --Nitram
I think all "number_format($args[0]..." has to be "number_format(floatval($args[0])..." ?
MX returning part of page text variable name used in conditional
I'm trying to use {(math )}
and/or {(calc )}
along with PmWiki's PTVs and conditional markup, buts not working as expected. I've tried this on a fresh new wiki install with no other recipes. Here's what I'm doing:
(:X:2:) (:Y:2:) (:X4Y4:10:) (:if equal "{$:X4Y4}" "10":) EQUAL (:else:) NOT EQUAL (:ifend:) |
above returns "EQUAL" as expected, but:
(:if equal "{$:X{(math {$:X} + {$:Y})}Y4}" "10":) EQUAL (:else:) NOT EQUAL (:ifend:) |
returns "NOT EQUAL". Same with
(:if equal "{$:X{(calc '{$:X} + {$:Y}')}Y4}" "10":) EQUAL (:else:) NOT EQUAL (:ifend:) |
This may be related to the order of processing of markup rules, page text variables come before markup expressions which come before conditionals: I suspect at the time the "equal" conditional is evaluated, the first argument is the text string "{$:X4Y4}
" and not (yet) "10" which may be re-evaluated at a later point.
If you need complex calculations, it may be easier to write a custom conditional that is processed separately, see ConditionalMarkupSamples for examples; or a custom markup rule that outputs something based on other variables in the current page, see MarkupDirectiveFunctions for a quick start and Functions for PageTextVar(). --Petko
Talk page for the MarkupExpressionSamples recipe (users?).