Questions answered by this recipe
Ever wanted to view your wiki page in the world's most popular word processor, Microsoft (tm) Word? This recipe retrieves just the page text from a PmWiki page, and sends it to a viewer's browser as an MS Word attachment. This has been known to work in MS Word 2003 (please update for other working versions).
This recipe sends the page text as a MS Word document.
- Download the Attach:HandleMSWord.phpΔ code.
- Place in
or wherever.$FarmD
/cookbook/ - Add
to your site's configuration$FarmD
/cookbook/HandleMSWord.php"); - You may want to update your
. The action is 'msword', or "?action=msword".
When Word views the page, CSS classes remain intact (e.g. p.question). This allows you to modify the style for the page in Word.
I strip out all hyperlinks. I will later add in code to make this optional behavior.
Release Notes
0.5 - April 25, 2007 Initial Release. BenWilson April 25, 2007, at 02:19 PM
See Also
See discussion at HandleMSWord-Talk
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