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PHP 5.5 is supported
PHP 5.5 is natively well supported, just remember to use ASCII math syntax, see:
No mods or changes are required. For example the correct code for JVampouille case is:
{$vec (AB) $}
Profiles.MassimilianoVessi 2015-12-16
syntax not recognized It seems that some syntaxs are not recognized.
for exemple: {$\overrightarrow{AB}$}
The syntax seems not to be correctly converted by the Markup_e. I need to have a correct conversion to type: {$$$\overrightarrow{AB}$$$}
Jvamp January 25, 2016, at 01:28 AM 14, december 2015
Preg e flag fix
Use this line:
Markup_e('{$', '>[=', '/\\{\\$(.*?)\\$\\}/', "Keep('`'.\$m[1].'`')");
Instead of the markup line in the .php file.
David Pilling 9th October 2016