
Summary: how to display 360° panoramic images
Version: 2014-08-25
Prerequisites: Requires at least PmWiki version: 2, the applet.phpΔ script from the Applet related recipe and a ptviewer.jar applet; last tested on PmWiki version: 2.0.12
Status: Stable
Maintainer: Dfaure
Categories: Images PHP55


How can I display 360° panoramic images in PmWiki pages?


The ptviewer.phpΔ script provides a (:ptviewer:) markup to handle this, with the help from the PTViewer applet.


Proceed to installation steps as usual for cookbook recipe scripts.

PTViewer Applet Installation

Get one of the PTViewer applet available on several sites and put the related archive into pub/applets subdirectory.

At the recipe initial release time, the following applets were available:

2.5, 3.1.2
2.7L2, 2.8 beta6

Markup usage

Once installed, the following markup is available:

(:ptviewer <panoramic_image.jpg> <parameters...> :)

with the parameters:

The JPEG panoramic image file to display (required).
The parameter follows the image/intermap/url link wiki conventions. You may refer to Uploads for more details.
width=..., height=...
The applet geometry (required).
An optional caption text.

All other supplied parameters are forwarded to the PTViewer applet. Please refer to the applet documentation for further details.




Update for PHP 5.5 compatibility
Initial release

See Also

  • Applet
  • Maxi can display panoramic images.
  • Here is a tutorial on how to install and use PTViewer


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