
Summary: Integrate bibtex bibliography into PmWiki site, display, manipulate and easily cite references
Version: 2004/12/23
Discussion: BibtexRef-Talk
Categories: Layout Publishing

Update(2013/01/10): Bibtexref source is now maintained on If you wish to provide enhancement, you can do so by forking on github and sending us a pull request.


Integrate your bibtex bibliography into your PmWiki site, display, manipulate and easily cite your references.


This little script allows you to display your bibtex bibliography into PmWiki in a convenient way and to put references to it. It introduces new markups and works directly over .bib files.

Comments, suggestions should go to Alexandre [period] Courbot [snail] lifl [period] fr or Yann [period] Hodique [snail] lifl [period] fr.

You can see an example usage of this script at It demonstrates the query feature.


Get the source package and untar it inside your cookbook/ directory. You should have the following hierarchy:


Then add

  include 'cookbook/bibtexref/bibtexref3.php';

to your config.php.

Alternatively, you could use one of the newer, modified versions posted in the Comments section below. It is not required to install the script in its own "bibtexref" directory.

You should also set the $BibtexBibDir variable to the location of your bibtex files. By default, the location would be the upload directory for the current page, which is probably not what you want.

Also, you should upload a pdf.gif image file for displaying links to pdfs.

New actions

This script introduces a new PmWiki action: bibentry, which is used to display a bibtex entry on one page. It requires two additional parameters, bibfile (the file name to take the bibtex entry from) and bibref (the reference of the entry to display).

PmWiki tags

To make bibliographical references, you must first upload a few .bib files, either using PmWiki upload facility, or by copying them to uploads/Group/. Bibliography files are only usable within the group they are uploaded from.

Citations are made with the tags {[...]} with the form: {[bibfile.bib,reference]}. They will expand to a clickable [reference] that will automatically direct you to the whole bibtex entry.

You can also cite the entry summary using


Or you can quote the complete bibtex entry with


These first tags correspond to my immediate needs, but I'm going to code something different and more generic later.

You can also make bibtex queries, using the following syntax:

 bibtexquery:[bibfile.bib],[select rule][sort rule][limit rule]

"select rule", "sort rule" and "limit rule" are directly PHP code. An example is much better than any explanation here:

 bibtexquery:[bibfile.bib][$this->get('YEAR') == '2004'][!$this->get('PUBDATE')][5]

gets the first five articles from 2004, sorted on publication date.

 bibtexquery:[bibfile.bib][strpos($this->get('AUTHOR'),'John Doe')!==FALSE][!$this->get('PUBDATE')][100]  

Get the articles with 'John Doe' in the author list. A simular construct can also be used to search for words in the titel, abstract, etc. The '!==FALSE' construct is necessary because 'strpos' will return 0 when the field begins with your keyword.



This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.


See discussion at BibtexRef-Talk

User notes : If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.