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Qnotes - general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki
Summary: Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki)
Version: 2.2.5-20190104
Prerequisites: See Below
Status: Stable / Active
Discussion: Qnotes-Talk
Qnotes (A simple short-notes application)
Qnotes-sample1 | Qnotes-sample2(link test) | Qnotes-sample3(App Usage) | Qnotes-sample4(App Usage - Section Edit) | Qnotes-sample5(App Usage - Presenter) | Qnotes-sample6(App Usage - Navigator)
Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki)
Some of the potential uses of Qnotes
- Notes are editable and stored in single wikipage.
- Notes are categorised.
- Notes list can be displayed as List/DropdownMenu/Tree.
- Qnotes App can serve as base for other pmwiki based applications like
simple forum, comment box, hierarchical notes,
simple blog/microblog, wiki based logging system, inter-page messaging.
About Qnotes
Some issues QNotes addresses:
- Hierarchical notes with ajax editing capability.
- Categorized notes.
- Resolves multi-category to some extent by using linked note.
Example: /toys/balloon/red can be linked to /color/red,
thus, red belongs to two categories i.e. balloon and color. - Tree representation of the notes.
- A base for online dynamic storage of structured data(text) using wiki.
- A base for applications which has an internal hierarchical structure, like forum, blogs..etc.
Release notes
See also
- Please see links at the beginning of this page. see above
Screenshots (v2.2.3+)
Notes Manager
See demo at - - Sample3(App Usage)
Notes Navigator
See demo at - - Sample6(App Usage - Navigator)
Requirements | ||
Package/Apps | Minimum | Last test |
Php | 4 >= 4.3.0 | 5.2+ |
PmWiki | 2.2.4+ | 2.2.4+ |
Jscm(optional) | 2.2.1 | 2.2.1 |
Phplm(optional) | 2.2.3 | 2.2.3 |
January 04, 2019 =================== QNotes version 2.2.5 --------------------- -- Minor fix in variable name. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. December 23, 2018 =================== QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-4 ---------------------------- -- Minor fix in editform height. -- Minor fix with paragraph mark after h3. -- Handle span.text and span.text span in qnotelist. -- Fix bug in formatted text nodefmt[6/7/8]. -- Minor fix templates in wikilib.d/text. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. December 15, 2018 =================== QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-3 ---------------------------- -- Make compatible with php 5.5x. -- Improve login via qnote. -- Update progressbar for behaviour presenter. -- Update goto-input for behaviour presenter. -- Updated QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Updated templates in wikilib.d/text. -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. -- Cleaned code. April 20, 2014 =================== QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-2 ---------------------------- -- Add progressbar for behaviour presenter. -- Add goto-input for behaviour presenter. -- Add default clickopen=1 for menus in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. April 20, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-1 ---------------------------- -- Add option wrap= to Qnotes-list. -- Add option prefix= to Qnotes-import. -- Add option loglevel= to Qnotes-import. -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. March 30, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4 --------------------- -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. March 20, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-8 ---------------------------- -- Add createpage directive. See scripts/qnotes.createpage.php. -- Improved qnote post, use stripmagic, token. -- Improved import. -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. March 12, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-7 ---------------------------- -- Add import directive. See scripts/qnotes.import.php. -- Add qnote skins. See skins/qnote/README. -- Add login via qnote. -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. March 04, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-6 ---------------------------- -- Minor bug fixes. -- Updated QNotes.Docs. February 28, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-5 ---------------------------- -- Edit form height fix. -- Enhanced directive 'qnotes list'. -- Directive 'qnotes list' can be called multiple times with various fmt. -- Add basic qnotes list filter, add ListDateFmt. -- Changes updated in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Added 'isBatchUpdate' for importing into Qnotes-datapage. -- Add method QnotesRefresh. -- Minor bug fixes. February 15, 2013 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-4 ---------------------------- -- Add QnotesReady for initializing apps for qnotes. -- Add clicksInit, mousedownsInit array for events. -- Enhanced Qnotes.List, expand active list with Navigator btn click. -- Add QnotesLinks to open any Qnote from any Qnote data page. -- Opened qnote from QnotesLinks can be edited. -- Fix Qnote.View on browser resize. -- Fix edit form size. -- Qnote can be deleted in similar to deleting PmWiki pages. -- Add list type=2|3|4|5|6|7 to directive (:qnotes id list ... type=?:). -- Cleaned code. December 23, 2012 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-3 ---------------------------- -- Updated QNotes.Docs -- Fixed minor bug in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Fixed css bug for multiple 'includes'. -- Enhanced and removed behaviour 'slidy' to 'presenter'. -- Changes related to 'presenter' in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Rewrite/improved behaviour 'card'. -- Rewrite/improved 'sectionedit'. October 16, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-2 ---------------------------- -- Add 'repeat' button in slidy. -- Changes related to 'repeat' in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Added (:qnotes include.... :), see scripts/qnotes.include.php. -- Improved 'slidy' behaviour. -- Fixed minor bugs. -- Updated QNotes.Docs September 16, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-1 ---------------------------- -- Improved 'card' behaviour. -- Improved 'slidy' behaviour. -- Improved 'sectionedit' behaviour. -- Updated sample config files in local folder. -- Fixed minor bugs. July 10, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.3 --------------------- -- Improved 'slidy' behaviour. -- Added new behaviour 'navigator'. -- Changes related to 'slidy' and 'navigator' in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Fixed minor bugs. -- Code clean. -- Documentation. July 05, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.3-beta-2 ---------------------------- -- Added template for 'sectionedit'. -- Added new behaviour 'slidy'. -- Minor changes in QNotes.AppDataSetting. June 26, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.3-beta-1 ---------------------------- -- Improved Notes manager. -- Minor changes in QNotes.AppDataSetting. -- Add highlight for active node in tree menu. -- Added option 'isAllowDirectivesInText'. -- Added new behaviour 'sectionedit'. -- Added option 'isNewPostAtEnd'. -- Cleaned code. June 07, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.2 --------------------- -- Improved link code. -- Added option fetchMode 'async' to qnotes list. -- Added option editButton 'jscm' to qnotes editform. -- Added qnotesDisplayMethod 'single'. -- Ability to call tree list from any other page and edit/save notes. -- Added property 'nodefmt' to qnote lists. -- Improved card behaviour. -- Added menu option 'New'. -- Extended category/notes properties, eg create/update timestamp. -- Added isResolveLinkOnPageLoad - To allow/disallow links resolving on page load. -- Added QNotes.HomePage - usage application -- Change in QNotes.AppDataSetting to add links and form elements. -- Documentation. May 23, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.2-beta-3 ---------------------------- -- Change in qnotes storage format for better compatibility with other recipes. -- Upgrade script available. -- Toggle for comment. -- Handle(with messages) links to note that does not exist. -- Added link icon for links in qnotes an phplm tree. -- Improved card behaviour. -- Fixed edit and refresh request with Latin characters in Opera. -- Fixed textarea not getting populated in Konqueror. -- Cleaned code. May 19, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.2-beta-2 ---------------------------- -- Fixed links recursion. -- Fixed minor bugs. -- Added menu item View->Comment -- Improved European character support in none-UTF mode. -- Minor change in QNotes.AppDataSetting -- Cleaned code. May 07, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.2-beta-1 ---------------------------- -- Improved card behaviour. -- Added ability to create link qnotes. -- Change in QNotes.AppDataSetting to add link related form elements. -- Improved European character support for pmwiki in UTF mode. -- Minor bug fix. -- Cleaned code. April 28, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.1 --------------------- -- Handle better notes refresh. -- Category/Title/Text allows other european language support. -- Minor bug fix. -- Cleaned code. April 24, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.0 --------------------- -- Improved card behaviour. -- Better ajax post/error handling. -- Documentation. -- Cleaned code. April 22, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.0-beta-3 --------------------------- -- Improved card behaviour. -- Changed category format to text. -- Updated DOMAssistant version to 2.8. -- Change in qnotes format. -- Notes are ajax editable. -- Cleaned code. April 17, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.0-beta-2 --------------------------- -- Changed attribute 'category' to 'title' in qnotes divs. -- Fixed characters appearing backslashed. -- Added title for links in lists. -- Added behaviour card. -- Cleaned code. April 15, 2010 =================== QNotes version 2.2.0 --------------------- -- Initial release
- V.Krishn
See discussion at Qnotes-Talk
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