Qnotes - general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki

Summary: Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki)
Version: 2.2.5-20190104
Prerequisites: See Below
Status: Stable / Active
Categories: Application Notes PHP55
Users: (View / Edit)
Discussion: Qnotes-Talk

Qnotes (A simple short-notes application)

Qnotes-sample1 | Qnotes-sample2(link test) | Qnotes-sample3(App Usage) | Qnotes-sample4(App Usage - Section Edit) | Qnotes-sample5(App Usage - Presenter) | Qnotes-sample6(App Usage - Navigator)


Qnotes (general purpose short-notes application build on PmWiki)


Some of the potential uses of Qnotes

  1. Notes are editable and stored in single wikipage.
  2. Notes are categorised.
  3. Notes list can be displayed as List/DropdownMenu/Tree.
  4. Qnotes App can serve as base for other pmwiki based applications like
    simple forum, comment box, hierarchical notes,
    simple blog/microblog, wiki based logging system, inter-page messaging.

About Qnotes

Some issues QNotes addresses:

  1. Hierarchical notes with ajax editing capability.
  2. Categorized notes.
  3. Resolves multi-category to some extent by using linked note.
    Example: /toys/balloon/red can be linked to /color/red,
    thus, red belongs to two categories i.e. balloon and color.
  4. Tree representation of the notes.
  5. A base for online dynamic storage of structured data(text) using wiki.
  6. A base for applications which has an internal hierarchical structure, like forum, blogs..etc.

Release notes

If the recipe has multiple releases, then release notes can be placed here. Note that it's often easier for people to work with "release dates" instead of "version numbers".

See also



  • Please see links at the beginning of this page. see above

Screenshots (v2.2.3+)

Notes Manager
Notes Navigator

Package/AppsMinimumLast test
Php4 >=


Qnotes help/docs



January 04, 2019
QNotes version 2.2.5
 -- Minor fix in variable name.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

December 23, 2018
QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-4
 -- Minor fix in editform height.
 -- Minor fix with paragraph mark after h3.
 -- Handle span.text and span.text span in qnotelist.
 -- Fix bug in formatted text nodefmt[6/7/8].
 -- Minor fix templates in wikilib.d/text.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

December 15, 2018
QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-3
 -- Make compatible with php 5.5x.
 -- Improve login via qnote.
 -- Update progressbar for behaviour presenter.
 -- Update goto-input for behaviour presenter.
 -- Updated QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Updated templates in wikilib.d/text.
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.
 -- Cleaned code.

April 20, 2014
QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-2
 -- Add progressbar for behaviour presenter.
 -- Add goto-input for behaviour presenter.
 -- Add default clickopen=1 for menus in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

April 20, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.5-beta-1
 -- Add option wrap= to Qnotes-list.
 -- Add option prefix= to Qnotes-import.
 -- Add option loglevel= to Qnotes-import.
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

March 30, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.4
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

March 20, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-8
 -- Add createpage directive. See scripts/qnotes.createpage.php.
 -- Improved qnote post, use stripmagic, token.
 -- Improved import.
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

March 12, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-7
 -- Add import directive. See scripts/qnotes.import.php.
 -- Add qnote skins. See skins/qnote/README.
 -- Add login via qnote.
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

March 04, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-6
 -- Minor bug fixes.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs.

February 28, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-5
 -- Edit form height fix.
 -- Enhanced directive 'qnotes list'.
 -- Directive 'qnotes list' can be called multiple times with various fmt.
 -- Add basic qnotes list filter, add ListDateFmt.
 -- Changes updated in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Added 'isBatchUpdate' for importing into Qnotes-datapage.
 -- Add method QnotesRefresh.
 -- Minor bug fixes.

February 15, 2013
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-4
  -- Add QnotesReady for initializing apps for qnotes.
  -- Add clicksInit, mousedownsInit array for events.
  -- Enhanced Qnotes.List, expand active list with Navigator btn click.
  -- Add QnotesLinks to open any Qnote from any Qnote data page.
  -- Opened qnote from QnotesLinks can be edited.
  -- Fix Qnote.View on browser resize.
  -- Fix edit form size.
  -- Qnote can be deleted in similar to deleting PmWiki pages.
  -- Add list type=2|3|4|5|6|7 to directive (:qnotes id list ... type=?:).
  -- Cleaned code.

December 23, 2012
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-3
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs
 -- Fixed minor bug in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Fixed css bug for multiple 'includes'.
 -- Enhanced and removed behaviour 'slidy' to 'presenter'.
 -- Changes related to 'presenter' in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Rewrite/improved behaviour 'card'.
 -- Rewrite/improved 'sectionedit'.

October 16, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-2
 -- Add 'repeat' button in slidy.
 -- Changes related to 'repeat' in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Added (:qnotes include.... :), see scripts/qnotes.include.php.
 -- Improved 'slidy' behaviour.
 -- Fixed minor bugs.
 -- Updated QNotes.Docs

September 16, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.4-beta-1
 -- Improved 'card' behaviour.
 -- Improved 'slidy' behaviour.
 -- Improved 'sectionedit' behaviour.
 -- Updated sample config files in local folder.
 -- Fixed minor bugs.

July 10, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.3
 -- Improved 'slidy' behaviour.
 -- Added new behaviour 'navigator'.
 -- Changes related to 'slidy' and 'navigator' in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Fixed minor bugs.
 -- Code clean.
 -- Documentation.

July 05, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.3-beta-2
 -- Added template for 'sectionedit'.
 -- Added new behaviour 'slidy'.
 -- Minor changes in QNotes.AppDataSetting.

June 26, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.3-beta-1
 -- Improved Notes manager.
 -- Minor changes in QNotes.AppDataSetting.
 -- Add highlight for active node in tree menu.
 -- Added option 'isAllowDirectivesInText'.
 -- Added new behaviour 'sectionedit'.
 -- Added option 'isNewPostAtEnd'.
 -- Cleaned code.

June 07, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.2
 -- Improved link code.
 -- Added option fetchMode 'async' to qnotes list.
 -- Added option editButton 'jscm' to qnotes editform.
 -- Added qnotesDisplayMethod 'single'.
 -- Ability to call tree list from any other page and edit/save notes.
 -- Added property 'nodefmt' to qnote lists.
 -- Improved card behaviour.
 -- Added menu option 'New'.
 -- Extended category/notes properties, eg create/update timestamp.
 -- Added isResolveLinkOnPageLoad - To allow/disallow links resolving on page load.
 -- Added QNotes.HomePage - usage application
 -- Change in QNotes.AppDataSetting to add links and form elements.
 -- Documentation.

May 23, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.2-beta-3
 -- Change in qnotes storage format for better compatibility with other recipes.
 -- Upgrade script available.
 -- Toggle for comment.
 -- Handle(with messages) links to note that does not exist.
 -- Added link icon for links in qnotes an phplm tree.
 -- Improved card behaviour.
 -- Fixed edit and refresh request with Latin characters in Opera.
 -- Fixed textarea not getting populated in Konqueror.
 -- Cleaned code.

May 19, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.2-beta-2
 -- Fixed links recursion.
 -- Fixed minor bugs.
 -- Added menu item View->Comment
 -- Improved European character support in none-UTF mode.
 -- Minor change in QNotes.AppDataSetting
 -- Cleaned code.

May 07, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.2-beta-1
 -- Improved card behaviour.
 -- Added ability to create link qnotes.
 -- Change in QNotes.AppDataSetting to add link related form elements.
 -- Improved European character support for pmwiki in UTF mode.
 -- Minor bug fix.
 -- Cleaned code.

April 28, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.1
 -- Handle better notes refresh.
 -- Category/Title/Text allows other european language support.
 -- Minor bug fix.
 -- Cleaned code.

April 24, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.0
 -- Improved card behaviour.
 -- Better ajax post/error handling.
 -- Documentation.
 -- Cleaned code.

April 22, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.0-beta-3
 -- Improved card behaviour.
 -- Changed category format to text.
 -- Updated DOMAssistant version to 2.8.
 -- Change in qnotes format.
 -- Notes are ajax editable.
 -- Cleaned code.

April 17, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.0-beta-2
 -- Changed attribute 'category' to 'title' in qnotes divs.
 -- Fixed characters appearing backslashed.
 -- Added title for links in lists.
 -- Added behaviour card.
 -- Cleaned code.

April 15, 2010
QNotes version 2.2.0
 -- Initial release


  • V.Krishn


This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date (eg 2007-05-19) along with your comment. Optional alternative: create a new page with a name like "ThisRecipe-Talk" (e.g. PmCalendar-Talk).

See discussion at Qnotes-Talk

User notes : If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.