
Summary: User notes for the Phplm (Phplayersmenu based dropdown/tree menu) recipe.
Discussion: Phplm-Talk

If you use or used the Phplm (Phplayersmenu based dropdown/tree menu) recipe, you can add yourself in the list below. These statistics may help newcomers to select recipes for their wikis. Both (+) positive and (-) negative short comments are welcome. For longer comments or questions please use the Phplm-Talk page.


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(-) Buried deep in the documentation, accessible only after you download and unzip, and choose to read problems.txt is the fact that this requires php 4.3.0 and >. Main cookbook page shows that this was tested with php 5.2+. I believe the current download of code to be incompatible with all php 5 versions because of the known deprecated ereg ==> preg issue. There may be code that runs under php 5, but as of my testing 10 March 2012, this is not it. Maybe it runs with both php 4 and php 5 installed, but that's not a fix, that's a bodge. At the same time, what I learned about it while trying to install it makes me really want to run this menu. -maxnort

Please useΔ for a quick fix. Untar and replace the php file in phplm/lib dir.
VKrishn March 10, 2012, at 12:54 PM

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