Cookbook /
(redirected from Cookbook.EZLocaleTime)
Summary: make displaying the date and/or time with a non-English language inside the wiki easy
Version: 1.4
Prerequisites: none
Status: Working
Discussion: EZLocaleDate-Talk?
Categories: Markup
Downloads: EZLocaleDate.phpΔ
Questions answered by this recipe
- How do I display the date or time with a non-English language in a wiki page using wiki code?
- How do I display the date or time with a non-English language in a specific format in a wiki page?
Display date or time with a non-English language in a wiki page.
This is easier than using MoreCustomPageVariables.
Syntax is easy. Use the form of page code like this:
(:ezlocaledate formatting string:)
(:ezlocaletime formatting string:)
Default formatting code:
Todays date is
. The current time is (:ezlocaletime:)
will display like this:
Todays date is April 2, 2007. The current time is 5:04:56.
Formatted code:
(:ezlocaledate "M j, Y h:i:s a":)
will display like this:
Mar 30, 2007 11:55:01 pm
Note: ezlocaledate can display time and ezlocaletime can display the date!
Date formatting information is available at url
Copy EZLocaleDate.phpΔ to your cookbook directory
In your config.php enter:
or in your farmconfig.php enter:
Release Notes
- Version: 1.2 - Initial Release
See Also
See discussion at EZLocaleDate-Talk?
User notes? : If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.