
Summary: slideshowRefresh creates a "slideshow" by using the 'Refresh' meta tag, coupled with pagelist in order to automatically load one-page-after-another on a wiki, at an interval specified by the visitor.
Version: 2009-09-03
Maintainer: overtones99
Categories: Browsing Gallery

Questions answered by this recipe

  • is it possible to automatically load random pages from a group on my wiki every NN-seconds?
  • is it possible to create a "slideshow" of sorts that automatically loads one-page-after-another within a group on my wiki every NN-seconds?


slideshowRefresh creates a "slideshow" by using the 'Refresh' meta tag, coupled with pagelist in order to automatically load one-page-after-another on a wiki, at an interval specified by the visitor..


slideshowRefresh.phpΔ is activated when the 'slideshow' action is called, and has the following urlfmt as it's foundation:


Appending this to your URL will advance the browser to the next page within the current group every nn-seconds. The underlying code is using the 'Refresh' meta-tag, but it's basically redirecting to another page each time, rather than remaining on the same page. (This recipe is based on the code for AutomaticPageRefresh.)

The recipe also accepts the additional query '&anchor=myAnchor', which will land the viewer at #myAnchor on each subsequently loaded page.

Finally, several pagelist parameters are available: &group=group&name=name&order=random&list=normal

An example URL:

... this example will randomly move through the pages in the group Main, meanwhile avoiding the page Blam, refreshing every 30 seconds, and always looking for and landing on the #midPage anchor.

Release notes

See also

This recipe is based on AuotmaticPageRefresh



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FidelioEspoir, 11/11/2015 : Parameter wait=nn
Is it possible to wait= until the mouse click ? how ? Thanks very very much !!!!

FidelioEspoir, 11/11/2015 : Parameter pagelist : trail
Is it possible to use "trail=Group.NameIndex ? Thanks

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